Trump, bringing peace to the world, in particular between muslim majority countries and Israel. But, didn't they lie about him and muslims?


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
There seems to be an increase in muslim majority countries warming up to Israel...thanks to the influence of President Trump........

Among the good news announced just this week:

  • The Arab League refused a Palestinian Authority initiative to condemn the AE’s normalization and appears to have pressured the PA into softening its position. The handwriting is on the wall for the PA.
  • Chad, an African republic with a majority Muslim population, has announced it will establish diplomatic relations with Israel and will consider putting its embassy in Jerusalem.
  • Saudi Arabia and Bahrain have announced that they will allow Israeli airliners to fly over their airspace traveling east toward the Gulf and beyond to Asia. This will cut several hours of flying time off of flights, and vastly enhance the ability of businesses to form new deals and tourists to travel. It makes clear that Saudi Arabia is following the path of the UAE. As does the following:
  • The Imam of the Grand Mosque in Mecca delivered a sermon hinting at normalization between Saudi Arabia and Israel.
The New Arab, a London-based, Qatari-funded private media outlet, reported over the weekend that Abdul Rahman al-Sudais used his sermon to emphasize tolerance and cooperation between Muslims and non-Muslims.

  • Abu Dhabi, the capital city of the UAE has instructed all hotels to offer kosher menus. In truth, halal food and kosher food are very similar, so if rabbis are brought in to bless the slaughterhouses and food preparation facilities, this can be accomplished at relatively low cost. Nonetheless the symbolic importance is gigantic, as guests will be reminded of normalization every time they see a menu.)
  • Greece, Cyprus and Israel just signed a historic military cooperation agreement. This is clearly aimed at Turkey, which is, along with Iran, one of the chief opponents of the normalization between Israel and the UAE.
  • And, in a harbinger of much more to come, South Korea is nearing a free trade agreement with Israel, now that it is clear that its extensive trade ties with the Arab world will not be negatively impacted by deepening ties with Israel. This will be hugely important for the two countries but will also signal enterprises in countries all over the world that they are free to invest and trade with Israel without giving up ties to the Arab economies.

The muslim countries who are sucking up to the Jews are making a deal with the devil. ... :eusa_naughty:

Qur'an 5:51 "O you who have believed, do not take the Jews and the Christians as allies. They are [in fact] allies of one another. And whoever is an ally to them among you – then indeed, he is [one] of them. Indeed, Allah guides not the wrongdoing people."
The muslim countries who are sucking up to the Jews are making a deal with the devil. ... :eusa_naughty:

Qur'an 5:51 "O you who have believed, do not take the Jews and the Christians as allies. They are [in fact] allies of one another. And whoever is an ally to them among you – then indeed, he is [one] of them. Indeed, Allah guides not the wrongdoing people."

I wasn't aware the Qur'an was written in English ...
The muslim countries who are sucking up to the Jews are making a deal with the devil. ... :eusa_naughty:

Qur'an 5:51 "O you who have believed, do not take the Jews and the Christians as allies. They are [in fact] allies of one another. And whoever is an ally to them among you – then indeed, he is [one] of them. Indeed, Allah guides not the wrongdoing people."
So you are agreeing that the whole narrative about how "tolerant" the muslims are is just a load of horseshit????
The muslim countries who are sucking up to the Jews are making a deal with the devil. ... :eusa_naughty:

Qur'an 5:51 "O you who have believed, do not take the Jews and the Christians as allies. They are [in fact] allies of one another. And whoever is an ally to them among you – then indeed, he is [one] of them. Indeed, Allah guides not the wrongdoing people."

I wasn't aware the Qur'an was written in English ...
whats worse is you didnt know languages can be translated,,,
The Quran verse is saying that muslim's are not to ally themselves with Christians and Jews who are fighting against their muslim brothers.
Because in the long run, the Christians and Jews will always side with each other against the muslim people.
Which is very true, and can be seen today with the unbreakable bond between the U.S. and Israel. ... :cool:
whats worse is you didnt know languages can be translated,,,

Obviously, you've never tried to translate ... my experience is limited to simple German into English ... can't avoid the bias ... Germans say things differently than the English ... some Muslims believe the Qur'an cannot be translated into English, one must learn Arabic to read it ... SunniMan appears to be just throwing out his anti-semitic rhetoric using any translation that suits his purpose ... and without citation ... whatever it takes to spread hatred ...

The King James Bible has some flaws ... the difference is the translation is well documented ... and the political motivation for the translation is well vetted ... see how the English Bible condones the English monarch taking Catholic wealth? ...
whats worse is you didnt know languages can be translated,,,

Obviously, you've never tried to translate ... my experience is limited to simple German into English ... can't avoid the bias ... Germans say things differently than the English ... some Muslims believe the Qur'an cannot be translated into English, one must learn Arabic to read it ... SunniMan appears to be just throwing out his anti-semitic rhetoric using any translation that suits his purpose ... and without citation ... whatever it takes to spread hatred ...

