Top 10 conservative and liberal States

Right...Condescending to people you don't even know, in telling them that you what's best for them better than they do, is what made America great.

Speaking of people who are just plain stupid.....

White wingers have been doing that to the gays, Hispanics and blacks for years.

Are you calling white wingers "stupid"?

Which is rather funny, since its the left that is telling all these groups to support them because they know whats best for them.

Ha ha ha ha, that doesn't even make sense. The left is made up of blacks, Hispanics, whites, gays, feminists, Jews, Muslims, Indians, American Indians, liberals and conservatives.

The white wing is a huge group of white people who have the same religion that make up 95% of the Republican Party. How can you compare the two.
Michael Steele, Herman Kane, J.C. Watts, Clarence Thomas, Condi Rice, Walter E. Williams, Thomas Sowell, etc. are uneducated whites? Wow. They sure have great tans and sure sound smart!

What an idiot....

Yea, I think that's about all of them. Them, plus the 96% who are White and Christian. oops. I guess I spoiled you point. Sorry.

How many Republicans have you met again?

Oh yeah. None. That explains a lot.

This means Republicans are:
5% Hispanic
2% Black
4% Other

The rest are ALL WHITE! With the margin of error, it could even be more white. Yet, they want to tell he rest of the country how to live. Of course they are not going to work for the best interests of black and Hispanics, not to mention the gays and Muslims and feminists.

Republican Party Platform

Republican Party on the Issues

Support voluntary student-initiated prayer in school
We will continue to work for the return of voluntary school prayer to our schools and will strongly enforce the Republican legislation that guarantees equal access to school facilities by student religious groups. We strongly support voluntary student-initiated prayer in school without governmental interference. We strongly disagree with the Supreme Court’s rulings against student-initiated prayer.
Source: 2004 Republican Party Platform, p. 84 Sep 1, 2004


Republican Base Heavily White, Conservative, Religious

I love Republicans:

Some of their members are certainly startling.

Local News: West Palm Beach, Palm Beach County, Martin & St. Lucie Counties | The Palm Beach Post
And you've met how many Republicans, again?
Oh yeah. None.
And amazing that Republicans can win all those elections. WHo would have thought there were that many racist old white men in the country.:cuckoo:
Why would you presume that?
VA just electged a Republican governnor. So did NJ. TN's legislature is controlled by Republicans, first time since Reconstruction. MA elected a Republican as senator.
So no. It isnt accurate at all.
The white wing is a huge group of white people who have the same religion that make up 95% of the Republican Party.

And you still haven't answered my question as to why there is something wrong with that?

I presume this is fairly current.

I'm not sure what that is trying to project, but it is most certainly not the current political environment. It might indicate registration, but that doesn't really mean much.
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