Trump administration to ban Americans from traveling to North Korea

Dennis Rodman will be disappointed to learn that the US is set to ban all citizens from traveling to North Korea, according to two agencies that operate tours there. Koryo Tours and Young Pioneer Tours said the ban would be announced on 27 July to come into effect 30 days later, the BBC reported. “After the 30-day grace period any US national that travels to North Korea will have their passport invalidated by their government.” The ban comes one month after US student Otto Warmbier died following his imprisonment by the Kim regime. China-based Young Pioneer Tours, which

RUMORS OF WAR: America Banning All Citizens from Traveling to North Korea

We can see the sheep now they're going to come out looking like bigger dumbasses than they already do.
Trump administration to ban Americans from traveling to North Korea

Okay....This seems like a "tits on a bull" prohibition. Maybe I'm missing something, however? I mean really. Aside from a reporter or two, who really needs or wants to go to N. Korea, and I suspect reporters can get "special dispensation" to go. (As much as Trump claims to detest the press, I'd think he'd be glad to let any and all who want to go to the DPRK to go.)

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