Max Boot: "Donald Trump is making me feel like a foreigner" in my own country

When will Liberals learn that trotting out one sob story after another does not change the simple FACT that the discussion is about ILLEGAL IMMIGRANT CRIMINALS WHO SHOULD NEVER HAVE BEEN HERE TO START WITH?

Journo: So when had to give back the car you had stolen, did it harm you and your family?

Criminal: Yes, I had lost my job after that, and without an income I lost my house and had to move back to Fucustan.

Journo: That is horrible.

Criminal: Yes, my kids had to give up their video games because we dont have electricity in Fucustan.

Journo: Shocking, simply inhumane. And there you have it America, the insidious nature of the legal system in punishing auto thieves.
When will Liberals learn that trotting out one sob story after another does not change the simple FACT that the discussion is about ILLEGAL IMMIGRANT CRIMINALS WHO SHOULD NEVER HAVE BEEN HERE TO START WITH?

Journo: So when had to give back the car you had stolen, did it harm you and your family?

Criminal: Yes, I had lost my job after that, and without an income I lost my house and had to move back to Fucustan.

Journo: That is horrible.

Criminal: Yes, my kids had to give up their video games because we dont have electricity in Fucustan.

Journo: Shocking, simply inhumane. And there you have it America, the insidious nature of the legal system in punishing auto thieves.
pretty good JimBowie , preeeeety good !!:afro:

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