Troops Assigned To The US Border Mission Are Bored As Hell


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City

Here goes this site again! I’m becoming positive it’s a Leftist front out to belittle our president anyway they can.

Troops bored? Good Lord! They obviously don’t know the most basic rule of being in the military. Hurry up and wait? It’s why we learned to pass our time anyway possible, to include getting lots and lots of sleep. And, any NCO worth his or her salt would be finding all sorts of ways of giving them make-work tasks.

The Times likened the atmosphere to the early years in Afghanistan. Rep. Anthony G. Brown, a Maryland Democrat and Iraq War veteran, said a key difference is that in Afghanistan the soldiers have a mission.

Brown said that even on holidays, that mission, a sense of purpose, helped troops maintain morale. Along the border, it seems, that purpose is missing.

While some of the troops spend their days constructing barbed-wire fences, others are just trying to make their bases livable, according to The Times. Many are performing the same tasks as previously deployed National Guard units.

When you send a soldier on a dubious mission, with no military value, over Thanksgiving, it doesn’t help morale at all,” Brown told The Times.

Of course they cite the NYT and find a Dim Rep for the commentary.

More of this trash @ Troops Assigned To The US Border Mission Are Bored As Hell

Here goes this site again! I’m becoming positive it’s a Leftist front out to belittle our president anyway they can.

Troops bored? Good Lord! They obviously don’t know the most basic rule of being in the military. Hurry up and wait? It’s why we learned to pass our time anyway possible, to include getting lots and lots of sleep. And, any NCO worth his or her salt would be finding all sorts of ways of giving them make-work tasks.

The Times likened the atmosphere to the early years in Afghanistan. Rep. Anthony G. Brown, a Maryland Democrat and Iraq War veteran, said a key difference is that in Afghanistan the soldiers have a mission.

Brown said that even on holidays, that mission, a sense of purpose, helped troops maintain morale. Along the border, it seems, that purpose is missing.

While some of the troops spend their days constructing barbed-wire fences, others are just trying to make their bases livable, according to The Times. Many are performing the same tasks as previously deployed National Guard units.

When you send a soldier on a dubious mission, with no military value, over Thanksgiving, it doesn’t help morale at all,” Brown told The Times.

Of course they cite the NYT and find a Dim Rep for the commentary.

More of this trash @ Troops Assigned To The US Border Mission Are Bored As Hell
That appears to be because this 45 nut has proven over and over again he cannot stop Democracy from prevailing. Additionally those few in comparison troops who he put in a perilous position and a waste of taxpayer money deserve to ignore a order of a maniac and illegitimate fraud. This includes of a so-called president from opening fire on women, children and defenseless men who are at the Southern border. Strategic forces of America know where the enemies are and they are from China and Russia in the air, sea and other areas in particular.

Here goes this site again! I’m becoming positive it’s a Leftist front out to belittle our president anyway they can.

Troops bored? Good Lord! They obviously don’t know the most basic rule of being in the military. Hurry up and wait? It’s why we learned to pass our time anyway possible, to include getting lots and lots of sleep. And, any NCO worth his or her salt would be finding all sorts of ways of giving them make-work tasks.

The Times likened the atmosphere to the early years in Afghanistan. Rep. Anthony G. Brown, a Maryland Democrat and Iraq War veteran, said a key difference is that in Afghanistan the soldiers have a mission.

Brown said that even on holidays, that mission, a sense of purpose, helped troops maintain morale. Along the border, it seems, that purpose is missing.

While some of the troops spend their days constructing barbed-wire fences, others are just trying to make their bases livable, according to The Times. Many are performing the same tasks as previously deployed National Guard units.

When you send a soldier on a dubious mission, with no military value, over Thanksgiving, it doesn’t help morale at all,” Brown told The Times.

Of course they cite the NYT and find a Dim Rep for the commentary.

