Those Naughty, Naughty Ruskies???


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
Interfering in another nation's political discussions?


1. In 1953, President Eisenhower established the United States Information Agency. The USIA's mission was "to understand, inform and influence foreign publics in promotion of the national interest, and to broaden the dialogue between Americans and U.S. institutions, and their counterparts abroad."
To understand how serious the program was, the United States Information Agency was the largest full-service public relations organization in the world, spending over $2 billion per year to highlight America’s view, while diminishing the Soviet’s side through about 150 different countries.
The aim was to advocate U.S. policies in foreign nations. to characterize this endeavor? Illegal? Necessary? As Diplomacy? Propaganda? Business as usual?
All of the above.
Now....why all the news and 'fake news' about Russia doing exactly the same thing???

2. The Democrat's intend to persuade the gullible that Russia made Trump's victory probable via ...."hacking".....yet the intelligence agencies clearly state that no votes were changed, no voting machines co-opted.
Fact is....Bill's wife did better than after the 'leaks' than was predicted for her prior to same.
Not only did Americans vote without any one claims otherwise.....but millions of illegal aliens also got to vote based on Barack Obama doing exactly what is being claimed that Russia did.

Democrat simpletons have mastered the ability to accept what their masters tell them to.

3. Although the emphasis is being placed on 'foreign misinformation,' arguably more 'misinformation' comes from another foreign source, the Left's house-organ, the Mexican paper, the NYTimes, and nary a complaint.

And, if the Left is serious about 'foreign misinformation,' where are the complaints about Al Jazeera, which is available to any who have cable TV???

4. But, 'how dare Trump cast aspersions on the intelligence community???"
What???? It is clear that many high up in that 'community' have manipulated the truth solely in the interests of the party in power.
Here it is from the NYTimes itself:

"Analysts Detail Claims That Reports on ISIS Were Distorted
...intelligence analysts have provided investigators with documents they say show that senior military officers manipulated the conclusions of reports on the war against the Islamic State... falsification, distortion, delay, suppression or improper modification of intelligence information,”.... senior intelligence officers are flipping everything on its head,” ....

James Clapper is documented to have put pressure on the 'community ' to have them say whatever the snake, Obama, wanted them to say.

Isn't this entire farce merely designed to de- legitimatize the new administration....and to make in more difficult for same to work with the other nation that Obama is suddenly less 'flexible' with???
The information came from DNC, Podesta's and Weiner's servers. It was written by folks within the Democratic Party. The information was obtained and shared by Russia. Where is the attempt to improve our server, password and internet security? I do not hear a single Dem suggesting the Russians altered an email. The argument it is unfair because the Russians didn't hack both parties is unbelievably funny.
The information came from DNC, Podesta's and Weiner's servers. It was written by folks within the Democratic Party. The information was obtained and shared by Russia. Where is the attempt to improve our server, password and internet security? I do not hear a single Dem suggesting the Russians altered an email. The argument it is unfair because the Russians didn't hack both parties is unbelievably funny.

How do we know the Russians didn't hack the RNC?

They almost certainly did. But they didn't find anything. That simple.

What are they going to do, hand wikileaks hacked emails and say, "There's nothing criminal or immoral in here."

IMO, the reason dimocrap scum emails got leaked to the Public is that dimocrap scum were doing, illegal, immoral, corrupt and scummy things.

Which is their specialty.

I wouldn't bet a nickel on the RNC not being hacked. I think it was.

There was just nothing to report.

"Plane Lands Safely At LaGuardia" isn't news.

"Plane crashes..." is.

dimocraps are scum.

And they're crying about being busted for being scum.

Interfering in another nation's political discussions?


1. In 1953, President Eisenhower established the United States Information Agency. The USIA's mission was "to understand, inform and influence foreign publics in promotion of the national interest, and to broaden the dialogue between Americans and U.S. institutions, and their counterparts abroad."
To understand how serious the program was, the United States Information Agency was the largest full-service public relations organization in the world, spending over $2 billion per year to highlight America’s view, while diminishing the Soviet’s side through about 150 different countries.
The aim was to advocate U.S. policies in foreign nations. to characterize this endeavor? Illegal? Necessary? As Diplomacy? Propaganda? Business as usual?
All of the above.
Now....why all the news and 'fake news' about Russia doing exactly the same thing???

