Too Importand NOT To Be It's Own Thread: McCarthy Calls Out Pelodsi For Knowingly Putting Swalwell On Intel Committee knowing About His ChiCom Spy


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015


"Rep. Eric Swalwell, D-Calif., was “so preoccupied with going after President Trump” that he was not “protecting the USA from bad actors,” House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., said on Wednesday, reacting to a report of a Chinese spy infiltrating Congress.

“This is only the tip of the iceberg because remember what we’re hearing. These are Chinese spies that go down to the level of a mayor”.

"China helps a city council member become a congressman. This congressman now gets on the intel committee. They are only selected from the intel committee by the leaders of their party meaning Nancy Pelosi. Nancy Pelosi is one of the Gang of Eight, along with myself.”

“Did Nancy Pelosi know this had transpired when she put him on the committee?”

Hell YES she knew.

Pelosi and Feinstein are as 'thick as thieves', and it has already been proven that Feinstein helped facilitate Chinese espionage from HER OFFICE by having a proven Chinese spy on her inner staff for DECADES. Every f*ing politician...and any US citizen paying attention....knows it.

Pelosi and China Biden, who received $1.5 BILLION from China, are as 'thick as thieves'. EVEY DC politician knows Biden is a compromised Beijing (not Trojan) Horse - they have received the security briefings, and they KNOW the DHS and Treasure departments have physical, financial criminal evidence proving this.

Biden, Barry, Hillary, Feinstein, Schumer, damn right Pelosi knew!

"Swalwell was one of several politicians involved in an expansive Chinese spying operation and even after he was briefed on the foreign interference he experienced first-hand, he kept his focus publicly on Russia during the Trump presidency. "

Current and former intelligence officials told the outlet that Fang used campaign fundraising, networking, rallies and romantic relationships with at least two Midwestern mayors to gain proximity to political power.

Fang reportedly took part in fundraising for Swalwell's 2014 reelection campaign although she did not make donations nor was there evidence of illegal contributions.

McCarthy said that Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., for “two decades,” had a Chinese spy masquerading as a personal assistant who was “hearing all the private phone calls in the car and others.”

McCarthy went on to question the Democrats for “pulling out of the bipartisan China task force that he had set up and [rejecting] the bills that were holding China accountable that had passed the Senate.”

Democrats have proven to be eager ChiCom Bitches, whether it be for massive payoffs - like Feinstein and Biden, or for a piece of ChiCom ass, like Swalwell!
Why do they focus on Silicon Valley members of Congress?"

"Why is he still on the intel let alone why is he still a member of congress?"

"Did Adam Schiff, D-Calif., know as chairman of that committee that he had this problem? Remember what the intel committee gets: information that no other members are able to see and remember what this member did. He was so preoccupied going after this president, he wasn’t protecting our country from bad actors. When he questioned (former FBI director James) Comey, he literally set up the questionnaire of what happened to him.”
Pelosi. like all the other ChiCom Democrat Bitches, can always claim they were all so focused on their admitted politically partisan Impeachment of Trump - based on ZERO crime/evidence/witnesses that they, like with COVID-19, NEVER SAW THE CHICOM SPY ESPIONAGE - both Feinstein's and Swalwell's.
Now we know we have at least three known Chi-Com operatives in D.C. One Senator Diane Feinstein, One Congressman Eric Swalwell, and a president elect China Joe Biden.....
Chi-Coms are more deadly than Russia, Russia, yet the Quisling media has yet to acknowledge this fact... Thank you Axios.


"Rep. Eric Swalwell, D-Calif., was “so preoccupied with going after President Trump” that he was not “protecting the USA from bad actors,” House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., said on Wednesday, reacting to a report of a Chinese spy infiltrating Congress.

“This is only the tip of the iceberg because remember what we’re hearing. These are Chinese spies that go down to the level of a mayor”.

