Trump is playing with fire...He better not mishandle this “caravan” issue.


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2016
If he pusses out and doesn’t deal with this aggressively enough I can see staunch Trump supporters getting real pissed off and maybe staying home in early November.
Hammer down Mr Trump....stop this bullshit by any means the right thing for the right people.

The Trump caravan is the only threat to America.

The Trump caravan is the only threat to America.
That's right whitewash Nazism like a good little liberal....the more you refer to Trump supporters as Nazis the longer he and we will be in power....glad you don't get it....
If he pusses out and doesn’t deal with this aggressively enough I can see staunch Trump supporters getting real pissed off and maybe staying home in early November.
Hammer down Mr Trump....stop this bullshit by any means the right thing for the right people.
/----/ And your solution is to roll over and play dead, welcome them in, sign them up for welfare and register them as Democrats.
I don't think the bulk of the caravan will make it to the border before the mid-terms.

Tear gas, water cannons, and rubber bullets hopefully will do the trick when most arrive.
The military isn't going to be able to stop immigrants. All they will be able to do is be in a support role
Not true...if Obama were still president yes but not with Trump in charge...the Border patrol said the military will be able to guard points of access so they can stop the caravan before they reach our more catch and release by order of the you will have to get votes some place else sailor boy....
The military isn't going to be able to stop immigrants. All they will be able to do is be in a support role
Not true...if Obama were still president yes but not with Trump in charge...the Border patrol said the military will be able to guard points of access so they can stop the caravan before they reach our more catch and release by order of the you will have to get votes some place else....

It's a violation of the Posse Comitatus Act to use the military as law enforcement. There are very few exceptions, and they are 1) the government can deploy them at the request of the state's governor or legislature, 2) in the case of recovering nuclear weapons and material, and 3) in the case of recovering chemical and biological weapons.

Other than that? All they can do is serve in a support role. According to some news articles, they are going to be building detention centers and won't be coming into contact with the immigrants.
If he pusses out and doesn’t deal with this aggressively enough I can see staunch Trump supporters getting real pissed off and maybe staying home in early November.
Hammer down Mr Trump....stop this bullshit by any means the right thing for the right people.
No....their love and adoration is everlasting no matter what.
If he pusses out and doesn’t deal with this aggressively enough I can see staunch Trump supporters getting real pissed off and maybe staying home in early November.
Hammer down Mr Trump....stop this bullshit by any means the right thing for the right people.
There were similar caravans in the Bible. Have a little empathy and love for your fellow man.
The military isn't going to be able to stop immigrants. All they will be able to do is be in a support role
Not true...if Obama were still president yes but not with Trump in charge...the Border patrol said the military will be able to guard points of access so they can stop the caravan before they reach our more catch and release by order of the you will have to get votes some place else sailor boy.... what happens the first time one of these invaders injures a US soldier by throwing rocks or bottles.
I half expect the illegals, once they are initially repelled to burn tires like Palestinians along with some being armed and live firing at us.
The latter will be a big mistake on their part.

Time to make a stand. The only way our do little Congress will get off their lazy asses and pass effective immigration law.
If he pusses out and doesn’t deal with this aggressively enough I can see staunch Trump supporters getting real pissed off and maybe staying home in early November.
Hammer down Mr Trump....stop this bullshit by any means the right thing for the right people.
There were similar caravans in the Bible. Have a little empathy and love for your fellow man.

Different times bud...Caveman used to impregnate their own daughters like it was okay as well. What now?

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