Trump Cuts Disability & Social Security Benefits


Platinum Member
Oct 26, 2015
The greatest president of all time proves he is the man for the job by continuing to take benefits from those who need it the most the Elderly and Disabled. He continues to propose more spending cuts on these programs. The republicans really know how to save money, screw the people in this country who need those benefits the most the Elderly and Disabled. And I have to pat them on the back for making more disabled people have to go through more hoops just to get their benefits; review boards every few years to prove they really have a disability and aren't faking it or no longer need the money. We all know too many people in wheelchairs, on crutches, the blind, the deaf, the mentally retarded, and mentally ill are freeloaders and don't really need that money the government gives them. So many are just faking it after all. We also know way too many seniors are living high hog on those outrageously high social security checks they get, we need to slash those too.

I remember a woman I met who was disabled in wheelchair for severe back problems and deaf getting repeatedly denied disability benefits in her "Republican" state she lived in. She had to talk to the people denying her benefits through an interpreter who used sign language. It took 3 times going in person to try to get her benefits, writing letters to congressman, having doctors call in person stating why she needs these benefits, submitting medical records, and many months of stress. I specially remember a lady telling her over the phone "well I am disabled and I don't need benefits, I can work. Just because your disabled mam doesn't mean your entitled to benefits."

I remember all the loopholes and stress that poor woman had to go through just to get her benefits. Now the Republicans want these disabled American's to go through even more loopholes and stress just to get the benefits they need because too many Americans are faking a disability. So just to save some money we have to subject those disabled Americans who truly need those benefits too all this stress and hardship just to receive their benefits. Brilliant plan Republicans! Just Brilliant!
The greatest president of all time proves he is the man for the job by continuing to take benefits from those who need it the most the Elderly and Disabled..........

Cutting waste and fraud is not the same as cutting benefits you stupid sack of shit.

Also, cutting the rate of growth is not actually cutting, you imbecile.

You are the perfect, ignorant DUPE who propagandists count on.

Fucking moron
The greatest president of all time proves he is the man for the job by continuing to take benefits from those who need it the most the Elderly and Disabled..........

Cutting waste and fraud is not the same as cutting benefits you stupid sack of shit.

Also, cutting the rate of growth is not actually cutting, you imbecile.

You are the perfect, ignorant DUPE who propagandists count on.

Fucking moron

Hmm, how come this says different?

Trump administration proposes Social Security rule changes that could cut off thousands of disabled recipients
The greatest president of all time proves he is the man for the job by continuing to take benefits from those who need it the most the Elderly and Disabled. He continues to propose more spending cuts on these programs. The republicans really know how to save money, screw the people in this country who need those benefits the most the Elderly and Disabled. And I have to pat them on the back for making more disabled people have to go through more hoops just to get their benefits; review boards every few years to prove they really have a disability and aren't faking it or no longer need the money. We all know too many people in wheelchairs, on crutches, the blind, the deaf, the mentally retarded, and mentally ill are freeloaders and don't really need that money the government gives them. So many are just faking it after all. We also know way too many seniors are living high hog on those outrageously high social security checks they get, we need to slash those too.

I remember a woman I met who was disabled in wheelchair for severe back problems and deaf getting repeatedly denied disability benefits in her "Republican" state she lived in. She had to talk to the people denying her benefits through an interpreter who used sign language. It took 3 times going in person to try to get her benefits, writing letters to congressman, having doctors call in person stating why she needs these benefits, submitting medical records, and many months of stress. I specially remember a lady telling her over the phone "well I am disabled and I don't need benefits, I can work. Just because your disabled mam doesn't mean your entitled to benefits."

I remember all the loopholes and stress that poor woman had to go through just to get her benefits. Now the Republicans want these disabled American's to go through even more loopholes and stress just to get the benefits they need because too many Americans are faking a disability. So just to save some money we have to subject those disabled Americans who truly need those benefits too all this stress and hardship just to receive their benefits. Brilliant plan Republicans! Just Brilliant!

You got a link about that story? I'm 100% disabled and on Social Security and I just got a COLA for 2020. You must be reading the Huffington Post or messages on the subway toilet wall.
The greatest president of all time proves he is the man for the job by continuing to take benefits from those who need it the most the Elderly and Disabled..........

Cutting waste and fraud is not the same as cutting benefits you stupid sack of shit.

Also, cutting the rate of growth is not actually cutting, you imbecile.