More of this trash @ Troops Assigned To The US Border Mission Are Bored As Hell
That appears to be because this 45 nut has proven over and over again he cannot stop Democracy from prevailing. Additionally those few in comparison troops who he put in a perilous position and a waste of taxpayer money deserve to ignore a order of a maniac and illegitimate fraud. This includes of a so-called president from opening fire on women, children and defenseless men who are at the Southern border. Strategic forces of America know where the enemies are and they are from China and Russia in the air, sea and other areas in particular.
Another fucking sock-puppet!
Soros paid.
Permanent ignore asshole!
I have to admit, I love it when my soldiers are bored. Beats the hell out of the alternatives.
as stated numerous times, these idiots have no idea what the military does/etc
they make themselves look very stupid by commenting
as stated numerous times, these idiots have no idea what the military does/etc
they make themselves look very stupid by commenting
There's a big difference between sitting wet-ass in a rice paddy waiting your turn in the barrel and sitting in a AC cooled activity room on the S. border playing 'hearts' to get the day in.
Ask any regular soldier which he/she would rather be doing.

Here goes this site again! I’m becoming positive it’s a Leftist front out to belittle our president anyway they can.

Troops bored? Good Lord! They obviously don’t know the most basic rule of being in the military. Hurry up and wait? It’s why we learned to pass our time anyway possible, to include getting lots and lots of sleep. And, any NCO worth his or her salt would be finding all sorts of ways of giving them make-work tasks.

The Times likened the atmosphere to the early years in Afghanistan. Rep. Anthony G. Brown, a Maryland Democrat and Iraq War veteran, said a key difference is that in Afghanistan the soldiers have a mission.

Brown said that even on holidays, that mission, a sense of purpose, helped troops maintain morale. Along the border, it seems, that purpose is missing.

While some of the troops spend their days constructing barbed-wire fences, others are just trying to make their bases livable, according to The Times. Many are performing the same tasks as previously deployed National Guard units.

When you send a soldier on a dubious mission, with no military value, over Thanksgiving, it doesn’t help morale at all,” Brown told The Times.

Of course they cite the NYT and find a Dim Rep for the commentary.

More of this trash @ Troops Assigned To The US Border Mission Are Bored As Hell
Making false political statements, while expensive, is not labor intensive. I'm sure they are bored, and probably not too happy about being separated from their families during the holiday season.

Here goes this site again! I’m becoming positive it’s a Leftist front out to belittle our president anyway they can.

Troops bored? Good Lord! They obviously don’t know the most basic rule of being in the military. Hurry up and wait? It’s why we learned to pass our time anyway possible, to include getting lots and lots of sleep. And, any NCO worth his or her salt would be finding all sorts of ways of giving them make-work tasks.

The Times likened the atmosphere to the early years in Afghanistan. Rep. Anthony G. Brown, a Maryland Democrat and Iraq War veteran, said a key difference is that in Afghanistan the soldiers have a mission.

Brown said that even on holidays, that mission, a sense of purpose, helped troops maintain morale. Along the border, it seems, that purpose is missing.

While some of the troops spend their days constructing barbed-wire fences, others are just trying to make their bases livable, according to The Times. Many are performing the same tasks as previously deployed National Guard units.

When you send a soldier on a dubious mission, with no military value, over Thanksgiving, it doesn’t help morale at all,” Brown told The Times.

Of course they cite the NYT and find a Dim Rep for the commentary.

More of this trash @ Troops Assigned To The US Border Mission Are Bored As Hell
Making false political statements, while expensive, is not labor intensive. I'm sure they are bored, and probably not too happy about being separated from their families during the holiday season.
please follow the thread
the military is separated from their families a LOT!!! all the time they are in
it comes with the job
These solders know damn well this is nothing more than a political stunt by trump, the same trump that wanted the military votes in Florida ignored. It's a bullshit mission.

Here goes this site again! I’m becoming positive it’s a Leftist front out to belittle our president anyway they can.

Troops bored? Good Lord! They obviously don’t know the most basic rule of being in the military. Hurry up and wait? It’s why we learned to pass our time anyway possible, to include getting lots and lots of sleep. And, any NCO worth his or her salt would be finding all sorts of ways of giving them make-work tasks.

The Times likened the atmosphere to the early years in Afghanistan. Rep. Anthony G. Brown, a Maryland Democrat and Iraq War veteran, said a key difference is that in Afghanistan the soldiers have a mission.

Brown said that even on holidays, that mission, a sense of purpose, helped troops maintain morale. Along the border, it seems, that purpose is missing.

While some of the troops spend their days constructing barbed-wire fences, others are just trying to make their bases livable, according to The Times. Many are performing the same tasks as previously deployed National Guard units.

