Tip Toe Through The Obama Record???


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
How did President Reagan approach the election? Did he 'play nice' with President Carter's record?

I don't think so...

1. During his 1980 Labor Day speech at New Jersey's Liberty State Park, Republican presidential nominee Ronald Reagan listed the economic failures of his opponent, President Jimmy Carter. With the Statue of Liberty as a backdrop, Reagan used the moment to respond to Carter, who had accused Reagan of misusing the term "depression" to describe a recession that began in January of that year. "Let it show on the record that when the American people cried out for economic help, Jimmy Carter took refuge behind a dictionary. Well, if it's a definition he wants, I'll give him one. A recession is when your neighbor loses his job. A depression is when you lose yours. And recovery is when Jimmy Carter loses his."
Economy: Are We in a Recession or Depression? - Newsweek

2. Today a President of the United States would have us believe that dream is over or at least in need of change. Jimmy Carter’s Administration tells us that the descendants of those who sacrificed to start again in this land of freedom may have to abandon the dream that drew their ancestors to a new life in a new land.

You're right. The Carter record is a litany of despair, of broken promises, of sacred trusts abandoned and forgotten. Eight million -- eight million out of work. Inflation running at 18 percent in the first quarter of this year. Black unemployment at 14 percent, higher than any single year since the government began keeping separate statistics. Four straight major deficits run up by Carter and his friends in Congress. The highest interest rates since the Civil War, reaching at times close to 20 percent, lately they're down to more than 11 percent but now they've begun to go up again. Productivity falling for six straight quarters among the most productive people in the world.
American Rhetoric: Ronald Reagan - Labor Day Speech at Liberty State Park

3.Thank you. I'm… well, you know, thanks. I'm -- I'm looking forward to meeting Mr. Carter in debate, confronting him with the whole sorry record of his Administration. The record he prefers not to mention. If he ever finally agrees to the kind of first debate the American people want, which I’m beginning to doubt, he’ll answer to them and to me.

Let's have a full-blooded conservative who will attack the Obama record in the same way!
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How did Presidnt Reagan approach the election? Did he 'play nice' with President Carter's record?

I don't think so...

1. During his 1980 Labor Day speech at New Jersey's Liberty State Park, Republican presidential nominee Ronald Reagan listed the economic failures of his opponent, President Jimmy Carter. With the Statue of Liberty as a backdrop, Reagan used the moment to respond to Carter, who had accused Reagan of misusing the term "depression" to describe a recession that began in January of that year. "Let it show on the record that when the American people cried out for economic help, Jimmy Carter took refuge behind a dictionary. Well, if it's a definition he wants, I'll give him one. A recession is when your neighbor loses his job. A depression is when you lose yours. And recovery is when Jimmy Carter loses his."
Economy: Are We in a Recession or Depression? - Newsweek

2. Today a President of the United States would have us believe that dream is over or at least in need of change. Jimmy Carter’s Administration tells us that the descendants of those who sacrificed to start again in this land of freedom may have to abandon the dream that drew their ancestors to a new life in a new land.

You're right. The Carter record is a litany of despair, of broken promises, of sacred trusts abandoned and forgotten. Eight million -- eight million out of work. Inflation running at 18 percent in the first quarter of this year. Black unemployment at 14 percent, higher than any single year since the government began keeping separate statistics. Four straight major deficits run up by Carter and his friends in Congress. The highest interest rates since the Civil War, reaching at times close to 20 percent, lately they're down to more than 11 percent but now they've begun to go up again. Productivity falling for six straight quarters among the most productive people in the world.
American Rhetoric: Ronald Reagan - Labor Day Speech at Liberty State Park

3.Thank you. I'm… well, you know, thanks. I'm -- I'm looking forward to meeting Mr. Carter in debate, confronting him with the whole sorry record of his Administration. The record he prefers not to mention. If he ever finally agrees to the kind of first debate the American people want, which I’m beginning to doubt, he’ll answer to them and to me.

Let's have a full-blooded conservative who will attack the Obama recored in the same way!
Of course St Ronnie left out that the Carter Recession was the shortest in history and the Reagan DEPRESSION was one of the longest. Carter's UE, inherited from Ford, was brought down to 7.2% when he passed it to Reagan who promptly jacked it up to 10.8% and nearly 12 million out of work. Carter's 4 deficits totaled about 300 million, an amount Reagan exceeded in less than 2 years. Reagan racked up in 8 straight "major deficits" totaling over $2 TRILLION in debt!!! And Reagan beat Carter's highest interest rates by breaking the 20% mark.