You are the perfect, ignorant DUPE who propagandists count on.

Fucking moron

Hmm, how come this says different?

Trump administration proposes Social Security rule changes that could cut off thousands of disabled recipients

It doesn’t. The proposal looks to cut fraud, not cut the benefits to those legitimately disabled
The greatest president of all time proves he is the man for the job by continuing to take benefits from those who need it the most the Elderly and Disabled. He continues to propose more spending cuts on these programs. The republicans really know how to save money, screw the people in this country who need those benefits the most the Elderly and Disabled. And I have to pat them on the back for making more disabled people have to go through more hoops just to get their benefits; review boards every few years to prove they really have a disability and aren't faking it or no longer need the money. We all know too many people in wheelchairs, on crutches, the blind, the deaf, the mentally retarded, and mentally ill are freeloaders and don't really need that money the government gives them. So many are just faking it after all. We also know way too many seniors are living high hog on those outrageously high social security checks they get, we need to slash those too.

I remember a woman I met who was disabled in wheelchair for severe back problems and deaf getting repeatedly denied disability benefits in her "Republican" state she lived in. She had to talk to the people denying her benefits through an interpreter who used sign language. It took 3 times going in person to try to get her benefits, writing letters to congressman, having doctors call in person stating why she needs these benefits, submitting medical records, and many months of stress. I specially remember a lady telling her over the phone "well I am disabled and I don't need benefits, I can work. Just because your disabled mam doesn't mean your entitled to benefits."

I remember all the loopholes and stress that poor woman had to go through just to get her benefits. Now the Republicans want these disabled American's to go through even more loopholes and stress just to get the benefits they need because too many Americans are faking a disability. So just to save some money we have to subject those disabled Americans who truly need those benefits too all this stress and hardship just to receive their benefits. Brilliant plan Republicans! Just Brilliant!

The greatest president of all time proves he is the man for the job by continuing to take benefits from those who need it the most the Elderly and Disabled. He continues to propose more spending cuts on these programs. The republicans really know how to save money, screw the people in this country who need those benefits the most the Elderly and Disabled. And I have to pat them on the back for making more disabled people have to go through more hoops just to get their benefits; review boards every few years to prove they really have a disability and aren't faking it or no longer need the money. We all know too many people in wheelchairs, on crutches, the blind, the deaf, the mentally retarded, and mentally ill are freeloaders and don't really need that money the government gives them. So many are just faking it after all. We also know way too many seniors are living high hog on those outrageously high social security checks they get, we need to slash those too.

I remember a woman I met who was disabled in wheelchair for severe back problems and deaf getting repeatedly denied disability benefits in her "Republican" state she lived in. She had to talk to the people denying her benefits through an interpreter who used sign language. It took 3 times going in person to try to get her benefits, writing letters to congressman, having doctors call in person stating why she needs these benefits, submitting medical records, and many months of stress. I specially remember a lady telling her over the phone "well I am disabled and I don't need benefits, I can work. Just because your disabled mam doesn't mean your entitled to benefits."

I remember all the loopholes and stress that poor woman had to go through just to get her benefits. Now the Republicans want these disabled American's to go through even more loopholes and stress just to get the benefits they need because too many Americans are faking a disability. So just to save some money we have to subject those disabled Americans who truly need those benefits too all this stress and hardship just to receive their benefits. Brilliant plan Republicans! Just Brilliant!

Trump's Funding Cuts To The Disabled Are Bad Economic Policy

Trump Outlines a Significant Social Security Cut in His 2020 Budget | The Motley Fool
The greatest president of all time proves he is the man for the job by continuing to take benefits from those who need it the most the Elderly and Disabled. He continues to propose more spending cuts on these programs. The republicans really know how to save money, screw the people in this country who need those benefits the most the Elderly and Disabled. And I have to pat them on the back for making more disabled people have to go through more hoops just to get their benefits; review boards every few years to prove they really have a disability and aren't faking it or no longer need the money. We all know too many people in wheelchairs, on crutches, the blind, the deaf, the mentally retarded, and mentally ill are freeloaders and don't really need that money the government gives them. So many are just faking it after all. We also know way too many seniors are living high hog on those outrageously high social security checks they get, we need to slash those too.

