To hell with Republicans!


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2017

The Republican party, the party that aggressively and thoroughly backed and supported the worst autocrat President in the history of the country, should be fully rejected by President Biden and all Democrats.

"Reaching across the aisle" mentality is baloney rot. The Republican party supported fully Donald Trump and his obscene efforts to make America, not great again, but a banana republic subservient to and answerable to Putin and Russia. And, as Trump works diligently, by refusing to concede, to harm the incoming administration, he does so with the full and complete support of the Republican party. Their silence is deafening, as they allow Trump to act like a two year old who had his candy taken away.

Republicans are not American patriots. By supporting Trump they proved daily that they care more about themselves and their future vote getting than they do America. They should be rejected by all Americans, at least the ones capable of sound reasoning.

The Republican party, the party that aggressively and thoroughly backed and supported the worst autocrat President in the history of the country, should be fully rejected by President Biden and all Democrats.

"Reaching across the aisle" mentality is baloney rot. The Republican party supported fully Donald Trump and his obscene efforts to make America, not great again, but a banana republic subservient to and answerable to Putin and Russia. And, as Trump works diligently, by refusing to concede, to harm the incoming administration, he does so with the full and complete support of the Republican party. Their silence is deafening, as they allow Trump to act like a two year old who had his candy taken away.

Republicans are not American patriots. By supporting Trump they proved daily that they care more about themselves and their future vote getting than they do America. They should be rejected by all Americans, at least the ones capable of sound reasoning.

Nice hissy fit and purse swing sugar.

Your nest yet in such high heels darling.

The Republican party, the party that aggressively and thoroughly backed and supported the worst autocrat President in the history of the country, should be fully rejected by President Biden and all Democrats.

"Reaching across the aisle" mentality is baloney rot. The Republican party supported fully Donald Trump and his obscene efforts to make America, not great again, but a banana republic subservient to and answerable to Putin and Russia. And, as Trump works diligently, by refusing to concede, to harm the incoming administration, he does so with the full and complete support of the Republican party. Their silence is deafening, as they allow Trump to act like a two year old who had his candy taken away.

Republicans are not American patriots. By supporting Trump they proved daily that they care more about themselves and their future vote getting than they do America. They should be rejected by all Americans, at least the ones capable of sound reasoning.
They complain about the riots destroying America yet Trump and company are destroying the moral and ethical standards of the office of president along with Republicans in legislators who cow down to the tyrant.

The Republican party, the party that aggressively and thoroughly backed and supported the worst autocrat President in the history of the country, should be fully rejected by President Biden and all Democrats.

"Reaching across the aisle" mentality is baloney rot. The Republican party supported fully Donald Trump and his obscene efforts to make America, not great again, but a banana republic subservient to and answerable to Putin and Russia. And, as Trump works diligently, by refusing to concede, to harm the incoming administration, he does so with the full and complete support of the Republican party. Their silence is deafening, as they allow Trump to act like a two year old who had his candy taken away.

Republicans are not American patriots. By supporting Trump they proved daily that they care more about themselves and their future vote getting than they do America. They should be rejected by all Americans, at least the ones capable of sound reasoning.

This is the song that never ends

It just goes on and on my friends....

The Republican party, the party that aggressively and thoroughly backed and supported the worst autocrat President in the history of the country, should be fully rejected by President Biden and all Democrats.

"Reaching across the aisle" mentality is baloney rot. The Republican party supported fully Donald Trump and his obscene efforts to make America, not great again, but a banana republic subservient to and answerable to Putin and Russia. And, as Trump works diligently, by refusing to concede, to harm the incoming administration, he does so with the full and complete support of the Republican party. Their silence is deafening, as they allow Trump to act like a two year old who had his candy taken away.

Republicans are not American patriots. By supporting Trump they proved daily that they care more about themselves and their future vote getting than they do America. They should be rejected by all Americans, at least the ones capable of sound reasoning.
They complain about the riots destroying America yet Trump and company are destroying the moral and ethical standards of the office of president along with Republicans in legislators who cow down to the tyrant.


