Tired of Whining Vegans, Restaurant Owner Drops All Vegan Items from Menu

Not true.

I have been vegan for 3 years now and I still go to places with people who eat meat.

What I find happens most often is that people who eat meat will usually try to get me to eat meat for some reason.

Maybe it's called usual dinner banter.

Not everything has to be some form of compulsion.
Maybe it's called usual dinner banter.

Not everything has to be some form of compulsion.
Funny I don't tell other people to eat what I am eating. I actually respect their decisions but they want to wave a piece of steak in my face and tell me to eat it.
The point of this article and this thread is about those specific assholes, and therefore is the topic and hand and not "stupid" in this thread.
Do you know anyone who has ever worked in customer service?

Every business in the world has to deal with assholes.
No, they even admitted it was only some of them causing the problem, but the ones that caused the problem outweighed the benefit from continuing to provide vegan options.
So the problem a couple people caused online is worth losing the business of possibly hundreds more people?

That seems like a stupid business decision to me.

There is also the liability issue if they ended up not giving a person a completely "vegan" meal.
Then call it vegetarian not vegan but then again any chef worth a nickel can make a vegan dish quite easily

Then call it vegetarian not vegan but then again any chef worth a nickel can make a vegan dish quite easily

Using the same pans, grills, and other implements used while making meat based dishes?
I'm sure they will still have salads and stuff which is fine. I like vegies.

But that is a great point. Go to a vegan restaurant if you want vegan food. Because if I want a rack of ribs I can't get it at a vegan place.

To all the vegans, people who cry racism, people who say a place isn't inclusive or diverse, and so on we should be saying "then go somewhere else".

But they want everything but won't give up anything.

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