The King James Bible has some flaws ... the difference is the translation is well documented ... and the political motivation for the translation is well vetted ... see how the English Bible condones the English monarch taking Catholic wealth? ...
there are over 6 billion people in this world and I would be arrogant to say I am the deciding factor on translations,,,

what say you???
whats worse is you didnt know languages can be translated,,,

Obviously, you've never tried to translate ... my experience is limited to simple German into English ... can't avoid the bias ... Germans say things differently than the English ... some Muslims believe the Qur'an cannot be translated into English, one must learn Arabic to read it ... SunniMan appears to be just throwing out his anti-semitic rhetoric using any translation that suits his purpose ... and without citation ... whatever it takes to spread hatred ...

The King James Bible has some flaws ... the difference is the translation is well documented ... and the political motivation for the translation is well vetted ... see how the English Bible condones the English monarch taking Catholic wealth? ...
Humans act like animals. The Bible helped us to put rules into that. Which is an improvement on how we treat each other. And made the West the superior area of the world.
The Quran verse is saying that muslim's are not to ally themselves with Christians and Jews who are fighting against their muslim brothers.
Because in the long run, the Christians and Jews will always side with each other against the muslim people.
Which is very true, and can be seen today with the unbreakable bond between the U.S. and Israel. ... :cool:

The United States had the largest population of Jews of any country in the world up until about 1995 ... it's accually legal here to be a Jew ... and Jews enjoy full 14th Amendment protections ... which Muslim nation are Jews afforded all the rights and privileges of citizenship? ...

An American seeing a Mosque and a Synagogue sharing a parking lot doesn't even get a second look ... that's as normal as normal can be here ...

I'm not defending Israel ... I'm blaming French and English Mandates in the area during the interwar years ... the Muslims got screwed and screwed bad ... as a Christian who has spent most of his life helping the elderly widow women of my community, I'm quick to claim brotherhood with the Muslims, a fine people very close to my heart ...
There seems to be an increase in muslim majority countries warming up to Israel...thanks to the influence of President Trump........

Among the good news announced just this week:

  • The Arab League refused a Palestinian Authority initiative to condemn the AE’s normalization and appears to have pressured the PA into softening its position. The handwriting is on the wall for the PA.
  • Chad, an African republic with a majority Muslim population, has announced it will establish diplomatic relations with Israel and will consider putting its embassy in Jerusalem.
  • Saudi Arabia and Bahrain have announced that they will allow Israeli airliners to fly over their airspace traveling east toward the Gulf and beyond to Asia. This will cut several hours of flying time off of flights, and vastly enhance the ability of businesses to form new deals and tourists to travel. It makes clear that Saudi Arabia is following the path of the UAE. As does the following:
  • The Imam of the Grand Mosque in Mecca delivered a sermon hinting at normalization between Saudi Arabia and Israel.
The New Arab, a London-based, Qatari-funded private media outlet, reported over the weekend that Abdul Rahman al-Sudais used his sermon to emphasize tolerance and cooperation between Muslims and non-Muslims.

  • Abu Dhabi, the capital city of the UAE has instructed all hotels to offer kosher menus. In truth, halal food and kosher food are very similar, so if rabbis are brought in to bless the slaughterhouses and food preparation facilities, this can be accomplished at relatively low cost. Nonetheless the symbolic importance is gigantic, as guests will be reminded of normalization every time they see a menu.)
  • Greece, Cyprus and Israel just signed a historic military cooperation agreement. This is clearly aimed at Turkey, which is, along with Iran, one of the chief opponents of the normalization between Israel and the UAE.
  • And, in a harbinger of much more to come, South Korea is nearing a free trade agreement with Israel, now that it is clear that its extensive trade ties with the Arab world will not be negatively impacted by deepening ties with Israel. This will be hugely important for the two countries but will also signal enterprises in countries all over the world that they are free to invest and trade with Israel without giving up ties to the Arab economies.

Wait... you think Trump brought peace to the world?! Haha. What kind of news do you listen too and how much do you drink before you listen?
which Muslim nation are Jews afforded all the rights and privileges of citizenship? ...
Iran has the 2nd largest Jewish population in the middle east after Israel.
When the Ayatollah Khomeini was installed the leader of Iran after the revolution kicked out the Shah.
He gave full rights and citizenship to all Iranian Jews, and by law a Jewish delegate was given a permanent seat with full voting rights in the Iranian Parliament.
Also, all Jewish synagogue's are protected under Iranian law. ... :cool:
which Muslim nation are Jews afforded all the rights and privileges of citizenship? ...
Iran has the 2nd largest Jewish population in the middle east after Israel.
When the Ayatollah Khomeini was installed the leader of Iran after the revolution kicked out the Shah.
He gave full rights and citizenship to all Iranian Jews, and by law a Jewish delegate was given a permanent seat with full voting rights in the Iranian Parliament.
Also, all Jewish synagogue's are protected under Iranian law. ... :cool:

Thank you ... I had forgotten about Iran ...
The Quran verse is saying that muslim's are not to ally themselves with Christians and Jews who are fighting against their muslim brothers.
Because in the long run, the Christians and Jews will always side with each other against the muslim people.
Which is very true, and can be seen today with the unbreakable bond between the U.S. and Israel. ... :cool:
So if muslims attack someone and the victims respond in self defense they must be attacked again for fighting against Muslims?

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