Trump Claims Biden Administration Will Be Scandal Plagued; Did He Concede?

They always show barry "boy" soetoro as 100% scandal free.

That's so cute. Yeah, not even a smidgen for the muzzie chimp.
Care to show me how many indictments his admin received??

I'll wait

That took all of 12 seconds. This mother fuck is going to prison, hopefully to wake up every morning with hardened convict cock in its mouth.... pun intended.

Not a smidgen. I'll wait.
I don't believe this FBI agent was a political appointee so it is not on Obama. Your ignorant racism will have to find another target.

Yeah, and it's not a rainy Tuesday either, ya ignorant fuck.

Go back to your girlfriend's dick.... that thing ain't gonna suck itself.

"#TrumpConceded trended on Twitter Friday after President Donald Trump acknowledged the incoming “Biden administration” in a tweet -- “Now that the Biden Administration will be a scandal plagued mess for years to come, it is much easier for the Supreme Court of the United States to follow the Constitution and do what everybody knows has to be done. They must show great Courage & Wisdom. Save the USA!!!” the outgoing president, who has not yet formally conceded, wrote on Twitter."

Let's break this down for a second...."Now that the Biden admin will be scandal plagued for years to come" -- WTF is he talking about?? How can you be confident you will serve a second term starting next year while at the same time talking about the Biden admin will be scandal plagued for years?? And exactly what scandals are you talking about?? Like is his long time personal lawyer gonna get convicted while Biden is named a co-conspirator? Will his Nat'l Security Advisor plead to a felony, twice?? Trump is the last guy to clutch his pearls over scandals.....But since Trumpers love to gas-light, have at it bro....

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LOl! I thought Trump said the election was illegal with voter fraud? The Right are like chickens with the head cut off. They are so pitiful.
Interesting bit of history on another election that nearly blew us apart.

Jefferson versus Adams
Americans tend to look to the election of 1800 as the precedent for this achievement. After Thomas Jefferson and his running mate, Aaron Burr, tied in the Electoral College, the contest was thrown to the House of Representatives to decide the victor.

After 35 successive ties in the House, Jefferson, a Democratic-Republican, emerged victorious, confining Federalist John Adams to only one term.

This was the first time a president relinquished his office to a member of a rival faction. The 1800 election tested whether the republic could survive a partisan battle over the presidency and the resulting success assured Americans that the nation’s experiment in democracy could work.

But that’s not the whole story. The election of 1800 was more of a near-miss than most realize. As the House repeatedly deadlocked, the Democratic-Republicans grew wary that the Federalists would use the stalemate to stall until March 4, 1801, at which time Adams’s term would end and the presidency would then pass to the president pro tempore of the Senate, also a Federalist.

As the March 4 deadline loomed, Pennsylvania Gov. Thomas McKean prepared to defend the Democratic-Republican presidency by force. In case the Federalists tried to install one of their own, the governor drafted a proclamation ordering all officers and citizens of Pennsylvania to declare loyalty to Jefferson as president and Burr as vice-president.

McKean also readied arms for 20,000 militiamen who he would deploy to arrest any member of Congress who prevented Jefferson from taking the presidency. Virginia Gov. James Monroe likewise ordered a guard for his state’s arsenal to prevent any Federalists from plundering its weapons.

But Jefferson finally received a majority on Feb. 17 and McKean aborted his plan. Still, his preparations are revealing.

McKean’s plot demonstrates the contingency of American democracy and its reliance on the decision-making of those charged with maintaining it. Peaceful transitions of power are the result of choices made by individuals. They are not, nor have they ever been, a natural feature of the American political character.

But we can have a good idea by looking precedent. The SC in very unlikely to overturn an election based on such spurious "evidence".
You haven't seen the evidence that will be seen by the SCOTUS and your grammar is childish at best.
But we can have a good idea by looking precedent. The SC in very unlikely to overturn an election based on such spurious "evidence".
You haven't seen the evidence that will be seen by the SCOTUS and your grammar is childish at best.
Grammar nazi, eh? Could you enlighten me as to which aspects of my grammar you find lacking?

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