The Republican party, the party that aggressively and thoroughly backed and supported the worst autocrat President in the history of the country, should be fully rejected by President Biden and all Democrats.

"Reaching across the aisle" mentality is baloney rot. The Republican party supported fully Donald Trump and his obscene efforts to make America, not great again, but a banana republic subservient to and answerable to Putin and Russia. And, as Trump works diligently, by refusing to concede, to harm the incoming administration, he does so with the full and complete support of the Republican party. Their silence is deafening, as they allow Trump to act like a two year old who had his candy taken away.

Republicans are not American patriots. By supporting Trump they proved daily that they care more about themselves and their future vote getting than they do America. They should be rejected by all Americans, at least the ones capable of sound reasoning.

You still don't control the Senate and the Supreme Court. Without those, Biden is a hamstrung lame duck bitch of a president, right out of the gate.

Can you say "gridlock"?

:auiqs.jpg: :laughing0301::lmao:

The Republican party, the party that aggressively and thoroughly backed and supported the worst autocrat President in the history of the country, should be fully rejected by President Biden and all Democrats.

"Reaching across the aisle" mentality is baloney rot. The Republican party supported fully Donald Trump and his obscene efforts to make America, not great again, but a banana republic subservient to and answerable to Putin and Russia. And, as Trump works diligently, by refusing to concede, to harm the incoming administration, he does so with the full and complete support of the Republican party. Their silence is deafening, as they allow Trump to act like a two year old who had his candy taken away.

Republicans are not American patriots. By supporting Trump they proved daily that they care more about themselves and their future vote getting than they do America. They should be rejected by all Americans, at least the ones capable of sound reasoning.

You still don't control the Senate and the Supreme Court. Without those, Biden is a hamstrung lame duck bitch of a president, right out of the gate.

Can you say "gridlock"?

:auiqs.jpg: :laughing0301::lmao:
Which is why I can't understand why Repubs are running in fear..
The Republican party, the party that aggressively and thoroughly backed and supported the worst autocrat President in the history of the country, should be fully rejected by President Biden and all Democrats.

Go suck some more dick you liar.

Democrats are the party of infanticide, socialism, government control, smashing Free Speech rights, giving free stuff to illegal aliens, and now they are the party of mobs in the streets burning and destroying cities. See the burning cities and torn down statues, and you see the democrat party world. Mobs.

Republicans are the party of Traditional Values, Liberty and freedom. Donald Trump gave us the lowest unemployment rates since John F Kennedy until the virus hit, and now Democrats are trying to keep the virus going because they are so evil they are happy to destroy the economy simply to defeat Trump. That’s right. Masks and continued shutdowns are a joke, based totally on fear. There is a 0.04 death rate for Corona. People have more chance of dying from the Flu.

A totalitarian socialist state of mobs is what the Democrats offer, and liberty and freedom and jobs-not-mobs is what Trump offers.

The Republican party, the party that aggressively and thoroughly backed and supported the worst autocrat President in the history of the country, should be fully rejected by President Biden and all Democrats.

"Reaching across the aisle" mentality is baloney rot. The Republican party supported fully Donald Trump and his obscene efforts to make America, not great again, but a banana republic subservient to and answerable to Putin and Russia. And, as Trump works diligently, by refusing to concede, to harm the incoming administration, he does so with the full and complete support of the Republican party. Their silence is deafening, as they allow Trump to act like a two year old who had his candy taken away.

Republicans are not American patriots. By supporting Trump they proved daily that they care more about themselves and their future vote getting than they do America. They should be rejected by all Americans, at least the ones capable of sound reasoning.
--you are mistaken = the worst POTUS was Obama
The Dem party, the party that aggressively and thoroughly backed and supported the worst President in the history of the country,
should be fully rejected by all Republicans

"Reaching across the aisle" mentality is baloney rot. The Dem party supported fully Obama and his obscene efforts to make America, not great again, but a banana republic subservient to and answerable to BLM and etc. And, as Harris and Biden work diligently to harm AMerica, they do so with the full and complete support of the Dem party. Their silence is deafening, as they allow the racist Harris and Biden to act like two year olds who had their candy taken away.

