CDZ Trump feels he would protect Article XII of the U.S. Constitution

320 Years of History

Gold Member
Nov 1, 2015
Washington, D.C.
This is the man the GOP wants representing them and defending the Constitution of the U.S.
A story elsewhere in the Post reports on a meeting today between Donald Trump and Republican members of the U.S. Senate. The whole article is well worth reading. True to form, Trump was combative and insulting to the Senators themselves.

But here’s the most remarkable passage:

The most charitable reading would be that Trump heard the question about “Article I powers” as really asking about “rights protected by the First Amendment.” On that account, we now have insight into Trump’s constitutional views. Trump apparently is a strong defender of the procedures for the selection of the President and Vice-President by the Electoral College, which is what the Twelfth Amendment provides.

On the other hand, the more natural reading is what a lot of us suspected already: Donald Trump doesn’t know what is in the Constitution, and he doesn’t care that he doesn’t know. Article I, Article II, Article XII, Article L. Whatevs. Trump is just bluffing his way through this, hoping that enough people don’t notice or care. Because if he can get himself elected, he can exercise all the damn Article XII powers he wants.​

Hmmm...One doesn't suppose that knowing that the document says would be a little bit helpful in defending the rights, privileges and protections it promises? Do you really want someone who has only given literally a moment's thought to the Constitution having as important a say in how we apply its principles in the 21st century? Donald Trump is good at protecting one thing: his money, be it the money he's got now or the money he thinks is coming his way....Protecting the Constitution and yours and my rights under it....That's just not in wheelhouse.

I am sure Trump can hire someone to do his thinking for him...Isn't that why he got himself a lapdog governor as VP?
Trump can call on healthmatters or jimbowie for constitutional advice.
This is the man the GOP wants representing them and defending the Constitution of the U.S.
A story elsewhere in the Post reports on a meeting today between Donald Trump and Republican members of the U.S. Senate. The whole article is well worth reading. True to form, Trump was combative and insulting to the Senators themselves.

But here’s the most remarkable passage:

The most charitable reading would be that Trump heard the question about “Article I powers” as really asking about “rights protected by the First Amendment.” On that account, we now have insight into Trump’s constitutional views. Trump apparently is a strong defender of the procedures for the selection of the President and Vice-President by the Electoral College, which is what the Twelfth Amendment provides.

On the other hand, the more natural reading is what a lot of us suspected already: Donald Trump doesn’t know what is in the Constitution, and he doesn’t care that he doesn’t know. Article I, Article II, Article XII, Article L. Whatevs. Trump is just bluffing his way through this, hoping that enough people don’t notice or care. Because if he can get himself elected, he can exercise all the damn Article XII powers he wants.​
Hmmm...One doesn't suppose that knowing that the document says would be a little bit helpful in defending the rights, privileges and protections it promises? Do you really want someone who has only given literally a moment's thought to the Constitution having as important a say in how we apply its principles in the 21st century? Donald Trump is good at protecting one thing: his money, be it the money he's got now or the money he thinks is coming his way....Protecting the Constitution and yours and my rights under it....That's just not in wheelhouse.


More leftist demagoguery.
I am sure Trump can hire someone to do his thinking for him...Isn't that why he got himself a lapdog governor as VP?

Does anyone want that job? You saw how hard it was to find folks who would accept his offer of the VP-cy. It may be he can't or won't hire someone to do his thinking for him. I suspect the latter more so than the former, although it'd be better were it the former. Being the latter is a pretty clear indication of is certainty in his own sense of omniscience, and we have literally hundreds of examples that Trump is not omni sentient...not even close.
Lets be honest how many politicians actually know the constitution inside and out? If in fact they did, why don't they respect and follow what is written? Why is it Obama isn't required to follow the constitution, because he's a minority?
Lets be honest how many politicians actually know the constitution inside and out? If in fact they did, why don't they respect and follow what is written? Why is it Obama isn't required to follow the constitution, because he's a minority?