2. The Democrat's intend to persuade the gullible that Russia made Trump's victory probable via ...."hacking".....yet the intelligence agencies clearly state that no votes were changed, no voting machines co-opted.
Fact is....Bill's wife did better than after the 'leaks' than was predicted for her prior to same.
Not only did Americans vote without any one claims otherwise.....but millions of illegal aliens also got to vote based on Barack Obama doing exactly what is being claimed that Russia did.

Democrat simpletons have mastered the ability to accept what their masters tell them to.

3. Although the emphasis is being placed on 'foreign misinformation,' arguably more 'misinformation' comes from another foreign source, the Left's house-organ, the Mexican paper, the NYTimes, and nary a complaint.

And, if the Left is serious about 'foreign misinformation,' where are the complaints about Al Jazeera, which is available to any who have cable TV???

4. But, 'how dare Trump cast aspersions on the intelligence community???"
What???? It is clear that many high up in that 'community' have manipulated the truth solely in the interests of the party in power.
Here it is from the NYTimes itself:

"Analysts Detail Claims That Reports on ISIS Were Distorted
...intelligence analysts have provided investigators with documents they say show that senior military officers manipulated the conclusions of reports on the war against the Islamic State... falsification, distortion, delay, suppression or improper modification of intelligence information,”.... senior intelligence officers are flipping everything on its head,” ....

James Clapper is documented to have put pressure on the 'community ' to have them say whatever the snake, Obama, wanted them to say.

Isn't this entire farce merely designed to de- legitimatize the new administration....and to make in more difficult for same to work with the other nation that Obama is suddenly less 'flexible' with???
You're such a good little bot.
No, no one is trying to delegitimatize your favorite politician. They are hoping to convince His Recalcitrance that the Russians hacked the DNC and Podesta e-mails. End of story. You can play with the statements used and what they MIGHT infer until the cows come home, but the man who is to be President in two weeks has been pretty clear that he doesn't believe anything the intelligence community is telling him and he has no information to back that up--just doesn't like it that the Russian hacks may have influenced the election. Clapper once again, clearly said yesterday that there is no evidence it impacted the electorate. So you need to stop justifying his completely off the rails tantrum about this. Hopefully he's gotten enough negative feedback from EVERYONE with brains to realize that he needs to shut up and accept the truth.
Interfering in another nation's political discussions?


1. In 1953, President Eisenhower established the United States Information Agency. The USIA's mission was "to understand, inform and influence foreign publics in promotion of the national interest, and to broaden the dialogue between Americans and U.S. institutions, and their counterparts abroad."
To understand how serious the program was, the United States Information Agency was the largest full-service public relations organization in the world, spending over $2 billion per year to highlight America’s view, while diminishing the Soviet’s side through about 150 different countries.
The aim was to advocate U.S. policies in foreign nations. to characterize this endeavor? Illegal? Necessary? As Diplomacy? Propaganda? Business as usual?
All of the above.
Now....why all the news and 'fake news' about Russia doing exactly the same thing???

2. The Democrat's intend to persuade the gullible that Russia made Trump's victory probable via ...."hacking".....yet the intelligence agencies clearly state that no votes were changed, no voting machines co-opted.
Fact is....Bill's wife did better than after the 'leaks' than was predicted for her prior to same.
Not only did Americans vote without any one claims otherwise.....but millions of illegal aliens also got to vote based on Barack Obama doing exactly what is being claimed that Russia did.

Democrat simpletons have mastered the ability to accept what their masters tell them to.

3. Although the emphasis is being placed on 'foreign misinformation,' arguably more 'misinformation' comes from another foreign source, the Left's house-organ, the Mexican paper, the NYTimes, and nary a complaint.

And, if the Left is serious about 'foreign misinformation,' where are the complaints about Al Jazeera, which is available to any who have cable TV???

4. But, 'how dare Trump cast aspersions on the intelligence community???"
What???? It is clear that many high up in that 'community' have manipulated the truth solely in the interests of the party in power.
Here it is from the NYTimes itself:

"Analysts Detail Claims That Reports on ISIS Were Distorted
...intelligence analysts have provided investigators with documents they say show that senior military officers manipulated the conclusions of reports on the war against the Islamic State... falsification, distortion, delay, suppression or improper modification of intelligence information,”.... senior intelligence officers are flipping everything on its head,” ....

