Trending Primordial in Economics And Behavior: Pre-Eden Rolls and Dishes


Gold Member
Feb 22, 2009
So if the big fish eat the little fish without regard to price behavior: Then ancient humans post-farming would have been thought to have created advances. Many would say there are advances extraordinary in place, in fact.

Actually, Moses had set-up human distaste for any of that. In Deuteronomy 23:19-20, Israel was set to charging fixed percentage usury to all but its own. Arithmetic became sin, contrary to the deity reportedly unable to even clothe two old White People in the forest. That was pre-farming. Not much record was created. Cain and Abel would replicate the big fish killing off the little fish phenomenon.

New Testament Matthew 25:14-30 finally showed the impact of the Deuteronomy admonition. Those with the more numbers were getting the greater gain. Those with the lesser numbers were cast into a foreclosure crisis. In history, Israel would become despised. Everyone else was ruined. A remedy was proposed in New Testament Matthew 20:1-16. A basis survival distribution of numbers would create a daily living computing. Nothing much in record or in remedy would happen for twenty centuries going forward.

No one wins at Tax Court, USA. My own challenge was directed at the computing, fixed percentage, of the Social Security COLA. The Ford Administration had started a remedy form in the nation-wide equal amount rebate of taxes. The Carter Administration would fail to follow-up, and become famous for inflation. The Reagan Administration would support the raising and Indexing of the Standard Deduction and Personal Exemptions in the US Tax Code, all the while trying to avoid the Recession with deficit spending--directed to the defense contractors. Bush I, Term I, would become victim of the arithmetic-generated Recession. The War spending was woefully inadequate, over in a few days. The Clintons would expand the per child equal amount child tax credit. Recession would be avoided with still more deficit spending that would further extend to domestic economy spending. The Reagan legacy, effectively, was still apparent. Bush Two would avoid all that, spend on war--insufficient in amount to even adequately equip the troops in the field.

Religions worldwide would blame the foreclosure crisis, "The Great Recession," on anything other than the Moses Atrocity. High Tech engineering was happening. The arithmetic of economics was not said to be happening. Similar again, to the Regan dilemma: The Obama Administration would create giant deficit spending, and create an equal amount--now refundable, "Make Work Pay Income Tax credit." The other claim made is that they knew nothing about it. The Republicans would take that credit away. The Democrats would blame health care financing--page after page, week after week, year after year.

The Trump Republicans would send tax cuts to the rich, complete with deficit spending enormity. The Reagan Revolution may have created cross-over Democrats again. Again they all get left behind, to stew and to simmer. Distressed factions happen all over again.

There had appeared "Boss Phil," complete with Boom Box, in the Free Venice Beachhead of the 1980's, around the time of the ten-year tax court protest.

A diagonal from the lower left corner to the upper right shows the Moses Atrocity in math. The equal amounts are parallel, in the center, to the left and right sides. Matthew 20:1-16, gets applied. A fifth quadrant of credit market overrun is created. Inflation tries to repay: But there is nothing to repay any of it with. . . .(money). The money is represented by little dots in the box. Credit it is, the source of income raises.

So instead, USA has Board of Governors, Federal Reserve.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Creating atrocity is even called, "School," and "Church," and "Camp(?)!")
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