Ties restrict blood flow to the brain, study finds


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City

- suggesting men who wear t-shirts in the office may produce BETTER work

... German researchers scanned the brains of 30 young men, 15 of whom wore ties

They saw an instant 7.5% drop in blood flow to the brain after men put on ties

The study suggests the ath-leisure-wear of Silicon Valley could produce better work

I wore ties to church as a kid and then with my military uniform – and I hated them. Now I know why.

More @ Ties restrict blood flow to the brain, study finds | Daily Mail Online

- suggesting men who wear t-shirts in the office may produce BETTER work

... German researchers scanned the brains of 30 young men, 15 of whom wore ties

They saw an instant 7.5% drop in blood flow to the brain after men put on ties

The study suggests the ath-leisure-wear of Silicon Valley could produce better work

I wore ties to church as a kid and then with my military uniform – and I hated them. Now I know why.

More @ Ties restrict blood flow to the brain, study finds | Daily Mail Online

The only time I ever wore a tie that could possibly restrict the blood flow to my brain was during winter uniform season, and then only when I wore my working blues. Crackerjacks, summer uniforms, and dungarees didn't have restrictive ties. The crackerjacks had a loose fitting tie that hung down around our chest.
I literally cannot remember the last time I wore a tie and since I don't have any ties anymore I can safely say I'll never wear another
people should just walk around shirtless, it's so hot out there

Neckties could restrict blood flow to brain, study says

I do, fat belly and all. I'm not trying to show off, it's just hot, and why sweat a shirt out? It's 10 degrees cooler with a shirt off. I think women should be allowed to do it, too.

Actually, genius, you would be best to keep white T shirt ON. It keeps the body COOLER.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommend you wear lightweight, light-colored and loose-fitting clothing. Avoid dark colors -- dark clothes absorb the sun's heat, while light colors or white reflects light and heat.
people should just walk around shirtless, it's so hot out there

Neckties could restrict blood flow to brain, study says

I do, fat belly and all. I'm not trying to show off, it's just hot, and why sweat a shirt out? It's 10 degrees cooler with a shirt off. I think women should be allowed to do it, too.

Actually, genius, you would be best to keep white T shirt ON. It keeps the body COOLER.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommend you wear lightweight, light-colored and loose-fitting clothing. Avoid dark colors -- dark clothes absorb the sun's heat, while light colors or white reflects light and heat.

Actually, dumbass, you don't live in the Southeast, don't work outside, and are going off a government website from the internet. :321:

Meanwhile, I'm going outside.

When's the last time it was 97 with 80% humidity where you live? Never?

Daily occurrence here, true story. For at least 7 mos out of the year.
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people should just walk around shirtless, it's so hot out there

Neckties could restrict blood flow to brain, study says

I do, fat belly and all. I'm not trying to show off, it's just hot, and why sweat a shirt out? It's 10 degrees cooler with a shirt off. I think women should be allowed to do it, too.

Actually, genius, you would be best to keep white T shirt ON. It keeps the body COOLER.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommend you wear lightweight, light-colored and loose-fitting clothing. Avoid dark colors -- dark clothes absorb the sun's heat, while light colors or white reflects light and heat.

Actually, dumbass, you don't live in the Southeast, don't work outside, and are going off a government website from the internet. :321:

Meanwhile, I'm going outside.

When's the last time it was 97 with 80% humidity where you live? Never?

Daily occurrence here, true story. For at least 7 mos out of the year.
I live in about as SE as one can get. I don't work outside but have but more importantly know a little about medicine and physiology. And we won't even get into the increase risk for skin cancer.
Ocean's Eleven for the win, boys.


Where I'm from, either you're sporting a Double Windsor, or you're a boy. It's very easy to see who is and who isn't. Uh oh, I'm telling man secrets.

I agree with you 100 percent (dammit............there's another one of those Apocalypse signs).

When I was in "A" school to become a PN, one day our instructor looked around the room and saw that most of us had single Windsor knots on our ties. He said he was disgusted because none of us knew how to tie a proper double Windsor, and so we spent a half hour learning how to tie one. After that? Double Windsor was the only way I tied my ties.

Only bad thing about that though, is a double Windsor looks almost exactly like a clip on. A lot of the guys on the ship, if they thought that you were wearing a clip on, they would simply rip it off the person wearing it. Had a few times where they thought I had a clip on and damn near snapped my neck.

But the cool thing? When they saw that it was an actual tie, they would beg me to show them how to tie one.

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