James Clapper is documented to have put pressure on the 'community ' to have them say whatever the snake, Obama, wanted them to say.

Isn't this entire farce merely designed to de- legitimatize the new administration....and to make in more difficult for same to work with the other nation that Obama is suddenly less 'flexible' with???
You're such a good little bot.
No, no one is trying to delegitimatize your favorite politician. They are hoping to convince His Recalcitrance that the Russians hacked the DNC and Podesta e-mails. End of story. You can play with the statements used and what they MIGHT infer until the cows come home, but the man who is to be President in two weeks has been pretty clear that he doesn't believe anything the intelligence community is telling him and he has no information to back that up--just doesn't like it that the Russian hacks may have influenced the election. Clapper once again, clearly said yesterday that there is no evidence it impacted the electorate. So you need to stop justifying his completely off the rails tantrum about this. Hopefully he's gotten enough negative feedback from EVERYONE with brains to realize that he needs to shut up and accept the truth.

"No, no one is trying to delegitimatize your favorite politician."

1. You're a fool

2. I never said that Mr. Trump was my favorite politician.

3. See #1 above.
The Lying Cocksucker and his lying 'intelligence' minions knew about the hacking attempts over a year ago. But now, all of the sudden -- They're important.

Why is that?

And -- It is simply not possible to know who is doing a hack UNLESS you catch them in the act.

Which they didn't.

This SHIT is from the same people that sat in front of Congress and SWORE that they weren't eavesdropping on the American People.

Which turned out to be a lie. Do you not remember that? Same crew. Same liars.

Same people that tapped journalists' phones. Hundreds of them. And even James Rosen's MOTHER'S Phone!!

Same group that broke into THE UNITED STATES CONGRESS private lines and spied on our OWN Congress!!

Congressman demands investigation of NSA spying on Congress

Anybody STUPID enough to believe these lying scum must be --
a dimocrap scumbag

5. "Clapper Vs. Trump: Intel Agencies ‘Even More Resolute’ That Russia Meddled In Elections.... The Russians have a long history of interfering in elections, theirs and other people’s,” Clapper told the Senate Armed Services Committee"
Clapper Vs. Trump: Intel Agencies ‘Even More Resolute’ That Russia Meddled In Elections

a. Take special note of the 'versus' in the title.
This is all about de-legitimizing the new administration even before it has assumed office.

b. Why is it that, after 'a long history of these acts,' the Obamunists only decided to respond after Trump won the election?

That's right: it is totally political propaganda from the Left....and the establishment pols.
Interfering in another nation's political discussions?


1. In 1953, President Eisenhower established the United States Information Agency. The USIA's mission was "to understand, inform and influence foreign publics in promotion of the national interest, and to broaden the dialogue between Americans and U.S. institutions, and their counterparts abroad."
To understand how serious the program was, the United States Information Agency was the largest full-service public relations organization in the world, spending over $2 billion per year to highlight America’s view, while diminishing the Soviet’s side through about 150 different countries.
The aim was to advocate U.S. policies in foreign nations. to characterize this endeavor? Illegal? Necessary? As Diplomacy? Propaganda? Business as usual?
All of the above.
Now....why all the news and 'fake news' about Russia doing exactly the same thing???

2. The Democrat's intend to persuade the gullible that Russia made Trump's victory probable via ...."hacking".....yet the intelligence agencies clearly state that no votes were changed, no voting machines co-opted.
Fact is....Bill's wife did better than after the 'leaks' than was predicted for her prior to same.
Not only did Americans vote without any one claims otherwise.....but millions of illegal aliens also got to vote based on Barack Obama doing exactly what is being claimed that Russia did.

Democrat simpletons have mastered the ability to accept what their masters tell them to.

3. Although the emphasis is being placed on 'foreign misinformation,' arguably more 'misinformation' comes from another foreign source, the Left's house-organ, the Mexican paper, the NYTimes, and nary a complaint.

And, if the Left is serious about 'foreign misinformation,' where are the complaints about Al Jazeera, which is available to any who have cable TV???