Dems are not American patriots. By supporting racists like Harris they proved daily that they care more about themselves and their future vote getting than they do America. They should be rejected by all Americans, at least the ones capable of sound reasoning.

The Republican party, the party that aggressively and thoroughly backed and supported the worst autocrat President in the history of the country, should be fully rejected by President Biden and all Democrats.

"Reaching across the aisle" mentality is baloney rot. The Republican party supported fully Donald Trump and his obscene efforts to make America, not great again, but a banana republic subservient to and answerable to Putin and Russia. And, as Trump works diligently, by refusing to concede, to harm the incoming administration, he does so with the full and complete support of the Republican party. Their silence is deafening, as they allow Trump to act like a two year old who had his candy taken away.

Republicans are not American patriots. By supporting Trump they proved daily that they care more about themselves and their future vote getting than they do America. They should be rejected by all Americans, at least the ones capable of sound reasoning.

You still don't control the Senate and the Supreme Court. Without those, Biden is a hamstrung lame duck bitch of a president, right out of the gate.

Can you say "gridlock"?

:auiqs.jpg: :laughing0301::lmao:

Biden has a Senate Tickets for one term about sixthy days and the Supreme Court can't do anything even my friend said Trump had opening in the Supreme Court law about stolen elections ... and me said son Eric Trump can do Make America Great Again in campaigns after Biden's preform ... and the military court feels good by Biden's victory against Trump but my friend said it is n't over it will going to the Supreme Court with wrong votes in four states !

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Republicans are not American patriots. By supporting Trump they proved daily that they care more about themselves and their future vote getting than they do America. They should be rejected by all Americans, at least the ones capable of sound reasoning.

What a sniveling little bitch.

You say that Republicans care more about their future than they do America. Well, Democrats, by virtue of their insane policies, prove time and time again that they don't about America at all.

Good Americans should take up arms against the vile democrat scourge in this country and eradicate it...

The Republican party, the party that aggressively and thoroughly backed and supported the worst autocrat President in the history of the country, should be fully rejected by President Biden and all Democrats.

"Reaching across the aisle" mentality is baloney rot. The Republican party supported fully Donald Trump and his obscene efforts to make America, not great again, but a banana republic subservient to and answerable to Putin and Russia. And, as Trump works diligently, by refusing to concede, to harm the incoming administration, he does so with the full and complete support of the Republican party. Their silence is deafening, as they allow Trump to act like a two year old who had his candy taken away.

Republicans are not American patriots. By supporting Trump they proved daily that they care more about themselves and their future vote getting than they do America. They should be rejected by all Americans, at least the ones capable of sound reasoning.
They complain about the riots destroying America yet Trump and company are destroying the moral and ethical standards of the office of president along with Republicans in legislators who cow down to the tyrant.
Pretty sure Billy Boy finished that all by himself
The Republican party, the party that aggressively and thoroughly backed and supported the worst autocrat President in the history of the country, should be fully rejected by President Biden and all Democrats.
"Reaching across the aisle" mentality is baloney rot. The Republican party supported fully Donald Trump and his obscene efforts to make America, not great again, but a banana republic subservient to and answerable to Putin and Russia. And, as Trump works diligently, by refusing to concede, to harm the incoming administration, he does so with the full and complete support of the Republican party. Their silence is deafening, as they allow Trump to act like a two year old who had his candy taken away.
Republicans are not American patriots. By supporting Trump they proved daily that they care more about themselves and their future vote getting than they do America. They should be rejected by all Americans, at least the ones capable of sound reasoning.

Fuck the GOP, fuck the democrats, fuck AOC, and fuck you and your idiocrasy if you actually think AOC is the "future" of the DNC, and you're completely polarizing and divisive BULLSHIT once again trying to herd America into factions fighting against each other while the true enemy sits back and laughs.

YOU and "sound reasoning" don't belong in the same sentence.

Maybe not even the same language.

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