Today is the day Romney won the election of 2012

I think you may be right there Gramps.

How many Americans didn't want this clusterfuck of a bill that the Dems jammed down our throats.

Come Nov its gonna be all about the economy, jobs and HC Costs.
Romney doesn't stand a chance.

Unemployment in Ohio has gone down 12 straight months.

No Ohio, no President Romney.
I think you need your binky. Willard and the GOP got their asses handed to them today.
I never realized how much the democrats are out of touch with reality until Obama took over. I didn't like Clinton but he is looking pretty good and Jimmy Carter looks good. Rommeny is not great but he is much better than Obama and recognizes that you can't get something for nothing even if you are the worlds best community organizer. I wonder how he would do in Kenya. Do you think we can talk him into going back.
If he can formulate the differences between his healthcare plan and the Obama plan. I think the Senate just went republican though. Still a lot of time left.
You will NOT be able to buy this election.

the right wing lies are being found out for what they are

My opinion is quite the opposite.

This blows the wind out of the meme that Romney's been sporting "Obama wasted his time on this.."

It also pulls the plug on the "Leadership" meme. This was a huge mistake on the part of Republicans.

In fact..I would say this day probably marks the end of Romney's chances.

But that won't stop the spending.

Stop!!! You are making washing machine manufactures all over the world jealous of your "spin" cycle. :lol:

$100,000 is NOTHING to Romney. That is less than 1/2 of one percentage of what he has in the bank.

Why don't you compare it to the cost of one million Righty Tighty Wing Wackers having heart attacks this morning and spending upwards of 5,000 bucks each for ambulances and emergency care. That's like a 5 billion dollar over reaction.. :lol: And THAT only took a few minutes! :lol:

Stop!!! You are making washing machine manufactures all over the world jealous of your "spin" cycle. :lol:

$100,000 is NOTHING to Romney. That is less than 1/2 of one percentage of what he has in the bank.

Why don't you compare it to the cost of one million Righty Tighty Wing Wackers having heart attacks this morning and spending upwards of 5,000 bucks each for ambulances and emergency care. That's like a 5 billion dollar over reaction.. :lol: And THAT only took a few minutes! :lol:

One million not 100k. Did you not see the update in the link?
OMG! You mean the LOLberal kooks think Obama is going to win and the RINO Morans think Romney is gonig to win?!?!? Really!? Well isn't this a fucking revelation of epcot proportions. :rolleyes:

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