Tornado Activity....the k00ks are wrong again!!


Platinum Member
Aug 6, 2009
Not the middle of nowhere

Even when everybody saw the tornado warnings issued the night before they hit, YOU KNEW the k00ks would be on here post storms with the hysterical BS about climate change being the cause.


8 April 2011 - 22H45

Tornadoes whipped up by wind, not climate: officials

In the aftermath of a severe tornado, owner Frank Evans stands on the rubble that was the Quik Pawn Shop in Tuscaloosa, Alabama. US meteorologists warned Thursday it would be a mistake to blame climate change for a seeming increase in tornadoes in the wake of deadly storms that have ripped through the US south. AFP - US meteorologists warned Thursday it would be a mistake to blame climate change for a seeming increase in tornadoes in the wake of deadly storms that have ripped through the US south.

"If you look at the past 60 years of data, the number of tornadoes is increasing significantly, but it's agreed upon by the tornado community that it's not a real increase," said Grady Dixon, assistant professor of meteorology and climatology at Mississippi State University.

"It's having to do with better (weather tracking) technology, more population, the fact that the population is better educated and more aware. So we're seeing them more often," Dixon said.

But he said it would be "a terrible mistake" to relate the up-tick to climate change

Tornadoes whipped up by wind, not climate: officials - FRANCE 24


Yo al.. Is it a fcukking hoot or what...........humiliating these jerkoffs???!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

Not sure son...........some psychologists contend that people who become alarmists with things related to climate change are people who are desperate to identify something meaningful in their lives, thus, they are in a perpetual state of searching for a "cause". This is why whenever there is any storm, any size, any frequency anywhere in the world, they are compelled to over-reach. Those tornado' son? The nutters are convinced its global warming and the world is coming to an end. 100% convinced. For these people, its critically important that the cause be any cost..........even in the face of facts that decimate the foundation of their cause.
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Much of Tuscaloosa was ravaged by a mile-wide tornado on Wednesday...
Death toll rises as more bodies found
30 April 2011 - President Barack Obama has visited storm-ravaged communities in Alabama as south-eastern US states face up to the aftermath of devastating storms
The death toll from the tornadoes that hit the southern US this week has risen to 340, in one of the worst twister outbreaks in the country's history. Soldiers and emergency teams are still searching for bodies and survivors. More than 200 tornadoes were reported across six southern US states on Tuesday and Wednesday. During a visit to Alabama, which bore the brunt of the storms, President Barack Obama said he had "never seen devastation like this". Mr Obama was speaking in Tuscaloosa, an Alabama town hit by a mile-wide (1.6km) tornado on Wednesday.


"We are going to do everything we can to help these communities rebuild," Obama said. "We're going to make sure you're not forgotten." More than 250 people died in Alabama alone - mostly on Wednesday. As many as a million homes and businesses in the state are still without power. The overall death toll across the southern US makes it the second-deadliest tornado outbreak in US history, the Associated Press news agency reports. It says the largest death toll ever was in March 1925, when 747 people were killed in storms that raged through Missouri, Illinois and Indiana.

Alabama Governor Robert Bentley said he expected more bodies to be found in the coming days. The mayor of Birmingham, the largest city in the state, told reporters on Friday: "Whole neighbourhoods of housing, just completely gone. Churches, gone. Businesses, gone... [it] seems like a bomb has been dropped." Tornadoes and storms have also caused deaths in Tennessee, Mississippi, Kentucky, Louisiana, Georgia and in Virginia. A state of emergency remains in place in those states.

BBC News - US tornadoes: Death toll rises as more bodies found
Talking about predictable....................

How stupid predictable is it that when the secularist assholes have their phoney science blow up in their face, they IMMEDIATELY switch on the moral superiority switch!!! Epic gayness..............

I live the life of death and tragedy every day. I am an administrator at a human service agency that serves severely challenged autistic adults........the most severely challenged on the whole east coast. I see more death and tragedy in one year than 99% of the population see's in a lifetime...........assholes.

Please..........the meathead who spends his life around fcukking wood is lecturing everybody on how we should feel about a catastrophy that results in death............

In thier mental case minds............they cant reconcile life when shit like this happens because they are convinced science can control it if we all just have the will. Now........tell me thats not hysterical shit??
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Want a bullseye view into the way a liberal thinks. This video is a MUST SEE............the best stuff starts around 3:40. Those who dont get it end up confused and angst for life...........

To reiterate...........IM never on here to spend one single millisecond trying to convert the far left k00ks. They've gone off the cliff long ago and well.......we all know what happens when one goes over the cliff. But as a former huge advocate of Marxism back in my college days, my role on here is to vividly point out the utter hopelessness that is associated with liberal thinking. False premise is gay ( as Sowell nails with precision below)............and Im on here to make that unequivocally clear.

