Trump inspires buyer’s remorse


Gold Member
Mar 18, 2014
NYC and NC
An angry and bitter minority will not and cannot win the white house

What I find sadly fascinating is the fact that the anger of the blue-collar, uneducated whites who make up Trump’s base is completely misdirected. They are angry they are being displaced in our society, but they are directing the blame in the wrong direction.

The most accurate commentary I have seen on the Trump phenomenon was a letter from the Harvard Republican Club explaining why “for the first time in 128 years, we, the oldest College Republicans chapter in the nation, will not be endorsing the Republican nominee.”

Russ White: Trump inspires buyer’s remorse

... the 'buyer's remorse' after Brexit...

... should make Americans...

... think twice about voting for Trumpf.
An angry and bitter minority will not and cannot win the white house

What I find sadly fascinating is the fact that the anger of the blue-collar, uneducated whites who make up Trump’s base is completely misdirected. They are angry they are being displaced in our society, but they are directing the blame in the wrong direction.

The most accurate commentary I have seen on the Trump phenomenon was a letter from the Harvard Republican Club explaining why “for the first time in 128 years, we, the oldest College Republicans chapter in the nation, will not be endorsing the Republican nominee.”

Russ White: Trump inspires buyer’s remorse

Those voting for Trump are doing so because:

1. His Nationalism Rhetoric.

2. Their hatred for President Obama and Hillary Clinton.

3. They're retarded!

Those voting for Donald John Trump are the same people that wrote many times that President Obama lacked the experience to be President and yet they're voting for a man that never held public office.

Those voting for Donald John Trump are the same people that condemn Bill Clinton for his sexual affairs and bash Hillary Clinton for staying with him but then forgive Trump for his two divorces and having one child out of wedlock, and let not forget there are accusations of possible rape against Trump even though the one in New York is bogus.

Those voting for Trump claim Hillary will drive the economy into the tank while ignoring how many times Trump bankrupt his companies so he could pay the contractors a fraction what they were owed...

Those voting for Trump believe Trump can step over Congress while ignoring the fact even Ryan and McConnell would put him in his place!

There is no doubt those voting for Trump are just partisan whores that are voting for a man that is worst than President Obama or Bush Jr.!
An angry and bitter minority will not and cannot win the white house

What I find sadly fascinating is the fact that the anger of the blue-collar, uneducated whites who make up Trump’s base is completely misdirected. They are angry they are being displaced in our society, but they are directing the blame in the wrong direction.

The most accurate commentary I have seen on the Trump phenomenon was a letter from the Harvard Republican Club explaining why “for the first time in 128 years, we, the oldest College Republicans chapter in the nation, will not be endorsing the Republican nominee.”

Russ White: Trump inspires buyer’s remorse
Still true 15 days later.

Republican Voters Wish They'd Picked A Different Nominee

Hey Republicans, you are FUCKED! LOL
17 tools ran for the Republican presidential nomination this year. A majority of GOP voters now say that they wish they’d picked one of the 16 who weren’t Donald Trump. But they can’t decide which one!!! So even still they don’t agree Don was the best choice but still can’t pick a better choice. That’s how flawed the GOP is people!!!

Dissatisfaction with Trump within his own party. Republican voters say 54% to 35% that Donald Trump wasn’t/was the best option in this year’s pool of candidates. In June these republicans were evenly split 44-44%.

Meanwhile, a majority of Democratic voters are still satisfied with their nominee. 55% say Clinton was their party’s best option, with 37% saying she was not.

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