Top US intelligence agencies are warning that Iran and "russia" have obtained voter information, trying to influence voters in the upcoming president

Influence voters how? How many of you have been influenced by Russia?
A lot off people here are believing made up stories.

Of course they do. It's not because of Iran. I'm not even sure they really believe them but they most certainly are willing to push and defend them.

Like Charlottesville. That one was a dozzy.

That was Trump's fault because he is unable to speak in complete sentences. Rush was even speaking on this the other day. He complained how Trump says things thinking everyone just knows what he is talking about but that isn't working.

People commented on what Trump actually said.

He was clear and explicit in what he said, and you people lied and are still lying.

I don't believe I ever mentioned it but Trump is never clear which is why Rush addressed the issue.

He explicitly stated that he was NOT including the ws in the set of "fine people" and the leftards lied and lied and then lied some more.

As you are doing, right now.

You people are all filthy liars.

That isn't what he initially said.

Sure. Couple hours after the incident he was more vague.

So end of story. Everything he says has to be explained after the fact.

Don't play stupid. THat is not what I said. You are lying in support of a great lie.

That is what you said.

I said that he made a "vague" statement right after the incident and then when he got more certain information two days later, he made his famous statement where he was very clear in NOT calling ws, "very fine people".

Waiting for good information before speaking definitively on an incident, is not the same as " has to be explained after the fact".

That way lying, to bolster a false belief.

Which was my point in bringing it up.

Your words.

"I'm not even sure they really believe them but they most certainly are willing to push and defend them. "

You don't believe the shit you are saying about Trump right now, but you are pushing it, because you have to, to maintain your view of yourself as a "Good liberal" on the "right side of history", or some such bullshit.

Thanks for helping me make my point, liar.
Influence voters how? How many of you have been influenced by Russia?
A lot off people here are believing made up stories.

Of course they do. It's not because of Iran. I'm not even sure they really believe them but they most certainly are willing to push and defend them.

Like Charlottesville. That one was a dozzy.

That was Trump's fault because he is unable to speak in complete sentences. Rush was even speaking on this the other day. He complained how Trump says things thinking everyone just knows what he is talking about but that isn't working.

People commented on what Trump actually said.

He was clear and explicit in what he said, and you people lied and are still lying.

I don't believe I ever mentioned it but Trump is never clear which is why Rush addressed the issue.

He explicitly stated that he was NOT including the ws in the set of "fine people" and the leftards lied and lied and then lied some more.

As you are doing, right now.

You people are all filthy liars.

That isn't what he initially said.

Sure. Couple hours after the incident he was more vague.

So end of story. Everything he says has to be explained after the fact.

Don't play stupid. THat is not what I said. You are lying in support of a great lie.

That is what you said.

I said that he made a "vague" statement right after the incident and then when he got more certain information two days later, he made his famous statement where he was very clear in NOT calling ws, "very fine people".

Which is what I said. He said something in the way he does in choppy incomplete sentences and then had to correct what he originally said.

Waiting for good information before speaking definitively on an incident, is not the same as " has to be explained after the fact".

That way lying, to bolster a false belief.

Which was my point in bringing it up.

Your words.

"I'm not even sure they really believe them but they most certainly are willing to push and defend them. "

You don't believe the shit you are saying about Trump right now, but you are pushing it, because you have to, to maintain your view of yourself as a "Good liberal" on the "right side of history", or some such bullshit.

Thanks for helping me make my point, liar.

You are arguing that the room is sky blue, not light blue.
Putin is more pro America than Biden and the entire American Taliban Party
you are a traitor, move with your boyfriend to your favorite Nigeria with snow
View attachment 405060

Putin loves the country he leads, he booted the bankers out of it; democrats, not so much. They'd be happy to let Xi and the CCP run things for us

One of the biggest, most critical factual statement / revelations in this report is that this information is being used AGAINST President Trump.

None of this should be a surprise to anyone:


Joe Biden was 1/2 of the administration leadership that gave Putin uranium, Crimea, and 2 years of un-challenged hacking, interfering, and meddling in the US, from 2014 - 2016.

Joe Biden was 1/2 of the administration leadership that illegally colluded with foreign ex-spies and the Russian Intelligence Service (RIS) to obtain KNOWN Russian-authored propaganda they KNOWINGLY, INTENTIONALLY used in an attempt to control the outcome of the 2016 election...and when that failed, to attempt the failed political coup against the US govt / newly elected President of the United States.

