Trump contradicts top U.S. officials, suggests without evidence China behind cyberattack - Trump in the pockets of Putin

Neil Austen

Gold Member
Jun 5, 2019

Well what did you expect from Russia operative in the pockets of Putin. What a disgust piece of orange TURD Trump is.
Contradicting his secretary of state and other top officials, President Donald Trump on Saturday suggested without evidence that China — not Russia — may be behind the grave cyberattack against the United States and tried to minimized its impact.

Well what did you expect from Russia operative in the pockets of Putin. What a disgust piece of orange TURD Trump is.
Contradicting his secretary of state and other top officials, President Donald Trump on Saturday suggested without evidence that China — not Russia — may be behind the grave cyberattack against the United States and tried to minimized its impact.
But it was OK to say Trump was a Russian agent for 4 years with absolutely no evidence. You are living in lefty fantasy land.
From what I've seen there is as much evidence that China did it as there is that Russia did. If there is even an "it" to provide evidence for.
There is no evidence to suggest that is the case. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said late Friday that Russia was "pretty clearly" behind the cyberattack against the U.S.

how do the “experts” know where the attack came from?

if they are so smart why not keep the enemy out of our databases instead of bloviating about who the guilty party is?
There is no evidence to suggest that is the case. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said late Friday that Russia was "pretty clearly" behind the cyberattack against the U.S.

how do the “experts” know where the attack came from?

if they are so smart why not keep the enemy out of our databases instead of bloviating about who the guilty party is?
Good point. After all the radical left bullshit they've been spewing supposedly supported by 'experts' they have given that word absolutely no clout whatsoever. I know this because I read 'experts.'
..just like he was guilty of Russian Collusion, yes?
What part of Federal Law is that "Collusion" statute in, again? Like even Donnie said, no law against it.
Biden will have to take action on this, and I too wonder if the Trump toady now in charge is doing what he can to delay reading biden in on details and possible response options. It's only a delay, but we'll see what happens when they return from vacay.
I don't see how Trump can sit back and transition to Biden given that he (Biden) is a traitor and beholding to the Chinese. Kamala is nothing but an ignorant, radical leftist whore so she's not qualified either.
This sounds like an impeachable offense. It'd be nice to get in a second one in the last thirty days.
1) After 4 years of no evidence directly linking Trump to Russia it might be time to give it break.
2) Any Trump supporters who try to pretend that Biden has direct links to China without giving any evidence are as bad as the lefties they’ve been justifiably crucifying over the past 4 years.

Does it boggle anyone else’s mind to watch the far left and far right literally switch rhetoric? WTF, I thought radicals were supposed to be that way because they believed so deeply in their principles that they never see any room for compromise? It’s like watching two debate clubs switch arguments in midstream.
Is it possible that we’re just simpletons who really can’t be trusted with the keys to car?
This sounds like an impeachable offense. It'd be nice to get in a second one in the last thirty days.
Another 'no proof' unilateral (1-party) faux impeachment....Yeah just what America needs.......NOT!
Indeed, now let’s keep this in mind for the next 4 years.
I'm not inclined to do that, we need to get after Biden with a vengence. He has to pay for 4 years of Democrat lies and his traitorous conduct with Ukraine and China. He has no business being POTUS.

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