4. But, 'how dare Trump cast aspersions on the intelligence community???"
What???? It is clear that many high up in that 'community' have manipulated the truth solely in the interests of the party in power.
Here it is from the NYTimes itself:

"Analysts Detail Claims That Reports on ISIS Were Distorted
...intelligence analysts have provided investigators with documents they say show that senior military officers manipulated the conclusions of reports on the war against the Islamic State... falsification, distortion, delay, suppression or improper modification of intelligence information,”.... senior intelligence officers are flipping everything on its head,” ....

James Clapper is documented to have put pressure on the 'community ' to have them say whatever the snake, Obama, wanted them to say.

Isn't this entire farce merely designed to de- legitimatize the new administration....and to make in more difficult for same to work with the other nation that Obama is suddenly less 'flexible' with???
You're such a good little bot.
No, no one is trying to delegitimatize your favorite politician. They are hoping to convince His Recalcitrance that the Russians hacked the DNC and Podesta e-mails. End of story. You can play with the statements used and what they MIGHT infer until the cows come home, but the man who is to be President in two weeks has been pretty clear that he doesn't believe anything the intelligence community is telling him and he has no information to back that up--just doesn't like it that the Russian hacks may have influenced the election. Clapper once again, clearly said yesterday that there is no evidence it impacted the electorate. So you need to stop justifying his completely off the rails tantrum about this. Hopefully he's gotten enough negative feedback from EVERYONE with brains to realize that he needs to shut up and accept the truth.

"No, no one is trying to delegitimatize your favorite politician."

1. You're a fool

2. I never said that Mr. Trump was my favorite politician.

3. See #1 above.
Well, that certainly explained why I was wrong. As a bot, I know you can't stop demonizing the opposition, but it is very unhealthy and not conducive to getting anything accomplished. Maybe YOU work for the Russians, as well?
The Lying Cocksucker and his lying 'intelligence' minions knew about the hacking attempts over a year ago. But now, all of the sudden -- They're important.

Why is that?

And -- It is simply not possible to know who is doing a hack UNLESS you catch them in the act.

Which they didn't.

This SHIT is from the same people that sat in front of Congress and SWORE that they weren't eavesdropping on the American People.

Which turned out to be a lie. Do you not remember that? Same crew. Same liars.

Same people that tapped journalists' phones. Hundreds of them. And even James Rosen's MOTHER'S Phone!!

Same group that broke into THE UNITED STATES CONGRESS private lines and spied on our OWN Congress!!

Congressman demands investigation of NSA spying on Congress

Anybody STUPID enough to believe these lying scum must be --
a dimocrap scumbag

Nope. Why did the President SUDDENLY make a big deal out of it? Because SUDDENLY the Russians sold the damned emails to Wikileaks. Up to now, the information obtained by foreign countries hacking our stuff has remained in their control. This was meant to create noise regarding one of our Presidential candidates and it did create prolonged noise. Obama was not going to make a big deal of it until after the election was over, knowing what politicized bullshit would ensue. I'm glad he kicked some embassy spooks to the curb, and I hope the rest of our reprisal, whatever that might be, causes Putin a long lived migraine.
Anyone STUPID enough to side with a 70 year old narcissist and the dictator of Russia is going to have to do a lot of backpedaling fast the first time intelligence is needed to back up an agenda they want.
Interfering in another nation's political discussions?


1. In 1953, President Eisenhower established the United States Information Agency. The USIA's mission was "to understand, inform and influence foreign publics in promotion of the national interest, and to broaden the dialogue between Americans and U.S. institutions, and their counterparts abroad."
To understand how serious the program was, the United States Information Agency was the largest full-service public relations organization in the world, spending over $2 billion per year to highlight America’s view, while diminishing the Soviet’s side through about 150 different countries.
The aim was to advocate U.S. policies in foreign nations. to characterize this endeavor? Illegal? Necessary? As Diplomacy? Propaganda? Business as usual?
All of the above.
Now....why all the news and 'fake news' about Russia doing exactly the same thing???

2. The Democrat's intend to persuade the gullible that Russia made Trump's victory probable via ...."hacking".....yet the intelligence agencies clearly state that no votes were changed, no voting machines co-opted.
Fact is....Bill's wife did better than after the 'leaks' than was predicted for her prior to same.
Not only did Americans vote without any one claims otherwise.....but millions of illegal aliens also got to vote based on Barack Obama doing exactly what is being claimed that Russia did.