Joe Biden was the reason Putin's pal, the notorious criminal Ukrainian energy company owner known for working with Putin to keep Europe dependent on Russian energy, hired a crack-head who was near the bottom of his law school class, was discharged from the military for illegal drug use, and had zero other viable /worthy skills - especially in the energy industry. Joe Biden is why Hunter was hired as a Board member and was paid $50,000 PER MONTH....for which he admittedly extorted the previous Ukraine PM into firing the prosecutor investigating Burisma, it's criminal owner, and Hunter Biden. ...for which Burisma officials have testified Hunter and Joe were well paid.

DHS & the Treasury Dept have reported they have financial documentation - evidence - that Hunter & Joe laundered MILLIONS of Russian dollars for a Russian Oligarch's wife whose net worth was reported in 2019 to be $1.3 BILLION, most of which is securely held in 'The Bank of Putin', Russia's primary bank.


Again, Biden was 1/2 of the most corrupt, criminal administrations in US history. Joe was the sidekick for the President who Un-Constitutionally negotiated his own treaty with Iran...willingly from a position of weakness in order to secure a deal to add to his 'Legacy'. US hostages were not even ASKED to be part of the deal for FEAR the Iranians would walk away from the negotiation table. After the deal was signed, Barry RAN to the United Nations to quickly have it voted on and approved as 'World law' before ther U.S. govt was even allowed to read the treaty.

Nothing legitimately was secured to slow Iran down from continuing to develop their nuclear capability or to even keep tabs on their program, and Barry pretty much provided Iran with the funding to keep for their continued attempt to develop nuclear weapons.

MEANWHILE, let's not forget CHINA....

Many Democrats have sold out / betrayed the US, to include Diane Feinstein, who was caught facilitating Chinese espionage for DECADES from her office, and Hunter and Joe Biden. Hunter pimped his dad's name / position to secure a commitment of $1.5 BILLION to him/his 'investment' company. Hunter and Joe got PAID. China and George Soros have also been identified as massive sources of funding for the Biden campaign and all of the radical leftist BLM & Antifa violence responsible for burning, destroying, assaulting, and murdering across the US in Democrat-run cities.

The BIGGEST way they have attempted to influence this nation's Presidential election...freedom, Constitution, by being in large part sponsoring / being behind Joe Biden as the Democrats' recipient of their party's 2020 nomination.

Influence voters how? How many of you have been influenced by Russia?
A lot off people here are believing made up stories.

Of course they do. It's not because of Iran. I'm not even sure they really believe them but they most certainly are willing to push and defend them.

Like Charlottesville. That one was a dozzy.

That was Trump's fault because he is unable to speak in complete sentences. Rush was even speaking on this the other day. He complained how Trump says things thinking everyone just knows what he is talking about but that isn't working.

People commented on what Trump actually said.

He was clear and explicit in what he said, and you people lied and are still lying.

I don't believe I ever mentioned it but Trump is never clear which is why Rush addressed the issue.

He explicitly stated that he was NOT including the ws in the set of "fine people" and the leftards lied and lied and then lied some more.

As you are doing, right now.

You people are all filthy liars.

That isn't what he initially said.

Sure. Couple hours after the incident he was more vague.

So end of story. Everything he says has to be explained after the fact.

Don't play stupid. THat is not what I said. You are lying in support of a great lie.

That is what you said.

I said that he made a "vague" statement right after the incident and then when he got more certain information two days later, he made his famous statement where he was very clear in NOT calling ws, "very fine people".

Which is what I said. He said something in the way he does in choppy incomplete sentences and then had to correct what he originally said.

Waiting for good information before speaking definitively on an incident, is not the same as " has to be explained after the fact".

That way lying, to bolster a false belief.

Which was my point in bringing it up.

Your words.

"I'm not even sure they really believe them but they most certainly are willing to push and defend them. "

You don't believe the shit you are saying about Trump right now, but you are pushing it, because you have to, to maintain your view of yourself as a "Good liberal" on the "right side of history", or some such bullshit.

Thanks for helping me make my point, liar.

You are arguing that the room is sky blue, not light blue.

Which is not what happened at all, of course.

He made a general statement right after the incident, and made a more detailed on, once he got firm details.

That you use that as an excuse for your lying, is just another lie.
Influence voters how? How many of you have been influenced by Russia?
A lot off people here are believing made up stories.

Of course they do. It's not because of Iran. I'm not even sure they really believe them but they most certainly are willing to push and defend them.

Like Charlottesville. That one was a dozzy.

That was Trump's fault because he is unable to speak in complete sentences. Rush was even speaking on this the other day. He complained how Trump says things thinking everyone just knows what he is talking about but that isn't working.

People commented on what Trump actually said.

He was clear and explicit in what he said, and you people lied and are still lying.

I don't believe I ever mentioned it but Trump is never clear which is why Rush addressed the issue.

He explicitly stated that he was NOT including the ws in the set of "fine people" and the leftards lied and lied and then lied some more.

