Tips for adopting the best shelter dog

waaaay back my wife son daughter and I went to the Santa Clara Pound/shelter, we got there as soon as the doors opened, we looked at oh, 30-40 dogs, wrote a list of our top 5....went to get on line in the office area.....

it was exactly like the DMV and worse.

We waited from 920 till 1130 and then the processors all walked out for lunch in mass, to return at 1230. the time we they all got back to their desks and processing again it was 1330 and they quit at 1630....I looked at the wife and kids and we all said, screw this......we left.

on the way out I put my number down on one the desk and told the occupant they are killing dogs by making this process waaay to difficult ( to say nothing of price, approx. $200 in fees etc to get a dog for "free" from the pound, the lady looked at me and just shrugged.....

we went to PetCo the next Saturday, for those that don't know it, its the walmart of pet stores out here.

they let people who shelter dogs bring them in on Saturday and Sunday morning to show.

We got went and and we spotted a Rat Terrier we fell in love with, she was active, cute only 2 or 3 and she responded to us well....anyway, cost? zero ( but, I gave the lady 100 bucks anyway, well, just becasue she was a sweet old soul who sheltered dogs in her home and had 10 on hand )...

anyway, we have had her ever since, shes 15 now.

and goes to show, the gov. cannot even run a friggin dog pound to boot.......

No they cant. The pet rescue has had many issues with the pound about dogs due for release to them being "accidentally" terminated. It's go to pick up a dog that you already have the papers of ownership on...only to find out they are now gone and no one has a clue how it happenend either.

Plus a lot of the employees have no idea about what animals are in their care or why at any given time...and really couldn't care less either... so don't even bother asking questions...more times than not you will just get the blank stare and shoulder shrug.
That would be a great heaven, all my dog friends as puppies and I get to watch them grow again or for the first time if they were adults when adopted.

I think in that heaven I would need about 20 hands to get all the petting in though.

There are animals in heaven, and I imagine our animals have souls, though the Bible doesn't tell us that.

Eden was full of animals, and heaven is joy...I think it just follows that it will be full of the things we love, including those gifts we have received from God in the form of animals throughout our lives.

I look forward to seeing some very good friends eventually.

Heaven will have all your fur children waiting for you. This I guarantee. Heaven is bliss, is it not? Couldn't be that, if those we love/loved so much aren't there too. :)

my little ratter, when its time, will along with my Mother be coming to get me...we've already discussed it...;).....
I have a rat terrier. He was only supposed to get to about 15 to 18 lbs. He weighs a whopping 45 lbs. He's the one, along with the cat since she is slimmer and get in holes while he finishes the getting field rats that want our chicken eggs. He also snipped the ankle of the termite guy. (Yes, I will kill termites IN the house). He's ornery. But he likes females. Never bit one that came to look at something I had listed on craigslist. But if it is a man that comes to look, I have to leash him. Ornery bugger. I love him very much. He's my cuddlebutt. :laugh:
The only rat terrorists I've ever seen were little tiny things...probably not even 10 lbs!

methinks you may have...Something Else, lol...a 45 lb rat terrier is probably a pit in disguise...
waaaay back my wife son daughter and I went to the Santa Clara Pound/shelter, we got there as soon as the doors opened, we looked at oh, 30-40 dogs, wrote a list of our top 5....went to get on line in the office area.....

it was exactly like the DMV and worse.

We waited from 920 till 1130 and then the processors all walked out for lunch in mass, to return at 1230. the time we they all got back to their desks and processing again it was 1330 and they quit at 1630....I looked at the wife and kids and we all said, screw this......we left.

on the way out I put my number down on one the desk and told the occupant they are killing dogs by making this process waaay to difficult ( to say nothing of price, approx. $200 in fees etc to get a dog for "free" from the pound, the lady looked at me and just shrugged.....

we went to PetCo the next Saturday, for those that don't know it, its the walmart of pet stores out here.

they let people who shelter dogs bring them in on Saturday and Sunday morning to show.

We got went and and we spotted a Rat Terrier we fell in love with, she was active, cute only 2 or 3 and she responded to us well....anyway, cost? zero ( but, I gave the lady 100 bucks anyway, well, just becasue she was a sweet old soul who sheltered dogs in her home and had 10 on hand )...

anyway, we have had her ever since, shes 15 now.

and goes to show, the gov. cannot even run a friggin dog pound to boot.......

The government runs them????

Around here they're all non-profits, so shelters look wildly different from one locale to the next.

Maybe in the bigger cities they are run by the city....and I'm sure that's a nightmare.
This is so funny...along the lines of what I always say, all terriers are potential killers and pits are nowhere near the worst of them....

this is about Parson Russell/Jack Russells:

Most Jack Russell Terriers are happy-go-lucky and friendly with strangers, but in the presence of strange dogs, keep them close and under control. If the other dog minds its own manners, the Jack Russell will usually adhere to a "live and let live" philosphy, but some Jack Russells are so brash and fearless they will take on a Rottweiler if it looks cross-eyed at them.
Two Jack Russell Terriers (regardless of sex or age) should never be left alone together. All may appear to go well for a while – even a long while – but with this breed, a seemingly amiable relationship can suddenly flare into deadly combat over something as innocuous as possession of a chew toy. If you keep two Jack Russells, it is safest to separate them when you leave the house.
As you've probably guessed by now, small pets that run, squeak, or flutter probably won't last an hour.
The exploratory and hunting instincts of Jack Russell Terriers are legendary. These dogs will "go to ground" after anything that moves and they will stay in or by the hole for hours, even days. Obviously, JRTs are enthusiastic diggers and barkers. "

Parson Jack Russell Terriers: What's Good About 'Em? What's Bad About 'Em?
Leaving them alone with another terrier is like "The Gingham Dog and the Calico Cat"'ll come back and there will only be one terrier left.
This is him. He hates car rides but LOVES to take walks. No pit in this dude, lol.


This is him when he was just a baby. Fit in my hand. The white one is his sister.

This is Karma...right when I got her. And her buddy the cat..who is not sure yet what to make of her.


And this is them now:

I have a rat terrier. He was only supposed to get to about 15 to 18 lbs. He weighs a whopping 45 lbs. He's the one, along with the cat since she is slimmer and get in holes while he finishes the getting field rats that want our chicken eggs. He also snipped the ankle of the termite guy. (Yes, I will kill termites IN the house). He's ornery. But he likes females. Never bit one that came to look at something I had listed on craigslist. But if it is a man that comes to look, I have to leash him. Ornery bugger. I love him very much. He's my cuddlebutt. :laugh:
The only rat terrorists I've ever seen were little tiny things...probably not even 10 lbs!

methinks you may have...Something Else, lol...a 45 lb rat terrier is probably a pit in disguise...

the larger ratters are called Decker rat terrier...yea we had 2, way back, venus and wishbone....after they passed on, we got Miss Vicky, she tips the scales at 10.5 lbs....;)

here she is under the covers...:)


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My stinker likes to get under the covers, too. I think she thinks there might be rats in there but THEY'RE JUST MY FEET!! Thankfully she hasn't tried to kill them so far..

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