".. too many elderly Americans are trapped in poverty.."

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011
Martin Feldstein, Top Reagan Adviser: Elderly Facing Poverty Crisis

Martin Feldstein, a former top economic adviser to President Ronald Reagan, said too many elderly Americans are trapped in poverty.

"I think it’s really shocking that we spend about $500 billion a year on Social Security, and yet we have many, many old people in poverty," said Feldstein, a Harvard economist, at The Economist's Buttonwood Gathering on Wednesday. "Something's wrong with that system."

Feldstein served as chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers under Reagan from 1982 to 1984, when the poverty rate fell. But the poverty rate when Reagan left office was higher than it was when he took office.
Do you think that all families would be destined to live seperate from the younger part of the family? The nuclear age has created this poverty by promoting disinfranchisement of the family to support one another through the stagesof human life.
Martin Feldstein, Top Reagan Adviser: Elderly Facing Poverty Crisis

Martin Feldstein, a former top economic adviser to President Ronald Reagan, said too many elderly Americans are trapped in poverty.

"I think it’s really shocking that we spend about $500 billion a year on Social Security, and yet we have many, many old people in poverty," said Feldstein, a Harvard economist, at The Economist's Buttonwood Gathering on Wednesday. "Something's wrong with that system."

Feldstein served as chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers under Reagan from 1982 to 1984, when the poverty rate fell. But the poverty rate when Reagan left office was higher than it was when he took office.

Whawhawha?!?!?!?...Is this supposed to be some kind of evidence of the success of Socialist Insecurity, Medicare, Medicaid, food stamps, disability and all the other trappings of the socialistic welfare state?

If you had half a brain (which you don't) a guy would think that you'd want to keep such failures quiet and under wraps! :lol:
Martin Feldstein, Top Reagan Adviser: Elderly Facing Poverty Crisis

Martin Feldstein, a former top economic adviser to President Ronald Reagan, said too many elderly Americans are trapped in poverty.

"I think it’s really shocking that we spend about $500 billion a year on Social Security, and yet we have many, many old people in poverty," said Feldstein, a Harvard economist, at The Economist's Buttonwood Gathering on Wednesday. "Something's wrong with that system."

Feldstein served as chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers under Reagan from 1982 to 1984, when the poverty rate fell. But the poverty rate when Reagan left office was higher than it was when he took office.

Capitalism made us all rich!! Liberalism made many of us poor. 15% of our income in private Social Security accounts rather than stolen by liberals and an average American would retire with $1.4 million rather than dog food money from brain dead liberal swine!!
the nuclear age social structure has tried to disenfranchise the family unit of it's unity and self supporting ideaology that humans have existed with for millinea. The idea that families should be a single unit and not a plural establishment. The younger shouold help support the elderly in the familiy, just as the elderly supported the younger until they were able to exist on their own abilities.
Meh...All you need now is a bi-monthly check and IBT card from Big Daddy Big Gubmint.

Get with the times.
Martin Feldstein, Top Reagan Adviser: Elderly Facing Poverty Crisis

Martin Feldstein, a former top economic adviser to President Ronald Reagan, said too many elderly Americans are trapped in poverty.

"I think it’s really shocking that we spend about $500 billion a year on Social Security, and yet we have many, many old people in poverty," said Feldstein, a Harvard economist, at The Economist's Buttonwood Gathering on Wednesday. "Something's wrong with that system."

Feldstein served as chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers under Reagan from 1982 to 1984, when the poverty rate fell. But the poverty rate when Reagan left office was higher than it was when he took office.

Capitalism made us all rich!! Liberalism made many of us poor. 15% of our income in private Social Security accounts rather than stolen by liberals and an average American would retire with $1.4 million rather than dog food money from brain dead liberal swine!!

and when the savings and loan disaster came about, GW Bush took out 2.8 billion out of SS to cover the loses. You myopic idiots have no idea that both parties have stolen and borrowed from SS.
the nuclear age social structure has tried to disenfranchise the family unit of it's unity and self supporting ideaology that humans have existed with for millinea. The idea that families should be a single unit and not a plural establishment. The younger shouold help support the elderly in the familiy, just as the elderly supported the younger until they were able to exist on their own abilities.
Meh...All you need now is a bi-monthly check and IBT card from Big Daddy Big Gubmint.

Get with the times.

EBT? Maybe your are wrong since you have no idea what is really going on.
the nuclear age social structure has tried to disenfranchise the family unit of it's unity and self supporting ideaology that humans have existed with for millinea. The idea that families should be a single unit and not a plural establishment. The younger shouold help support the elderly in the familiy, just as the elderly supported the younger until they were able to exist on their own abilities.
Meh...All you need now is a bi-monthly check and IBT card from Big Daddy Big Gubmint.

Get with the times.

EBT? Maybe your are wrong since you have no idea what is really going on.
I have plenty of an idea what's going on, typo notwithstanding, comrade.
Meh...All you need now is a bi-monthly check and IBT card from Big Daddy Big Gubmint.

Get with the times.

EBT? Maybe your are wrong since you have no idea what is really going on.
I have plenty of an idea what's going on, typo notwithstanding, comrade.

Those items do not keep poverty away, they only allow you to tread water until you get to shore and can get to where you are going. Those that abuse and use the welfare system are still treading water and will head nowhere because that is what they want.

Capitalism made us all rich!! Liberalism made many of us poor. 15% of our income in private Social Security accounts rather than stolen by liberals and an average American would retire with $1.4 million rather than dog food money from brain dead liberal swine!!

and when the savings and loan disaster came about, GW Bush took out 2.8 billion out of SS to cover the loses. You myopic idiots have no idea that both parties have stolen and borrowed from SS.

of course in a democracy the independents decide elections so neither party can be pure but it is conservatives and libertarians who favor privatization while liberals oppose it.

Liberals want you dependent , they don't want you to retire with $1.4 million as conservatives do!!

Simply enough for even a liberal to u nderstand??????

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