When you send a soldier on a dubious mission, with no military value, over Thanksgiving, it doesn’t help morale at all,” Brown told The Times.

Of course they cite the NYT and find a Dim Rep for the commentary.

More of this trash @ Troops Assigned To The US Border Mission Are Bored As Hell
Making false political statements, while expensive, is not labor intensive. I'm sure they are bored, and probably not too happy about being separated from their families during the holiday season.
please follow the thread
the military is separated from their families a LOT!!! all the time they are in
it comes with the job
Lol, are you dumb enough to believe that means they aren't bored and unhappy to be separated from their families?

Here goes this site again! I’m becoming positive it’s a Leftist front out to belittle our president anyway they can.

Troops bored? Good Lord! They obviously don’t know the most basic rule of being in the military. Hurry up and wait? It’s why we learned to pass our time anyway possible, to include getting lots and lots of sleep. And, any NCO worth his or her salt would be finding all sorts of ways of giving them make-work tasks.

The Times likened the atmosphere to the early years in Afghanistan. Rep. Anthony G. Brown, a Maryland Democrat and Iraq War veteran, said a key difference is that in Afghanistan the soldiers have a mission.

Brown said that even on holidays, that mission, a sense of purpose, helped troops maintain morale. Along the border, it seems, that purpose is missing.

While some of the troops spend their days constructing barbed-wire fences, others are just trying to make their bases livable, according to The Times. Many are performing the same tasks as previously deployed National Guard units.

When you send a soldier on a dubious mission, with no military value, over Thanksgiving, it doesn’t help morale at all,” Brown told The Times.

Of course they cite the NYT and find a Dim Rep for the commentary.

More of this trash @ Troops Assigned To The US Border Mission Are Bored As Hell
Making false political statements, while expensive, is not labor intensive. I'm sure they are bored, and probably not too happy about being separated from their families during the holiday season.
stationed 4 years in Camp Lejeune I was:
6 months overseas Mediterranean
2-6 months overseas South America -total 1 year
3 weeks off Colombia
3 weeks in Honduras
2 weeks in California
2 weeks in Virginia
this is not counting days in field--away from ''home''

Here goes this site again! I’m becoming positive it’s a Leftist front out to belittle our president anyway they can.

Troops bored? Good Lord! They obviously don’t know the most basic rule of being in the military. Hurry up and wait? It’s why we learned to pass our time anyway possible, to include getting lots and lots of sleep. And, any NCO worth his or her salt would be finding all sorts of ways of giving them make-work tasks.

The Times likened the atmosphere to the early years in Afghanistan. Rep. Anthony G. Brown, a Maryland Democrat and Iraq War veteran, said a key difference is that in Afghanistan the soldiers have a mission.

Brown said that even on holidays, that mission, a sense of purpose, helped troops maintain morale. Along the border, it seems, that purpose is missing.

While some of the troops spend their days constructing barbed-wire fences, others are just trying to make their bases livable, according to The Times. Many are performing the same tasks as previously deployed National Guard units.

When you send a soldier on a dubious mission, with no military value, over Thanksgiving, it doesn’t help morale at all,” Brown told The Times.

Of course they cite the NYT and find a Dim Rep for the commentary.

More of this trash @ Troops Assigned To The US Border Mission Are Bored As Hell
Making false political statements, while expensive, is not labor intensive. I'm sure they are bored, and probably not too happy about being separated from their families during the holiday season.
stationed 4 years in Camp Lejeune I was:
6 months overseas Mediterranean
2-6 months overseas South America -total 1 year
3 weeks off Colombia
3 weeks in Honduras
2 weeks in California
2 weeks in Virginia
this is not counting days in field--away from ''home''

Here goes this site again! I’m becoming positive it’s a Leftist front out to belittle our president anyway they can.

Troops bored? Good Lord! They obviously don’t know the most basic rule of being in the military. Hurry up and wait? It’s why we learned to pass our time anyway possible, to include getting lots and lots of sleep. And, any NCO worth his or her salt would be finding all sorts of ways of giving them make-work tasks.

The Times likened the atmosphere to the early years in Afghanistan. Rep. Anthony G. Brown, a Maryland Democrat and Iraq War veteran, said a key difference is that in Afghanistan the soldiers have a mission.