I remember a woman I met who was disabled in wheelchair for severe back problems and deaf getting repeatedly denied disability benefits in her "Republican" state she lived in. She had to talk to the people denying her benefits through an interpreter who used sign language. It took 3 times going in person to try to get her benefits, writing letters to congressman, having doctors call in person stating why she needs these benefits, submitting medical records, and many months of stress. I specially remember a lady telling her over the phone "well I am disabled and I don't need benefits, I can work. Just because your disabled mam doesn't mean your entitled to benefits."

I remember all the loopholes and stress that poor woman had to go through just to get her benefits. Now the Republicans want these disabled American's to go through even more loopholes and stress just to get the benefits they need because too many Americans are faking a disability. So just to save some money we have to subject those disabled Americans who truly need those benefits too all this stress and hardship just to receive their benefits. Brilliant plan Republicans! Just Brilliant!

Trump's Funding Cuts To The Disabled Are Bad Economic Policy

Trump Outlines a Significant Social Security Cut in His 2020 Budget | The Motley Fool

Did these cuts go into effect?

Your links are from the beginning of the year.
The greatest president of all time proves he is the man for the job by continuing to take benefits from those who need it the most the Elderly and Disabled. He continues to propose more spending cuts on these programs. The republicans really know how to save money, screw the people in this country who need those benefits the most the Elderly and Disabled. And I have to pat them on the back for making more disabled people have to go through more hoops just to get their benefits; review boards every few years to prove they really have a disability and aren't faking it or no longer need the money. We all know too many people in wheelchairs, on crutches, the blind, the deaf, the mentally retarded, and mentally ill are freeloaders and don't really need that money the government gives them. So many are just faking it after all. We also know way too many seniors are living high hog on those outrageously high social security checks they get, we need to slash those too.

I remember a woman I met who was disabled in wheelchair for severe back problems and deaf getting repeatedly denied disability benefits in her "Republican" state she lived in. She had to talk to the people denying her benefits through an interpreter who used sign language. It took 3 times going in person to try to get her benefits, writing letters to congressman, having doctors call in person stating why she needs these benefits, submitting medical records, and many months of stress. I specially remember a lady telling her over the phone "well I am disabled and I don't need benefits, I can work. Just because your disabled mam doesn't mean your entitled to benefits."

I remember all the loopholes and stress that poor woman had to go through just to get her benefits. Now the Republicans want these disabled American's to go through even more loopholes and stress just to get the benefits they need because too many Americans are faking a disability. So just to save some money we have to subject those disabled Americans who truly need those benefits too all this stress and hardship just to receive their benefits. Brilliant plan Republicans! Just Brilliant!

Trump's Funding Cuts To The Disabled Are Bad Economic Policy

Trump Outlines a Significant Social Security Cut in His 2020 Budget | The Motley Fool
I can understand cutting some disability benefits. Those would be children with IEP's meaning they are in special classes at school. These children are learning disabled so they are getting the special teacher they need with an educational program made just for that child. There aren't any needs that are not being met. They get free glasses if they need them, free breakfast, lunches and nurses on call for them. But, each mother receives hundreds of dollars each month from SSDI...for each child they have enrolled in the smaller classes. That amounts to close to a thousand a month for big families. They have no need for this money, all are getting food stamps. Section 8 housing, Medicaid, free clothing often..

Think of how many students are in these classes throughout the nation. The real extra cost for these children are the smaller classes that meet their needs. And that is covered by IDEA and Title I.

When children need special equipment, they get it from different funds.
Trump Outlines a Significant Social Security Cut in His 2020 Budget | The Motley Fool
"Trump's budget proposal for fiscal 2020 aims to halve the amount of retroactive pay disabled persons can recover to six months from 12 months. Doing so would reduce program outlays by $3.61 billion between 2020 and 2024, and almost $10 billion on the dot, in aggregate, over the next decade."

These people are already eligible for up to 12 months of workers compensation and/or STATE disability payments.
The greatest president of all time proves he is the man for the job by continuing to take benefits from those who need it the most the Elderly and Disabled. He continues to propose more spending cuts on these programs. The republicans really know how to save money, screw the people in this country who need those benefits the most the Elderly and Disabled. And I have to pat them on the back for making more disabled people have to go through more hoops just to get their benefits; review boards every few years to prove they really have a disability and aren't faking it or no longer need the money. We all know too many people in wheelchairs, on crutches, the blind, the deaf, the mentally retarded, and mentally ill are freeloaders and don't really need that money the government gives them. So many are just faking it after all. We also know way too many seniors are living high hog on those outrageously high social security checks they get, we need to slash those too.

