Trump diverting money we were going to spend on defending Europe to help pay for wall. MAGA!

You don't want Trump to protect Americans by building the wall?
Protect us from what, exactly.
The invaders.
What is it you’re afraid of?
We're on to your Dem plan to import Democrat voters from south of the border.
Of course the conman in the White House would rip off the taxpayers. This is what he does. And this benefits Russia, the land that he loves and pledges his allegiance to. Putin will be very pleased with him.
Better Russian than democrat. Better anything than democrat.
"Last year, Trump declared a national emergency to fund construction of his wall on the southern border after Congress did not approve as much money for border security as he requested."

So.........funding for a useless, politically symbolic wall merits declaring a national emergency but not a pandemic, until it was too late.

That's what failed, misguided leadership looks like.
"Last year, Trump declared a national emergency to fund construction of his wall on the southern border after Congress did not approve as much money for border security as he requested."

So.........funding for a useless, politically symbolic wall merits declaring a national emergency but not a pandemic, until it was too late.

That's what failed, misguided leadership looks like.
All our nation had to do is stop letting people in for a couple of decades like we did in the past and allow the newcomers to assimilate into the American culture. But it has been locked open since the 1960's with tens of millions of illegals also. Whether you are an American citizen or come from another nation, we will have the financial resources of that nation or nations if we keep this up. If we can not restart the economy, it will be sooner rather then later.
The rest of the NATO countries, not counting the USA, have a population of about 600 million people. They are some of the richest countries in the world and several of them have nuclear technology. They do not need us to protect them from a country with less than 1/4 their population and a tiny fraction of their GDP.

A most excellent idea. MAGA.
He diverts money from NATO to help Putin.

How many Americans need to die for Trump to get political asylum in Russia?

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