Trump knew of whistleblower complaint when he released military aid!

I want nothing! No quid pro quo. Now you make sure Zelensky knows that if he doesn't announce the investigations, he gets no White House visit. And I've told Rudy to let them know no military aid, either, without those investigations.

But I want nothing!
Of course he did.

Comrade Donald also had a legal deadline rapidly approaching. If he let the end of September come and go without releasing the aid, he would have been in open violation of the law.
A small price to pay for Jared's middle east peace in which our miltarism occupies the middle east to infinity.
The actions of the White House surrounding the hold on aid make it obvious they went into full damage control immediately. This was more than just a phone call. Trump made an obscene number of people incriminate themselves in an effort to save him from himself. How many other times did cabinet officials have to choose between loyalty and legal?
The actions of the White House surrounding the hold on aid make it obvious they went into full damage control immediately. This was more than just a phone call. Trump made an obscene number of people incriminate themselves in an effort to save him from himself. How many other times did cabinet officials have to choose between loyalty and legal?
Going forward, I don't see how anyone with more than two brain cells could be loyal to Trump after observing how he throws subordinates under the bus to save himself.

Loyalty is a two-way street. A simple rule of life Trump has never learned.
When you look at the number of people who have been indicted, jailed, fired or forced to resign in disgrace, you'd have to be pretty stupid to accept a job offer from Donald Trump these days.

It's amazing how many crooks Trump has had working for him.

Joe Biden already knew of the abuse of power he was committing when he demanded that prosecutor be fired to stop investigations around his son!

If if the investigation into Berisma was active, the corruption they were investigating was at least two years prior to Hunter being offered a seat on the board.
Going down swinging....
Trump learned that from Roy Cohn. He also learned the art of the smear from Roy Cohn.

Cohn was Joseph McCarthy's right-hand man, so he knew a thing or two about how to smear innocent people and make up wild hoaxes.

Eventually, though, the American people catch on. And that is one thing Trump has NOT learned.

"Have you no sense of decency, sir? At long last, have you left no sense of decency?"
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I never said I was for impeaching his crooked fat ass. Imo the House should have just held their hearings and censured him. And he did hold up aid for his personal benefit.

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