Trump Ends NASA's Muslim Outreach Program---Authorizes $19.5 Billion For Manned Exploration To Mars


Gold Member
Jul 11, 2013
Space, the final frontier...these are the voyages of Donald Trump's seek out new prosperity and new opportunities.....To bodly go where Obama never went before...... to make America great again! (cue Star Trek music)

And that my fellow Americans is what he is doing by signing this new bill moments ago authorizing NASA to become great again for the benefit of the people the founders specifically created this country for via the Naturalization Act of 1790. With inspiration and Trump's divine leadership sent to us from God, we will succeed in conquering the stars.

trump nasa - Google Search

Donald Trump Signs Bill Authorizing NASA Budget, Mars Exploration | The Huffington Post
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Yes Matthew, now is your opportunity to support your new glorious leader, Donald Trump---Ceasar of the Stars!
Obama turned NASA into a teaching program for Muslim countries, so they could out tech us, or tech up enough to cause us and other countries serious damage. Like landing a drone in Iran, our NASA became their study guide. A Muslim tutorial.
When tensions flared between us and Russia recently, Putin told us if we wanted to go to the space station, we could use a trampoline. Where is OUR space station, and why don't we have one?
Kennedy took a fledgling NASA and told them to go to the moon, not Iran.
We need to get back to American greatness again. This is a good start. Let's freakin go to Mars. If was a pride filled moment to watch those rockets fire with USA in great big letters on the side. Landing on the moon was a real thrill for us and those who watched us do it. Let's do stuff like that again. We need to regain our glory.
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Deep Space Donald


one thought, one mind,


resistance is futile ...

Space, the final frontier...these are the voyages of Donald Trump's seek out new prosperity and new opportunities.....To bodly go where Obama never went before...... to make America great again! (cue Star Trek music)

And that my fellow Americans is what he is doing by signing this new bill moments ago authorizing NASA to become great again for the benefit of the people the founders specifically created this country for via the Naturalization Act of 1790. With inspiration and Trump's divine leadership sent to us from God, we will succeed in conquering the stars.

trump nasa - Google Search

Donald Trump Signs Bill Authorizing NASA Budget, Mars Exploration | The Huffington Post
National Aeronautic and Space Administration...I never did quite cop to exactly how such a government agency had some reason for muslim outreach.
HuffPo ... FAKE MEDIA !

$19.5 BILLION for space travel ... spending is the name of the game, Trump is thy name.
Better spend it on Americans and America than Mexicans and Muslims and God knows what the likes of you want to allow in here.
The original space program brought a lot of new technology with day to day applications.

I applaud this new reach for the stars.
The original space program brought a lot of new technology with day to day applications.

I applaud this new reach for the stars.
Earlier this year, President Obama sought $18.5 billion for NASA in his FY 2016 budget request, and the US House proposed a budget with a similar top-level amount. The Senate budget for NASA totaled $18.3 billion. The big difference was in allocation; generally, the president asked for substantially more funding for earth science and for commercial crews to ensure that Boeing or SpaceX would be ready to fly astronauts to the International Space Station by the end of 2017. Congress cut funding for both of those ventures. For example, while the president sought $1.95 billion for earth science, both the House and Senate shaved about $500 million off that number.

So DickheadDonald not only copied Obama, he spent more money doing it.

another prime example of RussianWingers not knowing what they want.

Their hypocrisy has morphed waaaaaaay past mind boggling .... BIGLY.

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