To Defend Our Freedom...


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1. During the presidential campaign …, there was a great deal of talk about the seeming inability of our economic system to solve the problems of unemployment .... Issues such as taxes and government power and costs were discussed, but always these things were discussed in the context of what government intended to do about it. May I suggest for your consideration that government has already done too much about it? That indeed, government, by going outside its proper province, has caused many if not most of the problems that vex us.

2. Beginning with the traumatic experience of the Great Depression, we the people have turned more and more to government for answers that government has neither the right nor the capacity to provide. Unfortunately, government as an institution always tends to increase in size and power,…

3. The result is a fourth branch of government added to the traditional three of executive, legislative and judicial: a vast federal bureaucracy that's now being imitated in too many states and too many cities, a bureaucracy of enormous power which determines policy to a greater extent than any of us realize, very possibly to a greater extent than our own elected representatives. And it can't be removed from office by our votes.

4. To give you an illustration of how bureaucracy works in another country, England in 1803 created a new civil service position. It called for a man to stand on the cliffs of Dover with a spy glass and ring a bell if he saw Napoleon coming. They didn't eliminate that job until 1945. In our own country, there are only two government programs that have been abolished. The government stopped making rum on the Virgin Islands, and we've stopped breeding horses for the cavalry.

5. More than anything else, a new political economic mythology, widely believed by too many people, has increased government's ability to interfere as it does in the marketplace. Profit is a dirty word, blamed for most of our social ills. In the interest of something called consumerism, free enterprise is becoming far less free. Property rights are being reduced, and even eliminated, in the name of environmental protection. … profit, property rights and freedom are inseparable, and you cannot have the third unless you continue to be entitled to the first two.

6. It is difficult to understand the ever-increasing number of intellectuals in the groves of academe...who contend that our system could be improved by the adoption of some of the features of socialism. I'm sure that most of you are aware that some years ago the Soviet Union had such a morale problem with the workers on the collective farms that they finally gave each worker a little plot of ground and told him he could farm it for himself and sell in the open market what he raised. Today, less than 4 percent of Russia's agricultural land is privately farmed in that way, and on that 4 percent is raised 40 percent of all of Russia's vegetables, and 60 percent of all its meat.

7. In spite of all the evidence that points to the free market as the most efficient system, we continue down a road that is bearing out the prophecy of De Tocqueville, a Frenchman who came here …years ago. He was attracted by the miracle that was America. [H]e came here and he looked at everything he could see in our country trying to find the secret of our success, and then went back and wrote a book about it. Even then,… he saw signs prompting him to warn us that if we weren't constantly on guard, we would find ourselves covered by a network of regulations controlling every activity. He said if that came to pass we would one day find ourselves a nation of timid animals with government the shepherd. Was De Tocqueville right? Well, today we are covered by tens of thousands of regulations to which we add about 25,000 new ones each year.

8. It all comes down to this basic premise: if you lose your economic freedom, you lose your political freedom and in fact all freedom. Freedom is something that cannot be passed on genetically. It is never more than one generation away from extinction. Every generation has to learn how to protect and defend it. Once freedom is gone, it's gone for a long, long time. Already, too many of us, particularly those in business and industry, have chosen to switch rather than fight.

The more astute can probably guess who wrote this....
You can find out here: Hillsdale College - Imprimis Issue
1] ok this was meaningless..or opinion
2] the people like their programs, they just want big gov. to run a tight ship money wise.or opinion
3]opinion...and stupid at that
4]we dont care about England, and ive been told that other countries should mind their own business with how we run things. So you dont get to use them for examples.
5]Profit has never been a dirty word. the issue is regulation and finding a balance in that regulation you cocksucker. Again Opinion
6]Blame the internet then on the increase twat. Oh good you brought up how Socialism is akin to being a commie. Didnt see that one coming at all. Get some new labels.
7-8] At this point i dont care to read these two because its plain to see the only reason you like this piece is because its jerking you off. You are taking an opinion piece that tries to mix "facts" with Opinion. Who tries to be the very Intellectual this writer is complaining about.

So in reality you posted a jerk off piece. Thank you, now go wipe off your screen.

I'd like to point out that your analysis is both superficial and vulgar.

No doubt it represents your very essence.
Boils down to this. This is a country of 50 states and close to 300 million people. "Small" government is not going to cut it. Especially when you factor in the interconnection we have with the world in regards to our economy.
1. During the presidential campaign …, there was a great deal of talk about the seeming inability of our economic system to solve the problems of unemployment .... Issues such as taxes and government power and costs were discussed, but always these things were discussed in the context of what government intended to do about it. May I suggest for your consideration that government has already done too much about it? That indeed, government, by going outside its proper province, has caused many if not most of the problems that vex us.

2. Beginning with the traumatic experience of the Great Depression, we the people have turned more and more to government for answers that government has neither the right nor the capacity to provide. Unfortunately, government as an institution always tends to increase in size and power,…

3. The result is a fourth branch of government added to the traditional three of executive, legislative and judicial: a vast federal bureaucracy that's now being imitated in too many states and too many cities, a bureaucracy of enormous power which determines policy to a greater extent than any of us realize, very possibly to a greater extent than our own elected representatives. And it can't be removed from office by our votes.

4. To give you an illustration of how bureaucracy works in another country, England in 1803 created a new civil service position. It called for a man to stand on the cliffs of Dover with a spy glass and ring a bell if he saw Napoleon coming. They didn't eliminate that job until 1945. In our own country, there are only two government programs that have been abolished. The government stopped making rum on the Virgin Islands, and we've stopped breeding horses for the cavalry.

