Trump EPA chief jettisoning alarmists from advisory panel!!


Platinum Member
Aug 6, 2009
Not the middle of nowhere
In todays REALCLEARSCIENCE and I have to admit..........I'm laughing......... >>>

"What exactly did Pruitt do?
Pruitt announced a new policy, effective immediately, restricting who is eligible to serve on agency advisory panels. It bans scientists from sitting on the committees while they are receiving EPA grant funding."

Great news and long overdue. The advisory panels under Obama were stacked with true believers and the advisory panel allowed zero science that didn't conform with the alarmist view. LOL...........not anymore s0ns........if you were getting BS grant $$ = :spinner: YOUR ASS IS OUT!!!! :spinner:

Its about time we had a level playing field in the area of climate science:rock::rock::rock:
In todays REALCLEARSCIENCE and I have to admit..........I'm laughing......... >>>

"What exactly did Pruitt do?
Pruitt announced a new policy, effective immediately, restricting who is eligible to serve on agency advisory panels. It bans scientists from sitting on the committees while they are receiving EPA grant funding."

Great news and long overdue. The advisory panels under Obama were stacked with true believers and the advisory panel allowed zero science that didn't conform with the alarmist view. LOL...........not anymore s0ns........if you were getting BS grant $$ = :spinner: YOUR ASS IS OUT!!!! :spinner:

Its about time we had a level playing field in the area of climate science:rock::rock::rock:

Winning! :happy-1:
In todays REALCLEARSCIENCE and I have to admit..........I'm laughing......... >>>

"What exactly did Pruitt do?
Pruitt announced a new policy, effective immediately, restricting who is eligible to serve on agency advisory panels. It bans scientists from sitting on the committees while they are receiving EPA grant funding."

Great news and long overdue. The advisory panels under Obama were stacked with true believers and the advisory panel allowed zero science that didn't conform with the alarmist view. LOL...........not anymore s0ns........if you were getting BS grant $$ = :spinner: YOUR ASS IS OUT!!!! :spinner:

Its about time we had a level playing field in the area of climate science:rock::rock::rock:

That's actually some pretty good thinking.
Energy Secretary Rick Perry says CO2 is not the main driver of climate change

· Energy Secretary Rick Perry says he does not believe CO2 emissions from human activity are the primary driver of climate change.

· That view is at odds with the conclusions of the Environmental Protection Agency, NASA and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.

· EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt also told CNBC in March he does not believe global warming is primarily caused by CO2.

Energy Secretary Rick Perry says CO2 is not the main driver of climate change

Its the ocean and environment we live in.
So, anyone who knows the science is forbidden from working on the science. It's the modern Lysenkoism. Any science inconvenient to TheParty must be squashed. Next step, send the scientists to the Gulag if they contradict the edicts of TheParty.

That may be a win for the denier Stalinists on this thread, but it's a loss for science, the USA, commen sense and common decency. Oh, the world still exists, so this only harms the USA. The rest of the planet still does the good science, and science in the USA goes into the shitter, which is what the denier Stalinists want. An ignorant population is easier to remove democracy from, and removing American democracy to bring about their Stalinist utopia is the goal of the denier Stalinists.

(They actually want people like me imprisoned, as well. The more honest ones have even admitted it. Most deniers are hardcore Stalinists down to core of their beings.)
All opinions should be represented on the panel, both in support or not in support of climate change theory
So, anyone who knows the science is forbidden from working on the science. It's the modern Lysenkoism. Any science inconvenient to TheParty must be squashed. Next step, send the scientists to the Gulag if they contradict the edicts of TheParty.

That may be a win for the denier Stalinists on this thread, but it's a loss for science, the USA, commen sense and common decency. Oh, the world still exists, so this only harms the USA. The rest of the planet still does the good science, and science in the USA goes in the shitter, which is what the denier Stalinists want. An ignorant population is easier to remove democracy from, and removing American democracy to bring about their Stalinist utopia is the goal of the denier Stalinists.

They actually want people like me imprisoned, as well. The more honest ones have even admitted it. Most deniers are hardcore Stalinists down to core of their beings.

Wrong. Anyone who would PERSONALLY BENEFIT FROM THEIR ACTIONS on the board is not allowed. You know, like real science and engineering works. Or at least is supposed to at least.
Anyone who would PERSONALLY BENEFIT FROM THEIR ACTIONS on the board is not allowed.

And yet Trump fills the boards with paid fossil fuel company shills, and it doesn't bother you a bit.

You really don't care that you now look the most corrupt hypocrite on the board, do you? After all, you're getting sweet sweet cash, and brownie points from your Stalinist cult.

