Time to drain the swamp!


Diamond Member
Mar 16, 2012
Lets put it this way....Democraps lost the Presidency, House, Senate, Governorships, state legislators, etc. on Election Day Nov. 8.

In other words, whatever they're doin', it ain't workin', it's time to drain the Democrap swamp and start over. A recount ain't gonna help, neither is electing a radical Muslim or wacko socialist to lead your party.
Trump has no intention of draining the swamp, but he might start charging for air boat rides to look at the alligators if he can get a personal tax break to do it.
Lets put it this way....Democraps lost the Presidency, House, Senate, Governorships, state legislators, etc. on Election Day Nov. 8.

In other words, whatever they're doin', it ain't workin', it's time to drain the Democrap swamp and start over. A recount ain't gonna help, neither is electing a radical Muslim or wacko socialist to lead your party.
What the republicans have been doing (i.e. capitulating to and collaborating with progs) hasn't been working either. I have little faith that the swamp is going to get drained when the alligators are still in charge of it.
Lets put it this way....Democraps lost the Presidency, House, Senate, Governorships, state legislators, etc. on Election Day Nov. 8.

In other words, whatever they're doin', it ain't workin', it's time to drain the Democrap swamp and start over. A recount ain't gonna help, neither is electing a radical Muslim or wacko socialist to lead your party.
What the republicans have been doing (i.e. capitulating to and collaborating with progs) hasn't been working either. I have little faith that the swamp is going to get drained when the alligators are still in charge of it.
Have some faith in the alligator slayer. He slayed 17 of them to the nomination and then Hillary for the presidency, the mother alligator herself.
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Lets put it this way....Democraps lost the Presidency, House, Senate, Governorships, state legislators, etc. on Election Day Nov. 8.

In other words, whatever they're doin', it ain't workin', it's time to drain the Democrap swamp and start over. A recount ain't gonna help, neither is electing a radical Muslim or wacko socialist to lead your party.

There is a saying in investing that "Markets can remain irrational longer than you can stay invested in them.: I.e. you can expect the markets to go down for very solid reasons, invest in short positions, then go broke waiting for the markets to do the 'rational' thing and drop. Even the guys that shorted the huge real estate-financial bubble fo 2008 nearly went broke waiting for their CDS to pay out.

Liberals are ideological dinosaurs who will make waiting for them to wake up and get real world a vain proposition.

You could lose everything waiting for them to get rational.
Who is they and when did you begin listening to what your betters are saying?
That some ideological nitwit thinks that Hitler didnt really mean it doesnt mean that the quotation is false.

Let me remind you of the full name of the Nazi Party; the National Socialist German Workers Party. It was based on nonMarxist socialist concepts going back to Proudhon and others, and many considered that a good alternative to Marxist-Leninism.

Nazi Party - Wikipedia

The party was created as a means to draw workers away from communism and into völkischnationalism.[7] Initially, Nazi political strategy focused on anti-big business, anti-bourgeois, and anti-capitalist rhetoric, although such aspects were later downplayed in order to gain the support of industrial entities, and in the 1930s the party's focus shifted to anti-Semitic and anti-Marxist themes.[8]

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