Trump Administration Asks States to Keep Quiet About Jobless Figures

Millions are now applying for unemployment.
trump has taken the same tactic he took when the virus started.
Don't report the truth.
Trump Asks States to Keep Quiet About Jobless Figures

  • The wouldn't know the truth if it hit them in the face.
  • The truth is about the last thing in this world they are concerned with, otherwise they couldn't live with themselves saying the things & supporting the people they do!
Millions are now applying for unemployment.
trump has taken the same tactic he took when the virus started.
Don't report the truth.
Trump Asks States to Keep Quiet About Jobless Figures

  • The wouldn't know the truth if it hit them in the face.
  • The truth is about the last thing in this world they are concerned with, otherwise they couldn't live with themselves saying the things & supporting the people they do!

Dems want the country to be in panic mode.

Its so obvious. Chaos, panic, economic suffering just so they can improve their chances of winning elections this Nov. Pretty disgusting.

Meanwhile the great president Trump suspended student loan payments for the next 60 days minimum without penalty, after previously suspending interest on student loans.
Millions are now applying for unemployment.

trump has taken the same tactic he took when the virus started.

Don't report the truth.

Trump Asks States to Keep Quiet About Jobless Figures

Boy, you guys are clueless, not to mention ridiculous. Do we even know that Trump is aware of this request? And all the Department of Labor (DOL) administrator did was ask that the states not release their jobless figures until the DOL releases its weekly report on national jobless claims each Thursday. And this to you is some grand conspiracy by Trump to hide the truth?!
Geez, I'm supposed to care because some uneducated liberal peons got laid off.
Uneducated liberal peons?!! What the fuck are you talking about? That is one of the most ignorant and irresponsible posts that I ever saw, and I've seen a lot. You don't know that the people effected by the economic fallout - precipitated in part by his ass dragging and denial early on - are uneducated, or that they are liberals.

This is proof that the Orange Ogre is still more interested in protecting his political fortunes than protecting the people who he is supposed to be serving. There is something seriously wrong with you. It would appear that you are the one lacking an education.
Millions are now applying for unemployment.

trump has taken the same tactic he took when the virus started.

Don't report the truth.

Trump Asks States to Keep Quiet About Jobless Figures

Boy, you guys are clueless, not to mention ridiculous. Do we even know that Trump is aware of this request? And all the Department of Labor (DOL) administrator did was ask that the states not release their jobless figures until the DOL releases its weekly report on national jobless claims each Thursday. And this to you is some grand conspiracy by Trump to hide the truth?!
"The Trump Administration" Do you understand what that means. ? If he was unaware, it is just more proof of his incompetency and ability to run the government
Geez, I'm supposed to care because some uneducated liberal peons got laid off.
Uneducated liberal peons?!! What the fuck are you talking about? That is one of the most ignorant and irresponsible posts that I ever saw, and I've seen a lot. You don't know that the people effected by the economic fallout - precipitated in part by his ass dragging and denial early on - are uneducated, or that they are liberals.

This is proof that the Orange Ogre is still more interested in protecting his political fortunes than protecting the people who he is supposed to be serving. There is something seriously wrong with you. It would appear that you are the one lacking an education.

Maybe remove he dick from your mouth beforehand embarrassing yourself again. While you asshats were busy with your impeachment idiocy, Trump allocated money for the CDC. Pisslosi sat on it so she could slam Trump on the Sunday shows. He banned travel from China. Only to have idiots like you scream racist. Then later to cry he didn’t ban it fast enough. It would seem you are sorely lacking in education.
Millions are now applying for unemployment.
trump has taken the same tactic he took when the virus started.
Don't report the truth.
Trump Asks States to Keep Quiet About Jobless Figures

  • The wouldn't know the truth if it hit them in the face.
  • The truth is about the last thing in this world they are concerned with, otherwise they couldn't live with themselves saying the things & supporting the people they do!
Here is some truth for you:

Trump’s Words on Pandemic Used Against Him

Trump’s Words on Pandemic Used Against Him

March 20, 2020 at 4:52 pm EDT By Taegan Goddard 29 Comments

This new ad from a Democratic super PAC is brutal.

Greg Sargent: “The group is set to air digital spots in Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin — the three ‘blue wall’ states Trump cracked in 2016 — that document an extensive array of times that Trump minimized coronavirus, falsely downplayed the threat it posed and absurdly hyped his own handling of it.”
What will Dems do when there are no Coronovirus patients in a month or two? What will their campaign issue be then?
Dems want the country to be in panic mode.

Its so obvious. Chaos, panic, economic suffering just so they can improve their chances of winning elections this Nov. Pretty disgusting.

Meanwhile the great president Trump suspended student loan payments for the next 60 days minimum without penalty, after previously suspending interest on student loans.
now you know how the crash of 2007 happened. this is who the left are.

You never let a serious crisis go to waste. And what I mean by that it's an opportunity to do things you think you could not do before.

Rahm Emanuel

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