I remember a woman I met who was disabled in wheelchair for severe back problems and deaf getting repeatedly denied disability benefits in her "Republican" state she lived in. She had to talk to the people denying her benefits through an interpreter who used sign language. It took 3 times going in person to try to get her benefits, writing letters to congressman, having doctors call in person stating why she needs these benefits, submitting medical records, and many months of stress. I specially remember a lady telling her over the phone "well I am disabled and I don't need benefits, I can work. Just because your disabled mam doesn't mean your entitled to benefits."

I remember all the loopholes and stress that poor woman had to go through just to get her benefits. Now the Republicans want these disabled American's to go through even more loopholes and stress just to get the benefits they need because too many Americans are faking a disability. So just to save some money we have to subject those disabled Americans who truly need those benefits too all this stress and hardship just to receive their benefits. Brilliant plan Republicans! Just Brilliant!
Good...fkn beggars.
The greatest president of all time proves he is the man for the job by continuing to take benefits from those who need it the most the Elderly and Disabled. He continues to propose more spending cuts on these programs. The republicans really know how to save money, screw the people in this country who need those benefits the most the Elderly and Disabled. And I have to pat them on the back for making more disabled people have to go through more hoops just to get their benefits; review boards every few years to prove they really have a disability and aren't faking it or no longer need the money. We all know too many people in wheelchairs, on crutches, the blind, the deaf, the mentally retarded, and mentally ill are freeloaders and don't really need that money the government gives them. So many are just faking it after all. We also know way too many seniors are living high hog on those outrageously high social security checks they get, we need to slash those too.

I remember a woman I met who was disabled in wheelchair for severe back problems and deaf getting repeatedly denied disability benefits in her "Republican" state she lived in. She had to talk to the people denying her benefits through an interpreter who used sign language. It took 3 times going in person to try to get her benefits, writing letters to congressman, having doctors call in person stating why she needs these benefits, submitting medical records, and many months of stress. I specially remember a lady telling her over the phone "well I am disabled and I don't need benefits, I can work. Just because your disabled mam doesn't mean your entitled to benefits."

I remember all the loopholes and stress that poor woman had to go through just to get her benefits. Now the Republicans want these disabled American's to go through even more loopholes and stress just to get the benefits they need because too many Americans are faking a disability. So just to save some money we have to subject those disabled Americans who truly need those benefits too all this stress and hardship just to receive their benefits. Brilliant plan Republicans! Just Brilliant!

Trump's Funding Cuts To The Disabled Are Bad Economic Policy

Trump Outlines a Significant Social Security Cut in His 2020 Budget | The Motley Fool
I am on disability. I go through the visit to the Dr. each year. I don't mind because there is so much fraud involved. The money they save from cutting back should be used to investigate those in Disability and put them back on if tests indicate they are truly disabled.
The greatest president of all time proves he is the man for the job by continuing to take benefits from those who need it the most the Elderly and Disabled. He continues to propose more spending cuts on these programs. The republicans really know how to save money, screw the people in this country who need those benefits the most the Elderly and Disabled. And I have to pat them on the back for making more disabled people have to go through more hoops just to get their benefits; review boards every few years to prove they really have a disability and aren't faking it or no longer need the money. We all know too many people in wheelchairs, on crutches, the blind, the deaf, the mentally retarded, and mentally ill are freeloaders and don't really need that money the government gives them. So many are just faking it after all. We also know way too many seniors are living high hog on those outrageously high social security checks they get, we need to slash those too.

I remember a woman I met who was disabled in wheelchair for severe back problems and deaf getting repeatedly denied disability benefits in her "Republican" state she lived in. She had to talk to the people denying her benefits through an interpreter who used sign language. It took 3 times going in person to try to get her benefits, writing letters to congressman, having doctors call in person stating why she needs these benefits, submitting medical records, and many months of stress. I specially remember a lady telling her over the phone "well I am disabled and I don't need benefits, I can work. Just because your disabled mam doesn't mean your entitled to benefits."

I remember all the loopholes and stress that poor woman had to go through just to get her benefits. Now the Republicans want these disabled American's to go through even more loopholes and stress just to get the benefits they need because too many Americans are faking a disability. So just to save some money we have to subject those disabled Americans who truly need those benefits too all this stress and hardship just to receive their benefits. Brilliant plan Republicans! Just Brilliant!
Did you say anything when Obama stole 700 billion dollars out of Medicare to make his Unaffordable Healthcare Act look like it would save money?