Reagan showed Carter what the definition of a DEPRESSION was really like first hand!!!
Thanks St Ronnie!!
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How did Presidnt Reagan approach the election? Did he 'play nice' with President Carter's record?

I don't think so...

1. During his 1980 Labor Day speech at New Jersey's Liberty State Park, Republican presidential nominee Ronald Reagan listed the economic failures of his opponent, President Jimmy Carter. With the Statue of Liberty as a backdrop, Reagan used the moment to respond to Carter, who had accused Reagan of misusing the term "depression" to describe a recession that began in January of that year. "Let it show on the record that when the American people cried out for economic help, Jimmy Carter took refuge behind a dictionary. Well, if it's a definition he wants, I'll give him one. A recession is when your neighbor loses his job. A depression is when you lose yours. And recovery is when Jimmy Carter loses his."
Economy: Are We in a Recession or Depression? - Newsweek

2. Today a President of the United States would have us believe that dream is over or at least in need of change. Jimmy Carter’s Administration tells us that the descendants of those who sacrificed to start again in this land of freedom may have to abandon the dream that drew their ancestors to a new life in a new land.

You're right. The Carter record is a litany of despair, of broken promises, of sacred trusts abandoned and forgotten. Eight million -- eight million out of work. Inflation running at 18 percent in the first quarter of this year. Black unemployment at 14 percent, higher than any single year since the government began keeping separate statistics. Four straight major deficits run up by Carter and his friends in Congress. The highest interest rates since the Civil War, reaching at times close to 20 percent, lately they're down to more than 11 percent but now they've begun to go up again. Productivity falling for six straight quarters among the most productive people in the world.
American Rhetoric: Ronald Reagan - Labor Day Speech at Liberty State Park

3.Thank you. I'm… well, you know, thanks. I'm -- I'm looking forward to meeting Mr. Carter in debate, confronting him with the whole sorry record of his Administration. The record he prefers not to mention. If he ever finally agrees to the kind of first debate the American people want, which I’m beginning to doubt, he’ll answer to them and to me.

Let's have a full-blooded conservative who will attack the Obama recored in the same way!
Of course St Ronnie left out that the Carter Recession was the shortest in history and the Reagan DEPRESSION was one of the longest. Carter's UE, inherited from Ford, was brought down to 7.2% when he passed it to Reagan who promptly jacked it up to 10.8% and nearly 12 million out of work. Carter's 4 deficits totaled about 300 million, an amount Reagan exceeded in less than 2 years. Reagan racked up in 8 straight "major deficits" totaling over $2 TRILLION in debt!!! And Reagan beat Carter's highest interest rates by breaking the 20% mark.

Reagan showed Carter what the definition of a DEPRESSION was really like first hand!!!
Thanks St Ronnie!!

Wow, reagan was such a loser he was re-elected by the largest margin in post war history. And then his VP was elected in a landslide after that.
How did Presidnt Reagan approach the election? Did he 'play nice' with President Carter's record?

I don't think so...

1. During his 1980 Labor Day speech at New Jersey's Liberty State Park, Republican presidential nominee Ronald Reagan listed the economic failures of his opponent, President Jimmy Carter. With the Statue of Liberty as a backdrop, Reagan used the moment to respond to Carter, who had accused Reagan of misusing the term "depression" to describe a recession that began in January of that year. "Let it show on the record that when the American people cried out for economic help, Jimmy Carter took refuge behind a dictionary. Well, if it's a definition he wants, I'll give him one. A recession is when your neighbor loses his job. A depression is when you lose yours. And recovery is when Jimmy Carter loses his."
Economy: Are We in a Recession or Depression? - Newsweek

2. Today a President of the United States would have us believe that dream is over or at least in need of change. Jimmy Carter’s Administration tells us that the descendants of those who sacrificed to start again in this land of freedom may have to abandon the dream that drew their ancestors to a new life in a new land.

You're right. The Carter record is a litany of despair, of broken promises, of sacred trusts abandoned and forgotten. Eight million -- eight million out of work. Inflation running at 18 percent in the first quarter of this year. Black unemployment at 14 percent, higher than any single year since the government began keeping separate statistics. Four straight major deficits run up by Carter and his friends in Congress. The highest interest rates since the Civil War, reaching at times close to 20 percent, lately they're down to more than 11 percent but now they've begun to go up again. Productivity falling for six straight quarters among the most productive people in the world.
American Rhetoric: Ronald Reagan - Labor Day Speech at Liberty State Park

3.Thank you. I'm… well, you know, thanks. I'm -- I'm looking forward to meeting Mr. Carter in debate, confronting him with the whole sorry record of his Administration. The record he prefers not to mention. If he ever finally agrees to the kind of first debate the American people want, which I’m beginning to doubt, he’ll answer to them and to me.