Democrat simpletons have mastered the ability to accept what their masters tell them to.

3. Although the emphasis is being placed on 'foreign misinformation,' arguably more 'misinformation' comes from another foreign source, the Left's house-organ, the Mexican paper, the NYTimes, and nary a complaint.

And, if the Left is serious about 'foreign misinformation,' where are the complaints about Al Jazeera, which is available to any who have cable TV???

4. But, 'how dare Trump cast aspersions on the intelligence community???"
What???? It is clear that many high up in that 'community' have manipulated the truth solely in the interests of the party in power.
Here it is from the NYTimes itself:

"Analysts Detail Claims That Reports on ISIS Were Distorted
...intelligence analysts have provided investigators with documents they say show that senior military officers manipulated the conclusions of reports on the war against the Islamic State... falsification, distortion, delay, suppression or improper modification of intelligence information,”.... senior intelligence officers are flipping everything on its head,” ....

James Clapper is documented to have put pressure on the 'community ' to have them say whatever the snake, Obama, wanted them to say.

Isn't this entire farce merely designed to de- legitimatize the new administration....and to make in more difficult for same to work with the other nation that Obama is suddenly less 'flexible' with???
You're such a good little bot.
No, no one is trying to delegitimatize your favorite politician. They are hoping to convince His Recalcitrance that the Russians hacked the DNC and Podesta e-mails. End of story. You can play with the statements used and what they MIGHT infer until the cows come home, but the man who is to be President in two weeks has been pretty clear that he doesn't believe anything the intelligence community is telling him and he has no information to back that up--just doesn't like it that the Russian hacks may have influenced the election. Clapper once again, clearly said yesterday that there is no evidence it impacted the electorate. So you need to stop justifying his completely off the rails tantrum about this. Hopefully he's gotten enough negative feedback from EVERYONE with brains to realize that he needs to shut up and accept the truth.

"....the man who is to be President in two weeks has been pretty clear that he doesn't believe anything the intelligence community is telling him...."

6." WASHINGTON — The nation’s intelligence chief insisted Thursday that U.S. agencies are more confident than ever that Russia interfered in the 2016 presidential election.

James Clapper, the director of national intelligence, also called the former Cold War foe an “existential threat” to the nation.
Did Russian hacking sway the results? There’s no way for U.S. agencies to know, Mr. Clapper said in testimony to the Senate Armed Services Committee.

This is the same James Clapper who assured the country that the NSA was not spying on Americans....

" Watch Top U.S. Intelligence Officials Repeatedly Deny NSA Spying On Americans Over The Last Year (Videos)" Watch Top U.S. Intelligence Officials Repeatedly Deny NSA Spying On Americans Over The Last Year (Videos)

Oh....and I might have forgotten to mention that you're a fool.
Did I?
Interfering in another nation's political discussions?


1. In 1953, President Eisenhower established the United States Information Agency. The USIA's mission was "to understand, inform and influence foreign publics in promotion of the national interest, and to broaden the dialogue between Americans and U.S. institutions, and their counterparts abroad."
To understand how serious the program was, the United States Information Agency was the largest full-service public relations organization in the world, spending over $2 billion per year to highlight America’s view, while diminishing the Soviet’s side through about 150 different countries.
The aim was to advocate U.S. policies in foreign nations. to characterize this endeavor? Illegal? Necessary? As Diplomacy? Propaganda? Business as usual?
All of the above.
Now....why all the news and 'fake news' about Russia doing exactly the same thing???

2. The Democrat's intend to persuade the gullible that Russia made Trump's victory probable via ...."hacking".....yet the intelligence agencies clearly state that no votes were changed, no voting machines co-opted.
Fact is....Bill's wife did better than after the 'leaks' than was predicted for her prior to same.
Not only did Americans vote without any one claims otherwise.....but millions of illegal aliens also got to vote based on Barack Obama doing exactly what is being claimed that Russia did.

Democrat simpletons have mastered the ability to accept what their masters tell them to.

3. Although the emphasis is being placed on 'foreign misinformation,' arguably more 'misinformation' comes from another foreign source, the Left's house-organ, the Mexican paper, the NYTimes, and nary a complaint.