As you are doing, right now.

You people are all filthy liars.

That isn't what he initially said.

Sure. Couple hours after the incident he was more vague.

So end of story. Everything he says has to be explained after the fact.

Don't play stupid. THat is not what I said. You are lying in support of a great lie.

That is what you said.

I said that he made a "vague" statement right after the incident and then when he got more certain information two days later, he made his famous statement where he was very clear in NOT calling ws, "very fine people".

Which is what I said. He said something in the way he does in choppy incomplete sentences and then had to correct what he originally said.

Waiting for good information before speaking definitively on an incident, is not the same as " has to be explained after the fact".

That way lying, to bolster a false belief.

Which was my point in bringing it up.

Your words.

"I'm not even sure they really believe them but they most certainly are willing to push and defend them. "

You don't believe the shit you are saying about Trump right now, but you are pushing it, because you have to, to maintain your view of yourself as a "Good liberal" on the "right side of history", or some such bullshit.

Thanks for helping me make my point, liar.

You are arguing that the room is sky blue, not light blue.

Which is not what happened at all, of course.

He made a general statement right after the incident, and made a more detailed on, once he got firm details.

That you use that as an excuse for your lying, is just another lie.

You aren't saying anything different than what I've said.
Influence voters how? How many of you have been influenced by Russia?
A lot off people here are believing made up stories.

Of course they do. It's not because of Iran. I'm not even sure they really believe them but they most certainly are willing to push and defend them.

Like Charlottesville. That one was a dozzy.

That was Trump's fault because he is unable to speak in complete sentences. Rush was even speaking on this the other day. He complained how Trump says things thinking everyone just knows what he is talking about but that isn't working.

People commented on what Trump actually said.

He was clear and explicit in what he said, and you people lied and are still lying.

I don't believe I ever mentioned it but Trump is never clear which is why Rush addressed the issue.

He explicitly stated that he was NOT including the ws in the set of "fine people" and the leftards lied and lied and then lied some more.

As you are doing, right now.

You people are all filthy liars.

That isn't what he initially said.

Sure. Couple hours after the incident he was more vague.

So end of story. Everything he says has to be explained after the fact.

Don't play stupid. THat is not what I said. You are lying in support of a great lie.

That is what you said.

I said that he made a "vague" statement right after the incident and then when he got more certain information two days later, he made his famous statement where he was very clear in NOT calling ws, "very fine people".

Which is what I said. He said something in the way he does in choppy incomplete sentences and then had to correct what he originally said.

Waiting for good information before speaking definitively on an incident, is not the same as " has to be explained after the fact".

That way lying, to bolster a false belief.

Which was my point in bringing it up.

Your words.

"I'm not even sure they really believe them but they most certainly are willing to push and defend them. "

You don't believe the shit you are saying about Trump right now, but you are pushing it, because you have to, to maintain your view of yourself as a "Good liberal" on the "right side of history", or some such bullshit.

Thanks for helping me make my point, liar.

You are arguing that the room is sky blue, not light blue.

Which is not what happened at all, of course.

He made a general statement right after the incident, and made a more detailed on, once he got firm details.

That you use that as an excuse for your lying, is just another lie.

You aren't saying anything different than what I've said.

Different words mean different things for a reason.

Trump at no point said ANYTHING to justify the lies you libs have told about his words on that incident.

YOur pretense that he spoke on the matter more than once, proves something, is just you lying more.

Which makes my point.
The new excuse for how the pedocrats lost will be the same as the last one. How original...

Perhaps if they weren't watching child porn all day, they could produce an American agenda that benefits the people in the country. At least they could come up with some original excuses.
Iran now wants Trump to win :auiqs.jpg:

Democrats are hella stupid.

I bet this is news to the Iran deal loving Iranian people.
Same thing . Putin obama bide
I say bomb Nigeria with snow with Iranian oil- gas sanctions!

View attachment 405038

question: which side will take D. Trump this time, FBI or Ozero&KGB? With cost of “black gold” at 15-23 dollars per barrel, the USSR economy collapsed, and the sovok itself collapsed, and the "golden" horde ("russia") budget can only be fulfilled only with oil price at $ 42.4 and higher

"US officials say Russia, Iran have obtained voter information.

Top US intelligence agencies are warning that Iran and Russia have obtained voter information, trying to influence voters in the upcoming presidential polls.

Top US intelligence agencies are warning that Iran and Russia are trying to influence voters in the upcoming presidential polls. The directors of National Intelligence and the FBI say the two nations have obtained voter registration data.

Obtained! Probably given to them by the obama biden gang .

stay on topic, we talk about Putin´s 2020 actions

Same thing , putin , obama , biden.

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