Let's have a full-blooded conservative who will attack the Obama recored in the same way!


How did Presidnt Reagan approach the election? Did he 'play nice' with President Carter's record?

I don't think so...

1. During his 1980 Labor Day speech at New Jersey's Liberty State Park, Republican presidential nominee Ronald Reagan listed the economic failures of his opponent, President Jimmy Carter. With the Statue of Liberty as a backdrop, Reagan used the moment to respond to Carter, who had accused Reagan of misusing the term "depression" to describe a recession that began in January of that year. "Let it show on the record that when the American people cried out for economic help, Jimmy Carter took refuge behind a dictionary. Well, if it's a definition he wants, I'll give him one. A recession is when your neighbor loses his job. A depression is when you lose yours. And recovery is when Jimmy Carter loses his."
Economy: Are We in a Recession or Depression? - Newsweek

2. Today a President of the United States would have us believe that dream is over or at least in need of change. Jimmy Carter’s Administration tells us that the descendants of those who sacrificed to start again in this land of freedom may have to abandon the dream that drew their ancestors to a new life in a new land.

You're right. The Carter record is a litany of despair, of broken promises, of sacred trusts abandoned and forgotten. Eight million -- eight million out of work. Inflation running at 18 percent in the first quarter of this year. Black unemployment at 14 percent, higher than any single year since the government began keeping separate statistics. Four straight major deficits run up by Carter and his friends in Congress. The highest interest rates since the Civil War, reaching at times close to 20 percent, lately they're down to more than 11 percent but now they've begun to go up again. Productivity falling for six straight quarters among the most productive people in the world.
American Rhetoric: Ronald Reagan - Labor Day Speech at Liberty State Park

3.Thank you. I'm… well, you know, thanks. I'm -- I'm looking forward to meeting Mr. Carter in debate, confronting him with the whole sorry record of his Administration. The record he prefers not to mention. If he ever finally agrees to the kind of first debate the American people want, which I’m beginning to doubt, he’ll answer to them and to me.

Let's have a full-blooded conservative who will attack the Obama recored in the same way!
Of course St Ronnie left out that the Carter Recession was the shortest in history and the Reagan DEPRESSION was one of the longest. Carter's UE, inherited from Ford, was brought down to 7.2% when he passed it to Reagan who promptly jacked it up to 10.8% and nearly 12 million out of work. Carter's 4 deficits totaled about 300 million, an amount Reagan exceeded in less than 2 years. Reagan racked up in 8 straight "major deficits" totaling over $2 TRILLION in debt!!! And Reagan beat Carter's highest interest rates by breaking the 20% mark.

Reagan showed Carter what the definition of a DEPRESSION was really like first hand!!!
Thanks St Ronnie!!

The electoral success of President Reagan is not in dispute.

I believe that the point of the OP was the method that opposition candidates, GOP candidates, should use in confronting this failed executive.

Clearly the McCain strategy, threatening to fire a staffer who mentioned Obama's middle name, the kid-glove treatment, was short sighted, and less than effective.

The Reagan confrontational method is the one that should be employed. Call out every gaffe, every bow to a potentate, the broken promises, the failed policies....there is plenty there.

"Mr. McCain let himself be intimidated by Obama’s cultural charisma, threatening to fire any staff member who even used the candidate’s middle name. Donald Trump shot to the head of the Republican line by focusing on Mr. Obama as a president, calling him our “worst” president. I carry no brief for Mr. Trump, but his sudden success makes a point: Another kind of charisma redounds to those willing to challenge political correctness—those unwilling to be in thrall to the president’s cultural charisma."
Shelby Steele: Obama's Unspoken Re-Election Edge - WSJ.com

Nor is there any reason not to revisit the Rev. Wright and Bill Ayers stories, as many will now see the relevance.

This President is everything the Right warned the nation he would be....those in the nation who are paying attention for the first time should be informed.

For starters, how about the racist that President Obama installed as the minister chosen by President Obama upon the occasion of his inauguration:
"We ask you to help us work for that day when black will not be asked to get in back, when brown can stick around..."
"When yellow will be mellow, when the red man can get ahead, man; and when white will embrace what is right. That all those who do justice and love mercy say Amen."