And, if the Left is serious about 'foreign misinformation,' where are the complaints about Al Jazeera, which is available to any who have cable TV???

4. But, 'how dare Trump cast aspersions on the intelligence community???"
What???? It is clear that many high up in that 'community' have manipulated the truth solely in the interests of the party in power.
Here it is from the NYTimes itself:

"Analysts Detail Claims That Reports on ISIS Were Distorted
...intelligence analysts have provided investigators with documents they say show that senior military officers manipulated the conclusions of reports on the war against the Islamic State... falsification, distortion, delay, suppression or improper modification of intelligence information,”.... senior intelligence officers are flipping everything on its head,” ....

James Clapper is documented to have put pressure on the 'community ' to have them say whatever the snake, Obama, wanted them to say.

Isn't this entire farce merely designed to de- legitimatize the new administration....and to make in more difficult for same to work with the other nation that Obama is suddenly less 'flexible' with???
You're such a good little bot.
No, no one is trying to delegitimatize your favorite politician. They are hoping to convince His Recalcitrance that the Russians hacked the DNC and Podesta e-mails. End of story. You can play with the statements used and what they MIGHT infer until the cows come home, but the man who is to be President in two weeks has been pretty clear that he doesn't believe anything the intelligence community is telling him and he has no information to back that up--just doesn't like it that the Russian hacks may have influenced the election. Clapper once again, clearly said yesterday that there is no evidence it impacted the electorate. So you need to stop justifying his completely off the rails tantrum about this. Hopefully he's gotten enough negative feedback from EVERYONE with brains to realize that he needs to shut up and accept the truth.
The DNC and the Hildabeast need to be brought up on charges. one - being so incompetent into thinking unprotected private servers were ok. second - having harmful information to their campaign on those private unprotected servers.

What does one expect from a loopy kunt like the Hildabeast....:lmao:
James Clapper lied to Congress. That is established.

One of the penalties a Liar pays for his behavior is not being believed even if he happens to tell the Truth.

We have to get the Obama sychophants, liars, Socialists and co-conspirators out of our Government before we can trust any part of it----IRS, Justice, EPA, all of them, including the politicized Intelligence Agencies.

We have been, for 8 long years, like the poor Russians reading Pravda in the old Soviet Union....the Government tells us whatever Lie it wants us to hear.

13 days to go. Lord help us.

Interfering in another nation's political discussions?


1. In 1953, President Eisenhower established the United States Information Agency. The USIA's mission was "to understand, inform and influence foreign publics in promotion of the national interest, and to broaden the dialogue between Americans and U.S. institutions, and their counterparts abroad."
To understand how serious the program was, the United States Information Agency was the largest full-service public relations organization in the world, spending over $2 billion per year to highlight America’s view, while diminishing the Soviet’s side through about 150 different countries.
The aim was to advocate U.S. policies in foreign nations. to characterize this endeavor? Illegal? Necessary? As Diplomacy? Propaganda? Business as usual?
All of the above.
Now....why all the news and 'fake news' about Russia doing exactly the same thing???

2. The Democrat's intend to persuade the gullible that Russia made Trump's victory probable via ...."hacking".....yet the intelligence agencies clearly state that no votes were changed, no voting machines co-opted.
Fact is....Bill's wife did better than after the 'leaks' than was predicted for her prior to same.
Not only did Americans vote without any one claims otherwise.....but millions of illegal aliens also got to vote based on Barack Obama doing exactly what is being claimed that Russia did.

Democrat simpletons have mastered the ability to accept what their masters tell them to.

3. Although the emphasis is being placed on 'foreign misinformation,' arguably more 'misinformation' comes from another foreign source, the Left's house-organ, the Mexican paper, the NYTimes, and nary a complaint.

And, if the Left is serious about 'foreign misinformation,' where are the complaints about Al Jazeera, which is available to any who have cable TV???

4. But, 'how dare Trump cast aspersions on the intelligence community???"
What???? It is clear that many high up in that 'community' have manipulated the truth solely in the interests of the party in power.
Here it is from the NYTimes itself:

"Analysts Detail Claims That Reports on ISIS Were Distorted
...intelligence analysts have provided investigators with documents they say show that senior military officers manipulated the conclusions of reports on the war against the Islamic State... falsification, distortion, delay, suppression or improper modification of intelligence information,”.... senior intelligence officers are flipping everything on its head,” ....