"China helps a city council member become a congressman. This congressman now gets on the intel committee. They are only selected from the intel committee by the leaders of their party meaning Nancy Pelosi. Nancy Pelosi is one of the Gang of Eight, along with myself.”

“Did Nancy Pelosi know this had transpired when she put him on the committee?”

Hell YES she knew.

Pelosi and Feinstein are as 'thick as thieves', and it has already been proven that Feinstein helped facilitate Chinese espionage from HER OFFICE by having a proven Chinese spy on her inner staff for DECADES. Every f*ing politician...and any US citizen paying attention....knows it.

Pelosi and China Biden, who received $1.5 BILLION from China, are as 'thick as thieves'. EVEY DC politician knows Biden is a compromised Beijing (not Trojan) Horse - they have received the security briefings, and they KNOW the DHS and Treasure departments have physical, financial criminal evidence proving this.

Biden, Barry, Hillary, Feinstein, Schumer, damn right Pelosi knew!

It's had it's own thread several times.


"Rep. Eric Swalwell, D-Calif., was “so preoccupied with going after President Trump” that he was not “protecting the USA from bad actors,” House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., said on Wednesday, reacting to a report of a Chinese spy infiltrating Congress.

“This is only the tip of the iceberg because remember what we’re hearing. These are Chinese spies that go down to the level of a mayor”.

"China helps a city council member become a congressman. This congressman now gets on the intel committee. They are only selected from the intel committee by the leaders of their party meaning Nancy Pelosi. Nancy Pelosi is one of the Gang of Eight, along with myself.”

“Did Nancy Pelosi know this had transpired when she put him on the committee?”

Hell YES she knew.

Pelosi and Feinstein are as 'thick as thieves', and it has already been proven that Feinstein helped facilitate Chinese espionage from HER OFFICE by having a proven Chinese spy on her inner staff for DECADES. Every f*ing politician...and any US citizen paying attention....knows it.

Pelosi and China Biden, who received $1.5 BILLION from China, are as 'thick as thieves'. EVEY DC politician knows Biden is a compromised Beijing (not Trojan) Horse - they have received the security briefings, and they KNOW the DHS and Treasure departments have physical, financial criminal evidence proving this.

Biden, Barry, Hillary, Feinstein, Schumer, damn right Pelosi knew!

It's had it's own thread several times.
Not enough focus on it, obviously. This ain't CNN, and such critical Democrat nation-threatening treason / espionage should be talked about more and more...
"Fang's relationships with at least two Midwestern mayors turned sexual, according to Axios, with at least two incidents being caught by FBI surveillance. When asked about the nature of Swalwell's relationship with Fang, the Democratic congressman's office declined to comment."

Swalwell is COMPROMISED...just like China Joe.

No focus was put on Feinstein's espionage, and it was brushed right under the table, no consequences. Now we have Swalwell trading sex for ChiCom espionage....if it is not finally talked about and dealt with the Democrats will continue to hand over our nation to the ChiCams for a lotta dough and / or a piece of ass....
No focus was put on Feinstein's espionage, and it was brushed right under the table, no consequences. Now we have Swalwell trading sex for ChiCom espionage....if it is not finally talked about and dealt with the Democrats will continue to hand over our nation to the ChiCams for a lotta dough and / or a piece of ass....

This supercedes Ivanka Trump exchanging personal trademarks for what? What did Donald Trump give Xi in exchange for that $500 million loan to Don Jr. for Trump Indonesia, other than lifting the sanctions against ZTE three days after the loan was granted?

Did Trumpy Bear get a cut for taking the USA out of the Trans Pacific Partnership allowing China to slide into the Lead Partner's role and expand its trading markets and influence throughout the world?

Every move Trump has made in terms of trade and alliances in Asia, has benefitted and enhanced the role of the Chinese in trade agreements and strategic alliances, all as American influence has waned.


"Rep. Eric Swalwell, D-Calif., was “so preoccupied with going after President Trump” that he was not “protecting the USA from bad actors,” House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., said on Wednesday, reacting to a report of a Chinese spy infiltrating Congress.