The Associated Press noticed liberal Rev. Joseph Lowery's prayer raised eyebrows when he prayed for that day in the hazy future when "white will embrace what is right." That divisive note drew this headline: "Lowery gives sole inaugural note of racial caution." The entire dispatch was brief
"When yellow will be mellow, when the red man can get ahead, man; and when white will embrace what is right. That all those who do justice and love mercy say Amen."
The crowd thundered, "Amen!"
AP Describes Black Minister's Mockery of Whites as Not Right As 'Note of Racial Caution' | NewsBusters.org

He gets a pass on none of this.
That's why I wanted Palin to run. She would demolish Obama using his record of failure against him.

Any one who looked at Obama for more than 2 seconds knew he'd be the worst President in American history (for America, he's revered in Venezuela, Cuba, Gaza and Moscow) Juan McCain pussied out and muzzled Palin, that's why he lost.
How did Presidnt Reagan approach the election? Did he 'play nice' with President Carter's record?

I don't think so...

1. During his 1980 Labor Day speech at New Jersey's Liberty State Park, Republican presidential nominee Ronald Reagan listed the economic failures of his opponent, President Jimmy Carter. With the Statue of Liberty as a backdrop, Reagan used the moment to respond to Carter, who had accused Reagan of misusing the term "depression" to describe a recession that began in January of that year. "Let it show on the record that when the American people cried out for economic help, Jimmy Carter took refuge behind a dictionary. Well, if it's a definition he wants, I'll give him one. A recession is when your neighbor loses his job. A depression is when you lose yours. And recovery is when Jimmy Carter loses his."
Economy: Are We in a Recession or Depression? - Newsweek

2. Today a President of the United States would have us believe that dream is over or at least in need of change. Jimmy Carter’s Administration tells us that the descendants of those who sacrificed to start again in this land of freedom may have to abandon the dream that drew their ancestors to a new life in a new land.

You're right. The Carter record is a litany of despair, of broken promises, of sacred trusts abandoned and forgotten. Eight million -- eight million out of work. Inflation running at 18 percent in the first quarter of this year. Black unemployment at 14 percent, higher than any single year since the government began keeping separate statistics. Four straight major deficits run up by Carter and his friends in Congress. The highest interest rates since the Civil War, reaching at times close to 20 percent, lately they're down to more than 11 percent but now they've begun to go up again. Productivity falling for six straight quarters among the most productive people in the world.
American Rhetoric: Ronald Reagan - Labor Day Speech at Liberty State Park

3.Thank you. I'm… well, you know, thanks. I'm -- I'm looking forward to meeting Mr. Carter in debate, confronting him with the whole sorry record of his Administration. The record he prefers not to mention. If he ever finally agrees to the kind of first debate the American people want, which I’m beginning to doubt, he’ll answer to them and to me.

Let's have a full-blooded conservative who will attack the Obama recored in the same way!
Of course St Ronnie left out that the Carter Recession was the shortest in history and the Reagan DEPRESSION was one of the longest. Carter's UE, inherited from Ford, was brought down to 7.2% when he passed it to Reagan who promptly jacked it up to 10.8% and nearly 12 million out of work. Carter's 4 deficits totaled about 300 million, an amount Reagan exceeded in less than 2 years. Reagan racked up in 8 straight "major deficits" totaling over $2 TRILLION in debt!!! And Reagan beat Carter's highest interest rates by breaking the 20% mark.

Reagan showed Carter what the definition of a DEPRESSION was really like first hand!!!
Thanks St Ronnie!!

Wow, reagan was such a loser he was re-elected by the largest margin in post war history. And then his VP was elected in a landslide after that.
So far, Obama has a better record that St Ronnie at this point in his first term, and Reagan's DEPRESSION was his own making!!!
Of course St Ronnie left out that the Carter Recession was the shortest in history and the Reagan DEPRESSION was one of the longest. Carter's UE, inherited from Ford, was brought down to 7.2% when he passed it to Reagan who promptly jacked it up to 10.8% and nearly 12 million out of work. Carter's 4 deficits totaled about 300 million, an amount Reagan exceeded in less than 2 years. Reagan racked up in 8 straight "major deficits" totaling over $2 TRILLION in debt!!! And Reagan beat Carter's highest interest rates by breaking the 20% mark.

Reagan showed Carter what the definition of a DEPRESSION was really like first hand!!!
Thanks St Ronnie!!

Wow, reagan was such a loser he was re-elected by the largest margin in post war history. And then his VP was elected in a landslide after that.
So far, Obama has a better record that St Ronnie at this point in his first term, and Reagan's DEPRESSION was his own making!!!

So...pick any GOP'er...and, against Obama...who're ya' voting for?

