Tired Of The Democrats? Join Walkaway


They can not stop the groupthink. The strong connection to The Imbecilic Cult Of The Holy Glowing Rectangle has already convinced them to drink the KoolAid and now all that's left is for them to lie down and finish the convulsion. Don't know why it's taking so damn long!

The concept of making their own decisions has been out of reach for them for three or four decades now.

Garbage. More than one million made the decision to dump the Democrats in 20-21. I made that decision in 1987.

I found the truth in about 2006.

Show us one single intelligent, moral, common sense person on this board that ever started as a dem, other than you and me..

When I was a kid, the Democrat Party was different. They had John Kennedy and Hubert Humphrey. Today, the Dumbos are all lying socialists obsessed with abortion and they hate the USA.

The Democrats have screwed up the economy and promoted racial hatred.
You've got to give people something viable to walk-away TO...
When I was a kid, the Democrat Party was different. They had John Kennedy and Hubert Humphrey. Today, the Dumbos are all lying socialists obsessed with abortion and they hate the USA.
Nahhhhh... they don't hate America... they just hate all the straight, White, Christian, hard-working people who disavow the Black Agenda and the Gay Mafia.

Ohhhhhh... they also like Free $hit and Illegal Aliens and Income-Redistribution and Taxation (of others) and will spank you if you speak out against their ideas.

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