Trump: FBI's reputation worst in history after Comey, Strzok


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
President Donald Trump disparaged the FBI after reports uncovered investigator Peter Strzok’s bias against the president and for Hillary Clinton.

Trump: FBI’s Reputation ‘Worst In History’ After Comey, Strzok

Well it doesn't take a rocket scientist to know this one , it's the Obama sheep who can't figure out their own ass from his.
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Drudge Scorches Mueller Probe: ‘What Is Punishment When FBI Lies To Us?’

Matt Drudge, editor and founder of the Internet news powerhouse Drudge Report, put the special counsel probe on notice Saturday.

In a flurry of tweets, stark against an otherwise empty Twitter page (Drudge has a habit of deleting his prior tweets), the influential but reclusive conservative figure painted Robert Mueller and his Russia inquiry team as a farce.
Mueller stacked his investigation with anti Trump Democrat donors. This is just one removed for bias. There are more. Like the lot of them.
Wishful thinking on Trump's part. Obviously Trump and his supporters are getting nervous with Flynn pleading guilty. Everyone on Mueller's team has solid backgrounds.
And then there is the matter of the suit in New York concerning the treasonous fat senile old orange clown's pussy grabbing, and then lying about it and the women involved. In court, under oath, the fat ass lies, and that is impeachable.
Mueller stacked his investigation with anti Trump Democrat donors. This is just one removed for bias. There are more. Like the lot of them.
half are republicans and half are democrats, political party is not a legal reason prosecutors can recuse themselves...
Imagine the Kenyan tweeting that the FBI was corrupt in tatters for investigating Hillary Clinton ...Just FUCKING IMAGINE..every fucking wing nut on USMB would be Puking green mucus and their heads doing 360 s

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