Traiter Trump pulling a Bush and Obama.for these reasons.


Diamond Member
Mar 1, 2008
One of his lies that he would keep us out of wars in the middle east.

these are the reasons he is doing it.

To serve and please Bibi to start off with. Here are the rest.

United States personnel and interests across the region = the big oil companies

The American people have learned NOTHING from the military industrial complex's use of our government and the global economy to enrich their bottom line and advance their personal agendas.
This is literally a carbon copy of the case for war made prior to our invasion of Iraq, Afghanistan, Grenada, Panama, Libya, Kuwait, Bosnia, Serbia, Lebanon, Ziare, Cambodia, Laos, Viet Nam, Korea...
The security of the United States and the safety of our citizens was NEVER a legitimate risk prefacing any of these military actions.
In every case, the personal fortunes of the owners and executives of arms manufacturers and dealers, and those of various other industries were aided by the use of taxpayer funded US troops being forced into action.
The only legitimate purpose of our military is for National Defense.
The Projection of Power is the exact OPPOSITE of Defense. It is an OFFENSIVE military action.
In EVERY instance, the use of force has been the result of the failure of our leaders to Engage in diplomacy effectively, or their utter disregard of the efforts of diplomats under our employ.

They called it credible intel when they invaded Iraq too for WMD's

Gulf of Tonkin ring a bell?

Well, how about that? Trump's promised Middle-East peace plan is now coming to fruition. See what happens when you break treatys with other countrys, for no particular good reason.

Who/what are we defending? The Saudi's, Israel, who? Let them defend themselves. It isn't necessary for us to be there. Trump just wants a war with Iran and will make up stories trying to stir up the American people, just like when Bush said there was chemical weapons in Iraq and would have thought, they never found any.

This feels like deja vu all over again.

Great start a war a year before the election. Then use a scare tactic to gain votes. I feel like we been here before.

And so it begins. Comrade Trump thinks he won't be Impeached if he's a "Wartime" leader, and lets face it, he's been looking for a distraction from these investigations, so what better way to thank Netanyahu for naming a Settlement after him. Bolton has been wanting to attack Iran for at least a decade or more. The Saudi Prince would love if the U.S. fought the war they wanted with Iran. So along with a distraction, Comrade Trump makes the Saudi Prince happy, Netanyahu happy, and Bolton happy, plus Comrade Trump thinks it will win his re-election, if he's still around to run in 2020. Impeach him now before the republicans get us into another unnecessary war.....

this is WHY we are having a war Trump is in favor of.class dismissed.
Trump and the rest of these corrupt evil politicians in washington of course would NEVER approve of this war if they had to send THEIR sons off to fight with those 15,000 troops he deployed.

congress of course is immune from criminal prosecution same as the president.

just once i would love to see these politicians and the president always be on the front lines of these wars.
Same crap they tried to pull after the Iraq War..

and LBJ pulled with the phony gulf of tonkin incident,.Bush with 9/11 so he could finish what his father started in Kuwait,Clinton bombing sudan to get the attention away from monica,Nixon the same thing,expanding the vietnam war with cambodia to get attention away from watergate,the list goes on and on and on with all these past administrations as i documented in the OP.
So it's nothing new how the govt. abuses other nations to get what they want.

It will always continue as long as we have this corrupt two party system of demopublicans and reporocrats a ONE PARTY system disguised as two so the sheep think they have a choice in who gets elected never wondering WHY an independent never gets elected.:cuckoo:
saddam started TWO wars
gassed his own civilians to death
violated the cease fire
invaded an ally of the US
all like hitler did
we had every reason and right to go to war with Iraq

Bin Laden and his gang operated from Afghanistan
I guess you loved it when the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor
funny how one of the posters i was making fun of cause he cant deal with facts that the dems are as corrupt as the repubs,went and whined to the mods about that post.LOL

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