Top Senate Intel Republican Calls For MAJOR FBI Shakeup


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
The Criminal FBI has been exposed.

The evidence of crimes perpetrated by former FBI Directors Mueller and Comey - now gone - has been revealed.

Only the associated criminal Deputy Director of the FBI remains...
...As well as a publicly 'out'ed / disgraced criminal FBI Agent, Strzok...

The rest of the seditious, biased anti-Trump Pro-Hillary/Obama extremists have to go

And the criminal partisan culture created and fostered within the Agency has to be burned to the ground

...but it starts with Firing Deputy Director McCabe!

'Ought To Be Replaced' -- Top Senate Intel Republican Calls For MAJOR FBI Shakeup

'Senate Judiciary Committee chairman Chuck Grassley is calling on Andrew McCabe to be replaced as the FBI’s deputy director.

But Grassley, a Republican, said that President Trump should steer clear of the matter. Instead, FBI Director Christopher Wray should remove McCabe, who has come under heavy fire from Republicans over his roles in the Clinton email and Russia collusion investigations.'

Great advice....

FBI Director Wray needs to Burn It Down....Clean House!
Mueller should be investigated and indicted for his hiding Russia's crimes in 2009, for protecting Hillary from taking $100+ million from the KGB Bank in the middle of the Russian Bribery Scandal, and for aiding Russia in purchasing Uranium One and acquiring 20% of the US supply of Uranium.

I would offer him the chance to 'roll' over and testify against then US AG Eric Holder, Hillary, and Barak Obama.
Grassley is a pathetic porking fraud of a "conservative" and another JDAAC, a Jew disguised as a Christian.

Shake up the FBI and put only patriotic AMERICANS in there.

And then AUDIT Grassley's 2001 investments to see if he loaded up with DEFENSE STOCKS before 911.... HE DID.
I would do the same with Strzok but would give him the opportunity to 'roll on' Comey.....If he doesn't, getting fired would be the least of his worries. 'Sedition' would be at the top of his list...

Comey needs to be investigated and Indicted for his crimes of sedition, illegal handling / leaking of classified, obstruction, tampering with evidence, etc... I would possible give him the chance to hand over evidence / testify against Hillary, Lynch, and maybe even Obama himself.
Grassley is a pathetic porking fraud of a "conservative" and another JDAAC, a Jew disguised as a Christian.

Shake up the FBI and put only patriotic AMERICANS in there.

And then AUDIT Grassley's 2001 investments to see if he loaded up with DEFENSE STOCKS before 911.... HE DID.
911 and the current seditious culture of the FBI are 2 separate issues. The FBI needs to be gutted, criminals need to be held accountable, the massive lack of trust needs to be repaired.

You want to look behind the curtain on Grassly ... or any other politician ... I would support it.
Grassley has covered up much more than just 911 as head of Senate Judiciary.

He has covered up for Algore too....
If the revelation that Congress, under the guidance / effort by Conyers, created an 'illegal' process where corrupt / perv criminal politicians 'stole' tax dollars to pay off their and their pals' sexual misconduct victims taught the American people anything it should be that:

Our professional politicians have shed their masks as 'servants of the people' long ago and have been acting / operating without the full supervision of those who elected them...and just like children, they have pushed the boundaries as far as they can go until they get caught...

Our professional politicians have created an 'entire world' hidden from the American people - there is probably an ASTOUNDING bit more that we don't know but would be SHOCKED to discover....

Our professional politicians have definitely and UN-CONSTITUTIONALLY elevated themselves above both the Constitution and the Rule of Law. I have been both AMAZED at the shit they pull and the shit the American people ALLOW them to get away with...because many of the American people are either so stupid or so partisan that they LET them get away with it. Couple examples:

1. The process Conyers helped create - paying off victims of political sexual misconduct by Congress has NOT gone away. It still exists. Congress said it would START TRYING to make that committee and the process go away. An IMMEDIATE pledge by the House Speaker, House Minority Leader, Senate majority Leader, Senate Minority Leader, and Congressional Ethics Committee should have held a joint press conference declaring, 'TODAY THAT $H!T STOPS NOW!' They didn't. They said they would 'begin to TRY to stop it'. they are counting on Americans' short-term 'goldfish-esque' memory to forget about it...and to keep using it.

2. Several years ago politicians got CRIMINALLY BUSTED for enriching themselves through INSIDER TRADING based o their information about govt contract approvals / info! There was a small uproar and a demand that those engaged in it would be charged with crimes. (Nancy Pelosi was one of them.) Martha Stewart, btw, went to jail for this. What did Congress do? THEY PASSED LEGISLATION.

WTF? Much Like the videos of Gruber exposed, the politicians in Washington counted on - correctly - Americans being STUPID!

There are already Insider Trading Laws making what they did Illegal. They declared THEY DID NOT KNOW THOSE LAWS APPLIED TO THEM! Again...WTF? Everyone of them who said this should have immediately been FIRED for claiming they did not know the Constitution and US laws pertained to them.

They then passed a law / measure that stated form then on Insider Trading laws would apply to them. That's like a murderer getting caught killing someone, declaring he did not know existing laws applied to him, declared himself to be innocent because he did not know, but declaring FROM THEN ON he could be held accountable to them.

No punishment for these criminal assholes happened. (Martha Stewart had to be PISSED!) And the Amazing thing is the American people LET IT HAPPEN!

(Ummm...does any of this sound familiar? James Comey, Director of the FBI, declared Hillary Clinton broke federal laws...but argued SHE HAD NO IDEA SHE WAS DOING IT SO THEREFORE SHE WAS / IS INNOCENT....and ignorant / partisan F*ing Americans let it difference) (WILLFUL ignorance / aiding/abetting!)

Politicians and Beltway/DC insiders / dwellers are corrupt / criminal. They may openly wage war against each other, but when the fit hits the shan that effects all of them and their criminal behavior that everyone engages in, they protect one another. They hide it - like is the case with the process established paying off the victims of politician sexual misconduct.

Much like what was said about Moore and Conyers and others - EVERYONE KNEW about the committee, the sexual misconduct, and the payoffs. EVERYONE knows about the other criminal bull crap the politicians are hiding from us....and they will try to keep it hidden and fight to defend it for as long as they can. ALL of them
If the revelation that Congress, under the guidance / effort by Conyers, created an 'illegal' process where corrupt / perv criminal politicians 'stole' tax dollars to pay off their and their pals' sexual misconduct victims

absolutely NOBODY should be surprised....

The Dems and Republicans are the enemies of truth and America. Both need to go. Vote 3rd party. It is our only hope as a country.
The rank and file FBI are basically decent Americans.

The political appointees have been disasterous.

Hoover is far from the only FBI Traitor.

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