Trump Trump logic?


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2017
Or lack thereof! He said that his legacy border wall "which is desperately needed for our national defense..."

Trump signs spending bill despite earlier veto threat

Where does he get "national defense from?" He is talking about a wall for the southern border is he not? Which enemy has entered the country through Mexico? The last bunch, the 9/11 terrorists, came in through Canada. Would not logic dictate a Canadian wall rather than a southern wall?

And, at his campaign rallies he screamed over and over that Mexico was going to pay for his wall. Wouldn't logic dictate that the wall not be built until Mexico pays for it. And, they have said over and over that they will not fund Trump's wall. I thought Trump had an education. Well, he seems to know so little about the world, one must think his education came from Trump U. Sad, so sad.
Trump and logic are two words that do NOT belong in the same sentence!
An oxymoron if there ever was one.
depends on ones definition of logic....I didn't see a lot of logic coming from the last president or the last three presidents for that matter...Trump is a breath of fresh air and is just what the nation needed after the Obama quagmire...

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