5. More than anything else, a new political economic mythology, widely believed by too many people, has increased government's ability to interfere as it does in the marketplace. Profit is a dirty word, blamed for most of our social ills. In the interest of something called consumerism, free enterprise is becoming far less free. Property rights are being reduced, and even eliminated, in the name of environmental protection. … profit, property rights and freedom are inseparable, and you cannot have the third unless you continue to be entitled to the first two.

6. It is difficult to understand the ever-increasing number of intellectuals in the groves of academe...who contend that our system could be improved by the adoption of some of the features of socialism. I'm sure that most of you are aware that some years ago the Soviet Union had such a morale problem with the workers on the collective farms that they finally gave each worker a little plot of ground and told him he could farm it for himself and sell in the open market what he raised. Today, less than 4 percent of Russia's agricultural land is privately farmed in that way, and on that 4 percent is raised 40 percent of all of Russia's vegetables, and 60 percent of all its meat.

7. In spite of all the evidence that points to the free market as the most efficient system, we continue down a road that is bearing out the prophecy of De Tocqueville, a Frenchman who came here …years ago. He was attracted by the miracle that was America. [H]e came here and he looked at everything he could see in our country trying to find the secret of our success, and then went back and wrote a book about it. Even then,… he saw signs prompting him to warn us that if we weren't constantly on guard, we would find ourselves covered by a network of regulations controlling every activity. He said if that came to pass we would one day find ourselves a nation of timid animals with government the shepherd. Was De Tocqueville right? Well, today we are covered by tens of thousands of regulations to which we add about 25,000 new ones each year.

8. It all comes down to this basic premise: if you lose your economic freedom, you lose your political freedom and in fact all freedom. Freedom is something that cannot be passed on genetically. It is never more than one generation away from extinction. Every generation has to learn how to protect and defend it. Once freedom is gone, it's gone for a long, long time. Already, too many of us, particularly those in business and industry, have chosen to switch rather than fight.

The more astute can probably guess who wrote this....
You can find out here: Hillsdale College - Imprimis Issue

first; once again...nice stuff...
and I am in agreement with the piece (basically...though we may differ on which regulations are GOOD and which have gone TOO FAR)

second; regulations are being created by BOTH conservatives and liberals

OVER REGULATION is NOT just a liberal problem

freedoms are lost (or denied) by CONSERVATIVE REGULATIONS, too

BOTH sides want to overregulate us and deny us our choices/freedoms....


you ALWAYS post thought provoking material, PC...

Boils down to this. This is a country of 50 states and close to 300 million people. "Small" government is not going to cut it. Especially when you factor in the interconnection we have with the world in regards to our economy.

Can you even explain why we need the rest of the world? I have no problem with living life without them. How's that? It's called being self_sufficient. Try it sometimes, it's amazing
1-4. The bottom line is there have been so many jobs outsourced and production facilities moved that employment numbers will stay high for a long time to come. The free trade agreements have basically screwed over the American working class. They said that in the end consumer prices would drop, but they didn't, profits rose and the CEOs are now wealthier than ever.

5. Profit by itself is not a dirty word. You must have profits to stay in business. Obsence profit is frowned upon. When a company profits by dumping toxic chemicals, or soot, or damages the enviroment that is an encrochment on property rights not the other way around as the OP appear to say. That is to say a businesses right to profit should not outweight the property rights of the individual or society.

6. It's already happened. We are a Democratic Socialistic Republic. By the actions of the Gov. we beleive in corportate socialism as well as personal socialism.

7. History has shown that unbridled capitalism becomes unjust where the rich get richer and the poor get to work. Social reforms and regulations are necessary to counter the forces of greed.
Boils down to this. This is a country of 50 states and close to 300 million people. "Small" government is not going to cut it. Especially when you factor in the interconnection we have with the world in regards to our economy.

Can you even explain why we need the rest of the world? I have no problem with living life without them. How's that? It's called being self_sufficient. Try it sometimes, it's amazing

Islands for Sale, Private Islands, Luxury Real Estate

Put your money where your mouth is..

Dare to dream.

The rest of us will stay here and enjoy the benefits of the biggest and best economy in the world.
This is really the thing that everyone needs to know:

"England in 1803 created a new civil service position. It called for a man to stand on the cliffs of Dover with a spy glass and ring a bell if he saw Napoleon coming. They didn't eliminate that job until 1945."
1] ok this was meaningless..or opinion
2] the people like their programs, they just want big gov. to run a tight ship money wise.or opinion
3]opinion...and stupid at that
4]we dont care about England, and ive been told that other countries should mind their own business with how we run things. So you dont get to use them for examples.
5]Profit has never been a dirty word. the issue is regulation and finding a balance in that regulation you cocksucker. Again Opinion
6]Blame the internet then on the increase twat. Oh good you brought up how Socialism is akin to being a commie. Didnt see that one coming at all. Get some new labels.
7-8] At this point i dont care to read these two because its plain to see the only reason you like this piece is because its jerking you off. You are taking an opinion piece that tries to mix "facts" with Opinion. Who tries to be the very Intellectual this writer is complaining about.

So in reality you posted a jerk off piece. Thank you, now go wipe off your screen.

I'd like to point out that your analysis is both superficial and vulgar.

No doubt it represents your very essence.

I wouldnt waste my "essence" on you. Knowing it you most likely are a spitter anyways.

I'd like to counter with all you did was post a jerk-off piece that you already agreed with and really doesnt advance jack shit in the way of conversation Actually its an extension of your Obama is a socialist thread, and the mods ( in my opinion) should have just merged the two.

Calm down....every thing will be okay.

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