[ame=]YouTube - The Difference Between Liberal and Conservative[/ame]
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Want a bullseye view into the way a liberal thinks. This video is a MUST SEE............the best stuff starts around 3:40. Those who dont get it end up confused and angst for life...........

To reiterate...........IM never on here to spend one single millisecond trying to convert the far left k00ks. They've gone off the cliff long ago and well.......we all know what happens when one goes over the cliff. But as a former huge advocate of Marxism back in my college days, my role on here is to vividly point out the utter hopelessness that is associated with liberal thinking. False premise is gay ( as Sowell nails with precision below)............and Im on here to make that unequivocally clear.

YouTube - The Difference Between Liberal and Conservative

The problem with people like you is that you have gone over the cliff too, just on the other side of it. While I am skeptical of the causes of global warming, I still realize that the burning of fossil fuels is not the greatest thing for our environment. The biggest damage comes in the extraction and burning of those fuels as they lead to polluted underground aquifers polluted rivers, and poor air quality. You and those like you will deny that there is any negative impact on our environment whatsoever. That is why it is pretty much impossible to discuss anything on these boards, because everyone seems to want to take the most outrageous stance on just about every issue. Drives me nuts that so many people have lost the ability to think logically.
Ya know, Kooky, I can easily believe that you were a Marxist in your younger days. And all you have achieved is to trade one loopy philosophy for another. On the other hand, I have never been a Marxist, nor a laissez faire capitalist. And the college I got, I got while working full time at a job.

As for being liberal, yes, I am a blue collar liberal. Don't talk to me about ideology, show me where this policy has been in effect and what it did, and whom it did it for.

However, none of this has the least to do with the present changes we see in the climate. GHGs have no ideology, and the results follow the dynamics of atmospheric physics, not the blather of politicians. I post, for the most part, what the people who study the science concerned with this issue. Particulary, scientists from the AGU and AIP.

You reply by posting nonsense. That is apparently all you understand in life, nonsense.
In terms of liberal idea's............heres the disconnect in terms of "solutions". The three questions below destroy any and all liberal arguments............

1) Compared to what?

2) At what cost?

3) What hard evidence do you have?

How many liberal idea's can answer all three of the above questions and pass the test? Can you even count it on one hand?

As Sowell so brilliantly points out...........the liberal mind has a distinct inability to understand that life is about weighing necessary tradeoffs. In fact.........THAT IS WHAT LIFE IS. The liberal just cant understand that concept........for example, the typical liberal wants to be tolerant of evil but NEVER wants to entertain the question, "At what price?"

The best example of flawed thinking that I like to use emerges from a tragedy on I95 in Connecticut where an 18 wheeler smashed into the rear of a van loaded with 9 from one family. The van was parked on the shoulder. The entire family died. Shortly afterwards, several liberal groups lobbyed the legislature of Ct. to widen the I95 corridor at a cost of hundreds of millions of dollars so that it would cut down on this type of tragedy. They failed in their efforts...............of course they failed. It is stupid silly thinking at best.........absolute mental case idea's. Like I said.......its the inability to comprehend that life is about necessary tradeoffs and that for many things, there are simply zero solutions. The liberal mind thinks there is a solution for anything and everything.:2up::mm::bye1::bye1::bye1: THATS why you cant leave a liberal in charge of anything.
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Want a bullseye view into the way a liberal thinks. This video is a MUST SEE............the best stuff starts around 3:40. Those who dont get it end up confused and angst for life...........

To reiterate...........IM never on here to spend one single millisecond trying to convert the far left k00ks. They've gone off the cliff long ago and well.......we all know what happens when one goes over the cliff. But as a former huge advocate of Marxism back in my college days, my role on here is to vividly point out the utter hopelessness that is associated with liberal thinking. False premise is gay ( as Sowell nails with precision below)............and Im on here to make that unequivocally clear.

YouTube - The Difference Between Liberal and Conservative

The problem with people like you is that you have gone over the cliff too, just on the other side of it. While I am skeptical of the causes of global warming, I still realize that the burning of fossil fuels is not the greatest thing for our environment. The biggest damage comes in the extraction and burning of those fuels as they lead to polluted underground aquifers polluted rivers, and poor air quality. You and those like you will deny that there is any negative impact on our environment whatsoever. That is why it is pretty much impossible to discuss anything on these boards, because everyone seems to want to take the most outrageous stance on just about every issue. Drives me nuts that so many people have lost the ability to think logically.

I think you are wrong here. No sceptic I know disputes that fossil fuels pollute (my company in fact restores environmental damage from those very same processes so I see the effects every day) what we disagree with is the "solutions" that the environmentalists would foist off on the people of the world to "fix" the problem. Most of the time the solutions are far worse then the original presenting problem.

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