So, how much fossil fuel stock do you own? More than zero, obviously. Thus, by your own standards, you ought to shut up on this topic. By your own standards, the cash payoff you're getting makes you totally corrupt and a devotee of fraud, and we've witnessed such behavior from you in nearly every post you make. You're a fraud machine and a jackbooted authoritarian.
Anyone who would PERSONALLY BENEFIT FROM THEIR ACTIONS on the board is not allowed.

And yet Trump fills the boards with paid fossil fuel company shills, and it doesn't bother you a bit.

You really don't care that you now look the most corrupt hypocrite on the board, do you? After all, you're getting sweet sweet cash, and brownie points from your Stalinist cult.

So, how much fossil fuel stock do you own? More than zero, obviously. Thus, by your own standards, you ought to shut up on this topic. By your own standards, the cash payoff you're getting makes you totally corrupt and a devotee of fraud, and we've witnessed such behavior from you in nearly every post you make. You're a fraud machine and a jackbooted authoritarian.

I own 8,000 shares of Sempra. Go ahead and look up their renewable portfolio, they build powerplants that use waste garbage for the power source.
I own 8,000 shares of Sempra. Go ahead and look up their renewable portfolio, they build powerplants that use waste garbage for the power source.

You didn't address his point about who The Orange Buffoon is appointing. You don't want climate-change friendly scientists on the panel, but you want fossil-fuel addicts on there. You know what hypocrisy means, right?

Wrong. Anyone who would PERSONALLY BENEFIT FROM THEIR ACTIONS on the board is not allowed. You know, like real science and engineering works. Or at least is supposed to at least.

Anyone who thinks scientists think like you (ie are in it or the money) know nothing about scientists. How many scientists do you see riding around in Porsches or have a holiday home or three...
Anyone who would PERSONALLY BENEFIT FROM THEIR ACTIONS on the board is not allowed.

And yet Trump fills the boards with paid fossil fuel company shills, and it doesn't bother you a bit.

You really don't care that you now look the most corrupt hypocrite on the board, do you? After all, you're getting sweet sweet cash, and brownie points from your Stalinist cult.

So, how much fossil fuel stock do you own? More than zero, obviously. Thus, by your own standards, you ought to shut up on this topic. By your own standards, the cash payoff you're getting makes you totally corrupt and a devotee of fraud, and we've witnessed such behavior from you in nearly every post you make. You're a fraud machine and a jackbooted authoritarian.

You didn't address his point about who The Orange Buffoon is appointing. You don't want climate-change friendly scientists on the panel, but you want fossil-fuel addicts on there. You know what hypocrisy means, right?

I own 8,000 shares of Sempra. Go ahead and look up their renewable portfolio, they build powerplants that use waste garbage for the power source.

Wrong. I want ALL sides to get an equal hearing. Nor do I want members of the panel to be from the energy sector that benefits from the reduced regulations. I want scientists who are current, and unbiased. That was not the case under the obummer admin.

Wrong. Anyone who would PERSONALLY BENEFIT FROM THEIR ACTIONS on the board is not allowed. You know, like real science and engineering works. Or at least is supposed to at least.

Anyone who thinks scientists think like you (ie are in it or the money) know nothing about scientists. How many scientists do you see riding around in Porsches or have a holiday home or three...

How wrong you are. The climatologists have raked in millions and millions of dollars for the fraud.

Wrong. I want ALL sides to get an equal hearing. Nor do I want members of the panel to be from the energy sector that benefits from the reduced regulations. I want scientists who are current, and unbiased. That was not the case under the obummer admin.

How are scientists biased? You're just showing your own bias. Why should all sides get an equal hearing when one side is patently wrong. And, no, I don't care. It's like saying "oh you should have given the Nazis and Allies the same amount of time to explain their ideology". I don't think so.
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All opinions should be represented on the panel, both in support or not in support of climate change theory
Then those opinions damned well better be backed up by evidence and observations. How are you going to argue with the absorption spectra of the GHG's?

There is no science that backs up the 'skeptics', period.

Wrong. Anyone who would PERSONALLY BENEFIT FROM THEIR ACTIONS on the board is not allowed. You know, like real science and engineering works. Or at least is supposed to at least.

Anyone who thinks scientists think like you (ie are in it or the money) know nothing about scientists. How many scientists do you see riding around in Porsches or have a holiday home or three...

How wrong you are. The climatologists have raked in millions and millions of dollars for the fraud.
Once again you are engaged in lying. Show us how the scientists engaged in the study of the climate, cryosphere, and oceans raked in millions. And don't go off on grants, because there are enough of us here that know how they work to know the lie you and others engage in when you start braying that nonsense.
Shukla. Remember him? The asshole who wanted skeptics prosecuted under RICO, and then found out to his dismay that drawing attention was a bad idea when you were ripping off the public taxpayers.

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