I don't know, but seeing as many politicians are attorneys, I think quite a few of them probably know enough to indicate an an Article or Amendment or two that actually exist in the document. Barring that, he could have described a principle or three that's in the Constitution -- the right to bear arms, the right to be free of unlawful search and seizure, or a host of others -- instead of trying to cite something at a level of detail that wasn't well known to him. Then again, since he's running for President, the "all of them/it -- there's no better or worse provisions; what there is is a balancing act that we, and I as President, must perform to keep one provision from 'stepping on' others and our God given rights" answer would also have worked. Of course, that latter suggestion would have required that the man had bothered to read the Constitution and consider the central matters it addresses and the complexity of "things" arising from the document's provisions in order to have come up with such an answer. He didn't do that either.

Trump may have even pulled his little pocket copy of the Constitution out of his jacket pocket and chosen something. He didn't do that either, now did he?

I know the man who was his "toughest" opponent in the primaries does know it inside out. Even though I don't always agree with his interpretation of it, I know he is familiar with the document itself.

I know that were he or anyone to have goofed on details of, say, the 17th Amendment, fine. But that's not what he did. He "invented" an Article that doesn't exist. And not just any article, he came up with the 12th Article. There are four other non-existent Articles one must get to before the 12th.

That behavior indicates not only that the man didn't on the specific topic know what he's talking about, but that he'll just make up "some sh*t" just to sound like he does. I don't know how one gets a clearer illustration of a man's overt efforts to "bamboozle with BS," rather than to just tell the truth and say, "I don't know. Let me get back to you on that." I mean really. It just does not take that much integrity to say exactly that when exactly that is the truth.
I am sure Trump can hire someone to do his thinking for him...Isn't that why he got himself a lapdog governor as VP?

Does anyone want that job? You saw how hard it was to find folks who would accept his offer of the VP-cy. It may be he can't or won't hire someone to do his thinking for him. I suspect the latter more so than the former, although it'd be better were it the former. Being the latter is a pretty clear indication of is certainty in his own sense of omniscience, and we have literally hundreds of examples that Trump is not omni sentient...not even close.
During the Sixty Minutes interview, I only watched 5 minutes, that is all I could stand,,the VP nominee would look to Trump when ask a question, like he needed Trump's permission to say something.....We know who the alpha male is....
it's clear he didn't know what he was talking about, yet after hearing several politicians babble its clear he isn't alone.
Trump simply does not have the knowledge, foresight, dignity, diplomacy, or judgement to be an American president.

He runs his mouth every time without doing any research or thinking at all first.

He is dumber than a college frat boy plebe.

Case closed.
Lets be honest how many politicians actually know the constitution inside and out? If in fact they did, why don't they respect and follow what is written? Why is it Obama isn't required to follow the constitution, because he's a minority?

I don't know, but seeing as many politicians are attorneys, I think quite a few of them probably know enough to indicate an an Article or Amendment or two that actually exist in the document. Barring that, he could have described a principle or three that's in the Constitution -- the right to bear arms, the right to be free of unlawful search and seizure, or a host of others -- instead of trying to cite something at a level of detail that wasn't well known to him. Then again, since he's running for President, the "all of them/it -- there's no better or worse provisions; what there is is a balancing act that we, and I as President, must perform to keep one provision from 'stepping on' others and our God given rights" answer would also have worked. Of course, that latter suggestion would have required that the man had bothered to read the Constitution and consider the central matters it addresses and the complexity of "things" arising from the document's provisions in order to have come up with such an answer. He didn't do that either.

Trump may have even pulled his little pocket copy of the Constitution out of his jacket pocket and chosen something. He didn't do that either, now did he?

I know the man who was his "toughest" opponent in the primaries does know it inside out. Even though I don't always agree with his interpretation of it, I know he is familiar with the document itself.

I know that were he or anyone to have goofed on details of, say, the 17th Amendment, fine. But that's not what he did. He "invented" an Article that doesn't exist. And not just any article, he came up with the 12th Article. There are four other non-existent Articles one must get to before the 12th.

That behavior indicates not only that the man didn't on the specific topic know what he's talking about, but that he'll just make up "some sh*t" just to sound like he does. I don't know how one gets a clearer illustration of a man's overt efforts to "bamboozle with BS," rather than to just tell the truth and say, "I don't know. Let me get back to you on that." I mean really. It just does not take that much integrity to say exactly that when exactly that is the truth.
While I agree with Trump on many issues, I do not agree with his style or methods.

He must not be elected.

Even so, all the red states will certainly vote for him.