“This is only the tip of the iceberg because remember what we’re hearing. These are Chinese spies that go down to the level of a mayor”.

"China helps a city council member become a congressman. This congressman now gets on the intel committee. They are only selected from the intel committee by the leaders of their party meaning Nancy Pelosi. Nancy Pelosi is one of the Gang of Eight, along with myself.”

“Did Nancy Pelosi know this had transpired when she put him on the committee?”

Hell YES she knew.

Pelosi and Feinstein are as 'thick as thieves', and it has already been proven that Feinstein helped facilitate Chinese espionage from HER OFFICE by having a proven Chinese spy on her inner staff for DECADES. Every f*ing politician...and any US citizen paying attention....knows it.

Pelosi and China Biden, who received $1.5 BILLION from China, are as 'thick as thieves'. EVEY DC politician knows Biden is a compromised Beijing (not Trojan) Horse - they have received the security briefings, and they KNOW the DHS and Treasure departments have physical, financial criminal evidence proving this.

Biden, Barry, Hillary, Feinstein, Schumer, damn right Pelosi knew!

And nothing will be done about it.


"Rep. Eric Swalwell, D-Calif., was “so preoccupied with going after President Trump” that he was not “protecting the USA from bad actors,” House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., said on Wednesday, reacting to a report of a Chinese spy infiltrating Congress.

“This is only the tip of the iceberg because remember what we’re hearing. These are Chinese spies that go down to the level of a mayor”.

"China helps a city council member become a congressman. This congressman now gets on the intel committee. They are only selected from the intel committee by the leaders of their party meaning Nancy Pelosi. Nancy Pelosi is one of the Gang of Eight, along with myself.”

“Did Nancy Pelosi know this had transpired when she put him on the committee?”

Hell YES she knew.

Pelosi and Feinstein are as 'thick as thieves', and it has already been proven that Feinstein helped facilitate Chinese espionage from HER OFFICE by having a proven Chinese spy on her inner staff for DECADES. Every f*ing politician...and any US citizen paying attention....knows it.

Pelosi and China Biden, who received $1.5 BILLION from China, are as 'thick as thieves'. EVEY DC politician knows Biden is a compromised Beijing (not Trojan) Horse - they have received the security briefings, and they KNOW the DHS and Treasure departments have physical, financial criminal evidence proving this.

Biden, Barry, Hillary, Feinstein, Schumer, damn right Pelosi knew!

This is why we are so far beyond civility any more.

It's coming
"Swalwell was one of several politicians involved in an expansive Chinese spying operation and even after he was briefed on the foreign interference he experienced first-hand, he kept his focus publicly on Russia during the Trump presidency. "

Current and former intelligence officials told the outlet that Fang used campaign fundraising, networking, rallies and romantic relationships with at least two Midwestern mayors to gain proximity to political power.

Fang reportedly took part in fundraising for Swalwell's 2014 reelection campaign although she did not make donations nor was there evidence of illegal contributions.

McCarthy said that Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., for “two decades,” had a Chinese spy masquerading as a personal assistant who was “hearing all the private phone calls in the car and others.”

McCarthy went on to question the Democrats for “pulling out of the bipartisan China task force that he had set up and [rejecting] the bills that were holding China accountable that had passed the Senate.”

Democrats have proven to be eager ChiCom Bitches, whether it be for massive payoffs - like Feinstein and Biden, or for a piece of ChiCom ass, like Swalwell!

Tucker: Eric Swalwell Had Sexual Relations with a Chinese Spy, Airs Clip Showing He's Always 'Spoken Like a Man Who Knows That Subject Quite Well' (
And nothing will be done about it.

....unfortunately and sadly I agree. The ChiCom puppets now hold the highest office in the US and many more, through Congress and all the way down to the level of mayors, as McCarthy has pointed out. The corruption, crime, and betrayal has been allowed to grow / manifest to the point it can no longer be removed from our government....which will lead to our destruction.

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