Three Dangers of Losing Net Neutrality That Nobody’s Talking About


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
By Wired Opinion, 01.20.14

The article starts off with this:

Net neutrality is an incredibly important issue, but it’s hard to know what to pay attention to when people throw around jargon like “common carriers” and “reclassification.” It doesn’t help that people who tend to be united in their reaction — everyone from techno-libertarians to VCs – seem divided about the gutting of the FCC’s net neutrality rules this week.

But, it then details the three dangers, which are:

1. No matter how things play out with net neutrality, the outcome is likely to hurt the poor.

2. Whether we want to admit it or not, we continue to give more control over the internet to the government. [This concerns me most as it directly deals with governments being able to censor what we can learn and share]

3. The problem isn’t the ISPs, it’s the FCC.

Read the full piece here and let's discuss it Three Dangers of Losing Net Neutrality That Nobody's Talking About | Wired Opinion |
You WANT the net to be run by market forces, not by edicts.. It's repulsive that ISPs have incestuous relations with the content they deliver. That's the heart of the matter. Comcast wants to push IT's NBC Universal content or Comcast Sports and discourage other competitive sources of entertainment for example.

But that's the marketplace. Don't like it ?? Find another ISP... All those confusing arguments come down to competition for eyeballs. And asking the ISPs to come clean and divest of original content conflicts or not limit competitive material isn't required.

If you were stupid enough to sign up for a future Netflix ISP service, dont expect to be downloading movies from a competitor as quickly and easily..
NAM on board as being opposed to stricter internet regulations...

U.S. manufacturers group opposes stricter Internet regulations
10 Dec.`14 - The U.S. National Association of Manufacturers on Wednesday wrote to congressional and Federal Communications Commission leaders to oppose potential stricter regulations for Internet service providers.
The FCC is working on new rules that would dictate Internet service providers' freedom to manage web traffic on their networks, aiming to ensure that ISPs do not discriminate against any content in ways that could harm competition or consumers. President Barack Obama last month urged the FCC to set the strictest rules possible to protect net neutrality, the principle that all Internet traffic should be treated equally. For that, he suggested a legal pathway that would reclassify Internet service so it is regulated like a utility, which telecom and cable companies vehemently protest. "Current proposals to regulate the Internet with early 20th Century–era laws severely threaten continued growth... We urge you to oppose any efforts to unnecessarily regulate the open Internet," more than 100 members of the NAM wrote to FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler and Republican and Democratic leaders of the Senate and the House of Representatives.

Though business groups NAM and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce have both previously submitted comments to the FCC opposing utility-style Internet regulations, Wednesday's letter illustrates the heated and multifaceted political battle brewing for the FCC's new rules, expected next year. Internet providers Verizon Communications Inc and AT&T Inc are among 14,000 members of the manufacturers' association. The NAM letter's signatories included packaging company Ball Corp, tools and hardware maker Stanley Black & Decker Inc, auto technology and parts company Tenneco Inc, thermal equipment maker Modine Manufacturing Co and industrial conglomerate Emerson Electric Co.

The letter also went to Commerce Secretary Penny Pritzker, National Economic Council Director Jeffrey Zients and Council of Economic Advisers Chairman Jason Furman. "The Internet and technology is a critical tool for manufacturers to grow their business," NAM Technology Policy President Brian Raymond said in an interview. "(Our members) get concerned if the government is going to slow down their business in any way and they see this as one of those ways."

Raymond cited as one worrying indicator AT&T's recent warning that it will pause investments in new high-speed Internet connections until net neutrality rules are settled. "Whenever there's a pause in investment by any kind of company due to regulatory uncertainty, it's going to have a trickle-down effect on the whole manufacturing community," he said.

U.S. manufacturers group opposes stricter Internet regulations - Yahoo News
Find another ISP? How ... naive.

The number of ISP's is I have to choose from is essentially _one_. AT&T is the only broadband option. Comcast wouldn't run a line to my house, and satellite options are way too expensive.

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