Todays rant : Do unto others?


I give you....the TRUTH
Feb 9, 2011
The United States
Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. There are two ways to look at this the first being that you should be kind to others in hopes they they will be kind to you. The other way is to look at people and to to them what they do to others. I think we should live by both interpetations and become a little more active.

Looking at Terry Jones and his merry band of idiots. Perhaps we should go on down to his church, get the proper permits from the city, follow all the appropriate laws, and then start burning bibles. This must be what he wants done because he is doing it to others.

Pro life protesters, picketing out in front of abortion clinics must want Pro choice people to stand out in front of doctors offices shouting and yelling at pregnant mothers to help achieve zero population and urge them to get an abortion.

So the next time you are out and someone does something stupid, just think to yourself, "Hey they must want the same thing done to them because they did it to someone else." I'll be the first one to tell you great it feels to give someone exactly what they ask for by observing their actions or words. It's always good to help someone achieve their objectives.
Assholes are everywhere. Do not demean yourself by stooping to their level. 'Cept maybe on a message board where you can tell 'em the plain and unvarnished truth about how much of a fucking idiot they are.
While I completely understand your point, your argument that this can be a legitimate interpretation from the text is a bit absurd.

This is about what we as individuals do. Not how we should react to others.
Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. There are two ways to look at this the first being that you should be kind to others in hopes they they will be kind to you. The other way is to look at people and to to them what they do to others. I think we should live by both interpetations and become a little more active.

Looking at Terry Jones and his merry band of idiots. Perhaps we should go on down to his church, get the proper permits from the city, follow all the appropriate laws, and then start burning bibles. This must be what he wants done because he is doing it to others.

Pro life protesters, picketing out in front of abortion clinics must want Pro choice people to stand out in front of doctors offices shouting and yelling at pregnant mothers to help achieve zero population and urge them to get an abortion.

So the next time you are out and someone does something stupid, just think to yourself, "Hey they must want the same thing done to them because they did it to someone else." I'll be the first one to tell you great it feels to give someone exactly what they ask for by observing their actions or words. It's always good to help someone achieve their objectives.

I can understand what you are saying and perhaps may even be feeling over such circumstances. However, when we overlook others faults/sins/transgreesions, and not stoop to their level, it is always in our best interest. It is not easy at all either, we sometimes fail, but when we do keep on overlooking, and keep loving, it also is a witness to others.

Proverbs 19:11 The discretion of a man makes him slow to anger, And his glory is to overlook a transgression.

Most Christians I know agree that what Terry Jones did was wrong and it was just flaming a fire, spiritually speaking. And perhaps draw attention to "self". Though he believes Islam to be false, and Christians do also, Jones could have easily burned Qurans without anyone knowing. The argument is that he did it in the name of "free speech". Well, even so, most Christians I know still wouldn't do it in the manner he did. Free speech would still be served without it being broadcast to the world.

We are going to see more and more of this kind of thing and more sin. Because of more sin, the love of many will grow cold. How do we deal with it? Love. Jesus told us what is going to happen... (Matthew 24) Matthew 24 - Passage*Lookup - New King James Version -
We will see many doing wrong, it will anger us, it will hurt us, and most of the time in our anger or hurt, we sin also, as we want to lash out. That is why love never fails. We keep on loving, we don't stoop to enemies level. (Not easy at all to do, but all things are possible with the help of our Lord Jesus Christ)

1 Peter 4:8 And above all things have fervent love for one another, for “love will cover a multitude of sins.”

1 Peter 4:8 is amazing and true.

" Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. There are two ways to look at this the first being that you should be kind to others in hopes they they will be kind to you. The other way is to look at people and to to them what they do to others. I think we should live by both interpetations and become a little more active. "

I would counsel against the 2nd interpretation, it calls for a person to act as judge and jury over another's actions. Seems awfully arrogant to me, that's what our legal systemis for. Vigilantism is not a good idea, sooner or later you're going to hurt somebody that doesn't deserve it.
Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. There are two ways to look at this the first being that you should be kind to others in hopes they they will be kind to you. The other way is to look at people and to to them what they do to others. I think we should live by both interpetations and become a little more active.

Looking at Terry Jones and his merry band of idiots. Perhaps we should go on down to his church, get the proper permits from the city, follow all the appropriate laws, and then start burning bibles. This must be what he wants done because he is doing it to others.

Pro life protesters, picketing out in front of abortion clinics must want Pro choice people to stand out in front of doctors offices shouting and yelling at pregnant mothers to help achieve zero population and urge them to get an abortion.

So the next time you are out and someone does something stupid, just think to yourself, "Hey they must want the same thing done to them because they did it to someone else." I'll be the first one to tell you great it feels to give someone exactly what they ask for by observing their actions or words. It's always good to help someone achieve their objectives.

In other words, you think it's best to lower yourself to idiots standards.

Hope it works out for you.
Assholes are everywhere. Do not demean yourself by stooping to their level. 'Cept maybe on a message board where you can tell 'em the plain and unvarnished truth about how much of a fucking idiot they are.

Just want to say i like your avatar!! My son's a "die-hard" Lions fan!!! :)
Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. There are two ways to look at this the first being that you should be kind to others in hopes they they will be kind to you. The other way is to look at people and to to them what they do to others. I think we should live by both interpetations and become a little more active.

Looking at Terry Jones and his merry band of idiots. Perhaps we should go on down to his church, get the proper permits from the city, follow all the appropriate laws, and then start burning bibles. This must be what he wants done because he is doing it to others.

Pro life protesters, picketing out in front of abortion clinics must want Pro choice people to stand out in front of doctors offices shouting and yelling at pregnant mothers to help achieve zero population and urge them to get an abortion.

So the next time you are out and someone does something stupid, just think to yourself, "Hey they must want the same thing done to them because they did it to someone else." I'll be the first one to tell you great it feels to give someone exactly what they ask for by observing their actions or words. It's always good to help someone achieve their objectives.

You know........I think Richard Bach said it best in his book "Illusions".

I'll let the world live as it wishes, and the world should let me live as I wish.

Because, what if you meet an Aztec who craves being sacrificed to one of their dieties?

What if you meet someone who's into being beaten and berated? Does this mean you should act against your own nature just to satisfy theirs?
"as you would HAVE them do unto you" means as you would WANT them to do to you. No one would HAVE someone shit on them. Well almost no one.

It's an excellent rule for living. Too bad they don't teach it in school any more.

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