Trump is a CHAMPION of womens rights


Diamond Member
Sep 27, 2012
Here comes trump. Mandated sexual harassment is inevitable. INEVITABLE I TELL YA
Seems like more women have come out this year than the last 10 combined.
I think fake news hurting the stock market, hurts women more than trump.
Ladies, you owe him an apology and a thank you :thup:
Trump is quite the ladies man

Why should he worry about what they say about him?
The only thing women owe to Trump is a swift kick in the balls. Maybe then he’ll think twice about grabbing them by the pussy.
What if he is a sadist and it makes him grab their pussy again? THINK
I wish i could mac like trump
Here comes trump. Mandated sexual harassment is inevitable. INEVITABLE I TELL YA
Seems like more women have come out this year than the last 10 combined.
I think fake news hurting the stock market, hurts women more than trump.
Ladies, you owe him an apology and a thank you :thup:


Remember ye are the party for Kiddy Fuckers and NAZIs....

Never thought Kiddy Fuckers and NAZIs could live in the same party...
Here comes trump. Mandated sexual harassment is inevitable. INEVITABLE I TELL YA
Seems like more women have come out this year than the last 10 combined.
I think fake news hurting the stock market, hurts women more than trump.
Ladies, you owe him an apology and a thank you :thup:


Remember ye are the party for Kiddy Fuckers and NAZIs....

Never thought Kiddy Fuckers and NAZIs could live in the same party...
Im not in that party. Nor do i support Moore or racists.
But thanks for your tunnel vision, asshole.
Didn't we just see a campaign by democrats to intimidate states into placing real women in jeopardy by opening the ladies room to confused men? How about causing mental anguish to young girls by forcing them to share locker rooms and showers with confused boys? Clearly the modern left cares more about fake women than real women. Who benefits most from abortion? It isn't the woman who may end up with symptoms to PTSD for the rest of her life and risks medical conditions. Liberal men benefit from abortion because their future responsibilities are erased at the stroke of a scalpel. Didn't we see Barry Hussein smooching it up with Harv Weinstein and SNL smarmy writer turned senator turn in his resignation? How about Hillary's husband? The Clinton's blamed "the vast right wing conspiracy for Bill's DNA on the pizza delivery girl's dress and they got away with it because of the left's relationship with the media.
Here comes trump. Mandated sexual harassment is inevitable. INEVITABLE I TELL YA
Seems like more women have come out this year than the last 10 combined.
I think fake news hurting the stock market, hurts women more than trump.
Ladies, you owe him an apology and a thank you :thup:


Remember ye are the party for Kiddy Fuckers and NAZIs....

Never thought Kiddy Fuckers and NAZIs could live in the same party...
Im not in that party. Nor do i support Moore or racists.
But thanks for your tunnel vision, asshole.

Trump has a lot of time for the NAZI's, some of them are good people.....

Trump, friend of the NAZI.
Here comes trump. Mandated sexual harassment is inevitable. INEVITABLE I TELL YA
Seems like more women have come out this year than the last 10 combined.
I think fake news hurting the stock market, hurts women more than trump.
Ladies, you owe him an apology and a thank you :thup:


Remember ye are the party for Kiddy Fuckers and NAZIs....

Never thought Kiddy Fuckers and NAZIs could live in the same party...
Im not in that party. Nor do i support Moore or racists.
But thanks for your tunnel vision, asshole.

Trump has a lot of time for the NAZI's, some of them are good people.....

Trump, friend of the NAZI.
I wish i could mac like trump
They didn't make the lighting agree with the background image when they used photoshop on that. I would have searched for an image of Trump with less contrast.
Here comes trump. Mandated sexual harassment is inevitable. INEVITABLE I TELL YA
Seems like more women have come out this year than the last 10 combined.
I think fake news hurting the stock market, hurts women more than trump.
Ladies, you owe him an apology and a thank you :thup:


Remember ye are the party for Kiddy Fuckers and NAZIs....

Never thought Kiddy Fuckers and NAZIs could live in the same party...
Im not in that party. Nor do i support Moore or racists.
But thanks for your tunnel vision, asshole.

They called your views too extreme.
Didn't we just see a campaign by democrats to intimidate states into placing real women in jeopardy by opening the ladies room to confused men? How about causing mental anguish to young girls by forcing them to share locker rooms and showers with confused boys? Clearly the modern left cares more about fake women than real women. Who benefits most from abortion? It isn't the woman who may end up with symptoms to PTSD for the rest of her life and risks medical conditions. Liberal men benefit from abortion because their future responsibilities are erased at the stroke of a scalpel. Didn't we see Barry Hussein smooching it up with Harv Weinstein and SNL smarmy writer turned senator turn in his resignation? How about Hillary's husband? The Clinton's blamed "the vast right wing conspiracy for Bill's DNA on the pizza delivery girl's dress and they got away with it because of the left's relationship with the media.

Whew, this is gonna tax the accounting department. Let's see, one at a time....
  • "democrats" [sic]
  • Restrooms and "fake women"
  • Abortion
  • "Barry Hussein"
  • "Harv Weinstein"
  • Al Franken
  • "Hillary's husband"
  • "the media"
Let's add those up.... 8 iterations of Pogo's Law of Thread Deflection at five cents per --- you owe me 40 cents.

This is like playing penny stocks. It all adds up.

I love the irony that the poster cites "avoiding responsibilities" ----------- in a thread about Rump, a creature who's never taken any responsibility for anything in his life.

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