Obamacare Robs Medicare of $716 Billion to Fund Itself
The greatest president of all time proves he is the man for the job by continuing to take benefits from those who need it the most the Elderly and Disabled. He continues to propose more spending cuts on these programs. The republicans really know how to save money, screw the people in this country who need those benefits the most the Elderly and Disabled. And I have to pat them on the back for making more disabled people have to go through more hoops just to get their benefits; review boards every few years to prove they really have a disability and aren't faking it or no longer need the money. We all know too many people in wheelchairs, on crutches, the blind, the deaf, the mentally retarded, and mentally ill are freeloaders and don't really need that money the government gives them. So many are just faking it after all. We also know way too many seniors are living high hog on those outrageously high social security checks they get, we need to slash those too.

I remember a woman I met who was disabled in wheelchair for severe back problems and deaf getting repeatedly denied disability benefits in her "Republican" state she lived in. She had to talk to the people denying her benefits through an interpreter who used sign language. It took 3 times going in person to try to get her benefits, writing letters to congressman, having doctors call in person stating why she needs these benefits, submitting medical records, and many months of stress. I specially remember a lady telling her over the phone "well I am disabled and I don't need benefits, I can work. Just because your disabled mam doesn't mean your entitled to benefits."

I remember all the loopholes and stress that poor woman had to go through just to get her benefits. Now the Republicans want these disabled American's to go through even more loopholes and stress just to get the benefits they need because too many Americans are faking a disability. So just to save some money we have to subject those disabled Americans who truly need those benefits too all this stress and hardship just to receive their benefits. Brilliant plan Republicans! Just Brilliant!
Did you say anything when Obama stole 700 billion dollars out of Medicare to make his Unaffordable Healthcare Act look like it would save money?

Obamacare Robs Medicare of $716 Billion to Fund Itself
I can understand cutting some disability benefits. Those would be children with IEP's meaning they are in special classes at school. These children are learning disabled so they are getting the special teacher they need with an educational program made just for that child.

I disagree with you there. I was a special needs kid growing up with an IEP. I was diagnosed with Dyslexia and ADHD as a kid and was put in Special Needs classes. Special Education teachers and Special Education programs are often very underfunded with teachers having to put their own money in just for supplies.
The greatest president of all time proves he is the man for the job by continuing to take benefits from those who need it the most the Elderly and Disabled. He continues to propose more spending cuts on these programs. The republicans really know how to save money, screw the people in this country who need those benefits the most the Elderly and Disabled. And I have to pat them on the back for making more disabled people have to go through more hoops just to get their benefits; review boards every few years to prove they really have a disability and aren't faking it or no longer need the money. We all know too many people in wheelchairs, on crutches, the blind, the deaf, the mentally retarded, and mentally ill are freeloaders and don't really need that money the government gives them. So many are just faking it after all. We also know way too many seniors are living high hog on those outrageously high social security checks they get, we need to slash those too.

I remember a woman I met who was disabled in wheelchair for severe back problems and deaf getting repeatedly denied disability benefits in her "Republican" state she lived in. She had to talk to the people denying her benefits through an interpreter who used sign language. It took 3 times going in person to try to get her benefits, writing letters to congressman, having doctors call in person stating why she needs these benefits, submitting medical records, and many months of stress. I specially remember a lady telling her over the phone "well I am disabled and I don't need benefits, I can work. Just because your disabled mam doesn't mean your entitled to benefits."

I remember all the loopholes and stress that poor woman had to go through just to get her benefits. Now the Republicans want these disabled American's to go through even more loopholes and stress just to get the benefits they need because too many Americans are faking a disability. So just to save some money we have to subject those disabled Americans who truly need those benefits too all this stress and hardship just to receive their benefits. Brilliant plan Republicans! Just Brilliant!

Trump's Funding Cuts To The Disabled Are Bad Economic Policy

Trump Outlines a Significant Social Security Cut in His 2020 Budget | The Motley Fool
I am on disability. I go through the visit to the Dr. each year. I don't mind because there is so much fraud involved. The money they save from cutting back should be used to investigate those in Disability and put them back on if tests indicate they are truly disabled.

there’s no doubt there are people gaming the system. I don’t know if more disability reviews are going to significantly cut the fraud out though, and this is just a starting point to getting a budget done. I doubt it will be implemented as long as democrats control the house.

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