Transparency Update


Gold Member
Jul 5, 2004
A few days ago it was announced that one of the main duties of Robert Gibbs’ replacement Jay Carney would be to “mend dysfunctional relationships” with the White House Press Corps.

I don’t know when all that’s supposed to start, but it certainly didn’t start with the signing of START:

President Obama signed one of his top foreign-policy priorities Wednesday, and set off a row with the White House press corps in the process.

The White House Correspondents Association (WHCA) sharply criticized Mr. Obama‘s decision to sign the New START nuclear-arms pact with Russia in a private Oval Office ceremony with virtually all of the press barred from the event.


Now, why would an event the administration classifies as a crowning achievement be closed to the press? So the snickering from afar couldn’t be caught on tape?


Michelle Malkin Transparency Update: Reporters Shut Out of START Treaty Signing
Pres. Obama is Mister Transparency, just not in the way he thinks he is. ;)

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