Careful now...this is your I.Q. test!
Ronald Reagan ran on the promise to cut taxes, increase military spending and then, by magic,

balance the budget.

There was, alas, no rabbit in the hat.
Ronald Reagan ran on the promise to cut taxes, increase military spending and then, by magic,

balance the budget.

There was, alas, no rabbit in the hat.

The great man cured the Carter malaise, blunted the Democrat attempts to turn the world over to communism, and was rewarded by the American people, who are clearly more insightful than you are.

But, to return to topic....the OP suggests taking off the gloves in the next contest with this empty suit.

'dja vote for him?

Learn your lesson?
Wow, reagan was such a loser he was re-elected by the largest margin in post war history. And then his VP was elected in a landslide after that.
So far, Obama has a better record that St Ronnie at this point in his first term, and Reagan's DEPRESSION was his own making!!!

So...pick any GOP'er...and, against Obama...who're ya' voting for?

Careful now...this is your I.Q. test!
I've never been stupid enough to vote for either Party! Have you? I'd bet you have!!!
I always vote 3rd Party or write in, rather than choose the lesser of 2 evils.
But I always love to debate you CON$ervative know-it-alls who think there is a dimes worth of difference between both corporate Parties! :cuckoo:
If Rick Perry runs, he's the guy. I don't see anyone else with that kind of juice. But I really think a candidate's record is going to be very important, a pretty face and a way with words may not work this time. "Been there, done that" is going to fly better than "hope and change".
So far, Obama has a better record that St Ronnie at this point in his first term, and Reagan's DEPRESSION was his own making!!!

So...pick any GOP'er...and, against Obama...who're ya' voting for?

Careful now...this is your I.Q. test!
I've never been stupid enough to vote for either Party! Have you? I'd bet you have!!!
I always vote 3rd Party or write in, rather than choose the lesser of 2 evils.
But I always love to debate you CON$ervative know-it-alls who think there is a dimes worth of difference between both corporate Parties! :cuckoo:

"I always vote 3rd Party or write in..."

You have no idea how relieved I am that you don't counter my vote!

Bad enough that Truthie votes!

Hey...what are you doing here???
Aren't you due at the Tea party with Alice, the march hare and the dormouse?
So...pick any GOP'er...and, against Obama...who're ya' voting for?

Careful now...this is your I.Q. test!
I've never been stupid enough to vote for either Party! Have you? I'd bet you have!!!
I always vote 3rd Party or write in, rather than choose the lesser of 2 evils.
But I always love to debate you CON$ervative know-it-alls who think there is a dimes worth of difference between both corporate Parties! :cuckoo:

"I always vote 3rd Party or write in..."

You have no idea how relieved I am that you don't counter my vote!

Bad enough that Truthie votes!

Hey...what are you doing here???
Aren't you due at the Tea party with Alice, the march hare and the dormouse?
Thank you for admitting your stupidity!
I've never been stupid enough to vote for either Party! Have you? I'd bet you have!!!
I always vote 3rd Party or write in, rather than choose the lesser of 2 evils.
But I always love to debate you CON$ervative know-it-alls who think there is a dimes worth of difference between both corporate Parties! :cuckoo:

"I always vote 3rd Party or write in..."

You have no idea how relieved I am that you don't counter my vote!

Bad enough that Truthie votes!

Hey...what are you doing here???
Aren't you due at the Tea party with Alice, the march hare and the dormouse?
Thank you for admitting your stupidity!

Who decoded the post for you???

I hope this doesn't mean you changed your mind, and are going to vote????
And, if you do change your mind....
...what are you going to do with the diaper?
"I always vote 3rd Party or write in..."

You have no idea how relieved I am that you don't counter my vote!

Bad enough that Truthie votes!

Hey...what are you doing here???
Aren't you due at the Tea party with Alice, the march hare and the dormouse?
Thank you for admitting your stupidity!

Who decoded the post for you???

I hope this doesn't mean you changed your mind, and are going to vote????
And, if you do change your mind....
...what are you going to do with the diaper?
Keep up the stupidity, it becomes you.
Thank you for admitting your stupidity!

Who decoded the post for you???

I hope this doesn't mean you changed your mind, and are going to vote????
And, if you do change your mind....
...what are you going to do with the diaper?
Keep up the stupidity, it becomes you.


Now, you listen here, TakinTheArsenic,

You are the master of some unintelligible word salad, howling obscure vexations about bizarre hyperbolic issues, believing that you sound like they have some thoughtful critique...without ever having a point,...
....yet you comment on my alleged stupidity?

Does that neon light flashing IDIOT over your head keep you awake at night?

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