three minute's of statist arrogance

Yeah she let it slip lo those many years ago...and it was poo-pooed... Obama confirmed it last night and has been since before he took the oath...but yet we have many that still defend it government takeover at the expense of private property and Liberty to aquire it.
Whoever put that together missed a couple of HUNDRED's of other little "slips of the lips."

Excellent vid ~ another shocker that SHOULD wake folks up to what's happening, and to how these asshats in OUR Gov think of us.
[ame=]YouTube - Liberal Arrogance[/ame]
Listen very closely
[ame=]YouTube - Barney Frank on the "Public Option"[/ame]
[ame=]YouTube - Nancy Pelosi - Hypocrisy, Lies and Arrogance[/ame]
[ame=]YouTube - One of many Pelosi Lies[/ame]

Bawney Fwank...The Banking Queen of Fannie/Freddie failure fame...and thus our meltdown speaks the truth? As he Pleads for more power to do the same on June 9th to young Democrats?

[ame=]YouTube - Congressman Barney Frank speaking to YDM & WCYD's Convention Kickoff Party[/ame]
The only intelligent guy in Congress and the one who has the most believeability, is the guy that opens and closes the door for these elected ass clowns. He usually says something like, "Don't let the door hit you in the butt on your way out."
Glad you all advocate the destruction of the American government. Who know so many of you were anarchists here on USMB? You guys are, aren't you? I mean you're using statist as an insult, and clearly don't support it, so you must want no government or state whatsoever.
Glad you all advocate the destruction of the American government. Who know so many of you were anarchists here on USMB? You guys are, aren't you? I mean you're using statist as an insult, and clearly don't support it, so you must want no government or state whatsoever.

obama's form of government HELL YELL I say bring it down. Yes statist was the intend insult. I understand it enough to know I don't care for it.
Glad you all advocate the destruction of the American government. Who know so many of you were anarchists here on USMB? You guys are, aren't you? I mean you're using statist as an insult, and clearly don't support it, so you must want no government or state whatsoever.

obama's form of government HELL YELL I say bring it down. Yes statist was the intend insult. I understand it enough to know I don't care for it.

His form of government is still pretty much the same government we've always had. But hey, you want America to have no government whatsoever, so how long have you been anti-statist? What kind of anarchy do you find most appealing that we should have instead of the usual republic and Senate and all that stuff that switches hands every couple of years?
Glad you all advocate the destruction of the American government. Who know so many of you were anarchists here on USMB? You guys are, aren't you? I mean you're using statist as an insult, and clearly don't support it, so you must want no government or state whatsoever.

obama's form of government HELL YELL I say bring it down. Yes statist was the intend insult. I understand it enough to know I don't care for it.

His form of government is still pretty much the same government we've always had. But hey, you want America to have no government whatsoever, so how long have you been anti-statist? What kind of anarchy do you find most appealing that we should have instead of the usual republic and Senate and all that stuff that switches hands every couple of years?

So tell me what kind of government does obama want? Let's see just how much you and I agree and or disagree when it comes to obama's form of government.
obama's form of government HELL YELL I say bring it down. Yes statist was the intend insult. I understand it enough to know I don't care for it.

His form of government is still pretty much the same government we've always had. But hey, you want America to have no government whatsoever, so how long have you been anti-statist? What kind of anarchy do you find most appealing that we should have instead of the usual republic and Senate and all that stuff that switches hands every couple of years?

So tell me what kind of government does obama want? Let's see just how much you and I agree and or disagree when it comes to obama's form of government.

What kind? You're asking the wrong question of him here, he doesn't want to change the form of the government from the current representative democracy/republican democracy. The question and point you're getting at is what sort of changes he wishes to effect to the nation now that the form of government has put him in power, same as his predecessors.

Glad to know you all despise all government though and wish to have none. Kudos to your anti-statism.
His form of government is still pretty much the same government we've always had. But hey, you want America to have no government whatsoever, so how long have you been anti-statist? What kind of anarchy do you find most appealing that we should have instead of the usual republic and Senate and all that stuff that switches hands every couple of years?

So tell me what kind of government does obama want? Let's see just how much you and I agree and or disagree when it comes to obama's form of government.

What kind? You're asking the wrong question of him here, he doesn't want to change the form of the government from the current representative democracy/republican democracy. The question and point you're getting at is what sort of changes he wishes to effect to the nation now that the form of government has put him in power, same as his predecessors.

Glad to know you all despise all government though and wish to have none. Kudos to your anti-statism.

I am not anti government this is the way I see it. The Federal Government maintains the issues in regards to foreign issues the states are to maintain domestic issues.
So tell me what kind of government does obama want? Let's see just how much you and I agree and or disagree when it comes to obama's form of government.

What kind? You're asking the wrong question of him here, he doesn't want to change the form of the government from the current representative democracy/republican democracy. The question and point you're getting at is what sort of changes he wishes to effect to the nation now that the form of government has put him in power, same as his predecessors.

Glad to know you all despise all government though and wish to have none. Kudos to your anti-statism.

I am not anti government this is the way I see it. The Federal Government maintains the issues in regards to foreign issues the states are to maintain domestic issues.

Congrats on being a statist then.

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