To College Co-Eds (women)...


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012
1. Don't be an idiot. Don't allow yourself to be put in a highly-vulnerable situation, particularly with someone that you do not know well. If you go to parties, stay in public areas. If you want to talk with someone privately, go OUTSIDE, not to a (fucking) bedroom. Remember, there are only two reasons why Fraternities have parties: (1) to get drunk, (2) to get laid. Not necessarily in that order. And remember, Frat Boys are social retards who have no chance of accomplishing (2) unless their victim is drunk.

2. Familiarize yourself with the LEGAL definitions of sexual assault in the state where you are going to school. Pay no attention to the nonsense the college tries to tell you. An attempt to hold your hand is not "sexual assault."

3. If you are the victim of sexual assault, call "911" and tell them you want the POLICE to respond. Not the "campus police." But remember, this is a serious criminal matter and if you are not willing to cooperate in producing evidence and in testifying against the perp, then don't waste their time. Time is of the essence; don't wait to report a crime.

4. Avail yourself of whatever resources you can to help you deal with the incident - family, friends, police, campus resources, church/synagogue resources, whatever. The objective is to minimize the damage TO YOU (fuck the school).

5. If the assault was offensive and hurtful, but NOT criminal, then you can consider whatever measures the college might have to resolve the situation informally, but don't expect much. Recognize that such incidents are an embarrassment to the school, and they will want to control the damage (you).

6. If you decide to "go public" in some way, remember that anything you say that is not truthful and factual constitutes slander and can bring a world of shit down on you. So tell the absolute truth.
Yup, I agree with all of these.

I would like to add however, that any time a girl, goes into a situation with a guy, flirts with him, gets drunk with him, starts doing everything but, and gets naked with him.

If they are both VERY DRUNK, then there is no rape.

If the next morning, SHE can't quite remember what she did, but she knows she didn't want to go all the way, and she then blames the guy, well, I'm sorry, that is not rape.

A LOT of the cases, that is what this is coming down to. A guy and girl that know each other, getting super smashed, making out, doing heavy petting, and then things get out of control.

A lot of times, probably the guy doesn't even remember the night before either, but the GIRL wants him to pay for what they BOTH did consensually while drunk.


Regret is not rape: lessons from an old-school Feminist
Regret is not rape lessons from an old-school Feminist A Voice for Male Students
But “walk of shame” sexual encounters are as old as humankind itself, and do not equal rape. And if women cannot/will not take responsibility for their own actions in the bedroom, why/how do we expect to be treated any differently in the boardroom?

We don’t have a “rape culture.” We ARE creating a “victim culture.” And in the meantime, real victims of real rape do NOT find the I-got-too-drunk-at-Homecoming to be a shared experience with I-had-a-knife-to-my-throat-and-my-children’s-lives-threatened. It demeans and diminishes the very scary, very humiliating, “power rape.”

In this article, if the guy is as drunk as the girl, how is SHE not as out of control and as culpable as he is? I'll tell you why, because it is how the media spins it.

The mess that is the 2013 Ohio University false rape scandal A Voice for Male Students

Athens Police Investigate Alleged Rape Caught On Camera WBNS-10TV Columbus Ohio

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