It is the purple states that will decided this contest.
As for Pence, he may be Trumps saving grace, that is of course a large enough amount of grace remains available. Oh wait, the Hag is his opponent, may have a slim chance.
Trump simply does not have the knowledge, foresight, dignity, diplomacy, or judgement to be an American president.

He runs his mouth every time without doing any research or thinking at all first.

He is dumber than a college frat boy plebe.

Case closed.
That is the problem with amateur politicians..He should have run for Senate first...Got his feet wet, but you know how those narcissistic folks are...
Trump simply does not have the knowledge, foresight, dignity, diplomacy, or judgement to be an American president.

He runs his mouth every time without doing any research or thinking at all first.

He is dumber than a college frat boy plebe.

Case closed.
That is the problem with amateur politicians..He should have run for Senate first...Got his feet wet, but you know how those narcissistic folks are...
Trump would not be elected anywhere. Nobody at the local level is stupid enough to vote for him.

Only the GOP is stupid enough to vote for him at the national level.

So this is actually his only chance -- a big expensive gamble at the Federal level to feed his ego and become king of the world.

China likes him of course because he said he wants to pull out of Asia. I agree that the USA should pull out of Asia.

Russia likes him of course because he said he wants to pull out of NATO. I agree that the USA should not provoke Putin. However the CIA has already provoked Putin in Ukraine. So now the USA cannot pull out of NATO.

If Trump goes berserk he might push the button and destroy the Northern Hemisphere.

He is not smart or calm enough to be POTUS. Hillary is right about that.

Every time I hear Hillary say it I can feel God telling me that Hillary is absolutely right.
As for Pence, he may be Trumps saving grace, that is of course a large enough amount of grace remains available. Oh wait, the Hag is his opponent, may have a slim chance.
Not to be too schadenfreuden,,,but....I wish they would expire before the election..
Great leaders surround themselves with brilliant people, listen, analyze, respond accordingly. The central question, will he listen?
The thought one can buy his opinion is slim to none which I believe is what people are betting on. I am not a betting man so my doubts linger on.
While I agree with Trump on many issues, I do not agree with his style or methods.

He must not be elected....

Off Topic:
I'm thrilled you and I agree he should not be elected President.

I don't even know how you can agree with him given the dearth of detail he's shared. I don't know what he wants to do, why and how, and I have looked to find out. So how the hell am I supposed to know whether I agree with him or not.

I suspect Trump knows how to build walls physically, "transactionally," speaking, but I have no idea how he intends to pay for and maintain it. I think Trump wants to deport 11M people, but I have no idea how he thinks he's make that happen or what our food producing industry is going to do without those folks, and I doubt he has a preliminary plan for any of that.

Just last night the pastor who spoke at the convention was in conversation that asked him to identify the elements of Trump's criminal justice proposals/plan. His answer was that Trump is "working on a plan." Really?

Trump's got a platform, but there's no inkling of a criminal justice plan anywhere in it. That's just one example. Go look at Trump's site. It talks a lot about what's needed, but says almost nothing about how to achieve that which is needed.
It may be that Trump is more delegator than micromanager/self-doer, but that's not the image he's portrayed. I'm sorry, but I'm not thrilled by the prospect of four years of "governance by the seat of Trump's pants," or anyone else's for that matter.
Trump wants to deport 11M people, but I have no idea how he thinks he's make that happen or what our food producing industry is going to do without those folks

This is the kind of situation that makes some people support Trump. If we KNOW millions of illegals are working for our food producing industries why has nothing been done about the people hiring them? Instead of focusing on lettuce pickers and blueberry rakers who live in the most extremely humble circumstances and can't realistically defend themselves, why do we continue to allow the lettuce growers and dairy farmers to hire them? It took a while for 11 million illegal immigrants to enter this country, and it took a lot of employers to hire them. Without available jobs, none of them would have come; they came to work and feed their families. So when someone--anyone--even Trump--says Let's Stop This I can see why it appeals to people. It seems some of the rumors that this country is controlled by Big Business are true. Not laws and not the people's will, but those with the most $$$.
I suppose that has been the way of it forever, and will always be, but we were built on ideals and we should at least try to run our house in a cleaner fashion--not just give it lip service once every four years.

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