Brown said that even on holidays, that mission, a sense of purpose, helped troops maintain morale. Along the border, it seems, that purpose is missing.

While some of the troops spend their days constructing barbed-wire fences, others are just trying to make their bases livable, according to The Times. Many are performing the same tasks as previously deployed National Guard units.

When you send a soldier on a dubious mission, with no military value, over Thanksgiving, it doesn’t help morale at all,” Brown told The Times.

Of course they cite the NYT and find a Dim Rep for the commentary.

More of this trash @ Troops Assigned To The US Border Mission Are Bored As Hell
Making false political statements, while expensive, is not labor intensive. I'm sure they are bored, and probably not too happy about being separated from their families during the holiday season.
please follow the thread
the military is separated from their families a LOT!!! all the time they are in
it comes with the job
Lol, are you dumb enough to believe that means they aren't bored and unhappy to be separated from their families?
YOU are undeniably the dumbass
see my previous post
this case is closed

Here goes this site again! I’m becoming positive it’s a Leftist front out to belittle our president anyway they can.

Troops bored? Good Lord! They obviously don’t know the most basic rule of being in the military. Hurry up and wait? It’s why we learned to pass our time anyway possible, to include getting lots and lots of sleep. And, any NCO worth his or her salt would be finding all sorts of ways of giving them make-work tasks.

The Times likened the atmosphere to the early years in Afghanistan. Rep. Anthony G. Brown, a Maryland Democrat and Iraq War veteran, said a key difference is that in Afghanistan the soldiers have a mission.

Brown said that even on holidays, that mission, a sense of purpose, helped troops maintain morale. Along the border, it seems, that purpose is missing.

While some of the troops spend their days constructing barbed-wire fences, others are just trying to make their bases livable, according to The Times. Many are performing the same tasks as previously deployed National Guard units.

When you send a soldier on a dubious mission, with no military value, over Thanksgiving, it doesn’t help morale at all,” Brown told The Times.

Of course they cite the NYT and find a Dim Rep for the commentary.

More of this trash @ Troops Assigned To The US Border Mission Are Bored As Hell
Making false political statements, while expensive, is not labor intensive. I'm sure they are bored, and probably not too happy about being separated from their families during the holiday season.
stationed 4 years in Camp Lejeune I was:
6 months overseas Mediterranean
2-6 months overseas South America -total 1 year
3 weeks off Colombia
3 weeks in Honduras
2 weeks in California
2 weeks in Virginia
this is not counting days in field--away from ''home''
hahahahahahahahah dumbass
they are usually away from their families/etc--what does it matter where they are??
you have NO--NO--NO idea about military life

Here goes this site again! I’m becoming positive it’s a Leftist front out to belittle our president anyway they can.

Troops bored? Good Lord! They obviously don’t know the most basic rule of being in the military. Hurry up and wait? It’s why we learned to pass our time anyway possible, to include getting lots and lots of sleep. And, any NCO worth his or her salt would be finding all sorts of ways of giving them make-work tasks.

The Times likened the atmosphere to the early years in Afghanistan. Rep. Anthony G. Brown, a Maryland Democrat and Iraq War veteran, said a key difference is that in Afghanistan the soldiers have a mission.

Brown said that even on holidays, that mission, a sense of purpose, helped troops maintain morale. Along the border, it seems, that purpose is missing.

While some of the troops spend their days constructing barbed-wire fences, others are just trying to make their bases livable, according to The Times. Many are performing the same tasks as previously deployed National Guard units.

When you send a soldier on a dubious mission, with no military value, over Thanksgiving, it doesn’t help morale at all,” Brown told The Times.

Of course they cite the NYT and find a Dim Rep for the commentary.

More of this trash @ Troops Assigned To The US Border Mission Are Bored As Hell
Making false political statements, while expensive, is not labor intensive. I'm sure they are bored, and probably not too happy about being separated from their families during the holiday season.
please follow the thread
the military is separated from their families a LOT!!! all the time they are in
it comes with the job
Lol, are you dumb enough to believe that means they aren't bored and unhappy to be separated from their families?
YOU are undeniably the dumbass
see my previous post
this case is closed
Lol, you tRumpkins are so thin thin skinned.

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