James Clapper is documented to have put pressure on the 'community ' to have them say whatever the snake, Obama, wanted them to say.

Isn't this entire farce merely designed to de- legitimatize the new administration....and to make in more difficult for same to work with the other nation that Obama is suddenly less 'flexible' with???
You're such a good little bot.
No, no one is trying to delegitimatize your favorite politician. They are hoping to convince His Recalcitrance that the Russians hacked the DNC and Podesta e-mails. End of story. You can play with the statements used and what they MIGHT infer until the cows come home, but the man who is to be President in two weeks has been pretty clear that he doesn't believe anything the intelligence community is telling him and he has no information to back that up--just doesn't like it that the Russian hacks may have influenced the election. Clapper once again, clearly said yesterday that there is no evidence it impacted the electorate. So you need to stop justifying his completely off the rails tantrum about this. Hopefully he's gotten enough negative feedback from EVERYONE with brains to realize that he needs to shut up and accept the truth.

"No, no one is trying to delegitimatize your favorite politician."

1. You're a fool

2. I never said that Mr. Trump was my favorite politician.

3. See #1 above.
Well, that certainly explained why I was wrong. As a bot, I know you can't stop demonizing the opposition, but it is very unhealthy and not conducive to getting anything accomplished. Maybe YOU work for the Russians, as well?

I didn't say you were wrong....I said you are a fool.

The difference suggests a never-ending condition.

Remember this?

"U.S. Agencies See No Move by Iran to Build a Bomb"
U.S. Agencies See No Move by Iran to Build a Bomb
U.S. Agencies See No Move by Iran to Build a Bomb
Interfering in another nation's political discussions?


1. In 1953, President Eisenhower established the United States Information Agency. The USIA's mission was "to understand, inform and influence foreign publics in promotion of the national interest, and to broaden the dialogue between Americans and U.S. institutions, and their counterparts abroad."
To understand how serious the program was, the United States Information Agency was the largest full-service public relations organization in the world, spending over $2 billion per year to highlight America’s view, while diminishing the Soviet’s side through about 150 different countries.
The aim was to advocate U.S. policies in foreign nations. to characterize this endeavor? Illegal? Necessary? As Diplomacy? Propaganda? Business as usual?
All of the above.
Now....why all the news and 'fake news' about Russia doing exactly the same thing???

2. The Democrat's intend to persuade the gullible that Russia made Trump's victory probable via ...."hacking".....yet the intelligence agencies clearly state that no votes were changed, no voting machines co-opted.
Fact is....Bill's wife did better than after the 'leaks' than was predicted for her prior to same.
Not only did Americans vote without any one claims otherwise.....but millions of illegal aliens also got to vote based on Barack Obama doing exactly what is being claimed that Russia did.

Democrat simpletons have mastered the ability to accept what their masters tell them to.

3. Although the emphasis is being placed on 'foreign misinformation,' arguably more 'misinformation' comes from another foreign source, the Left's house-organ, the Mexican paper, the NYTimes, and nary a complaint.

And, if the Left is serious about 'foreign misinformation,' where are the complaints about Al Jazeera, which is available to any who have cable TV???

4. But, 'how dare Trump cast aspersions on the intelligence community???"
What???? It is clear that many high up in that 'community' have manipulated the truth solely in the interests of the party in power.
Here it is from the NYTimes itself:

"Analysts Detail Claims That Reports on ISIS Were Distorted
...intelligence analysts have provided investigators with documents they say show that senior military officers manipulated the conclusions of reports on the war against the Islamic State... falsification, distortion, delay, suppression or improper modification of intelligence information,”.... senior intelligence officers are flipping everything on its head,” ....

James Clapper is documented to have put pressure on the 'community ' to have them say whatever the snake, Obama, wanted them to say.

Isn't this entire farce merely designed to de- legitimatize the new administration....and to make in more difficult for same to work with the other nation that Obama is suddenly less 'flexible' with???
You're such a good little bot.
No, no one is trying to delegitimatize your favorite politician. They are hoping to convince His Recalcitrance that the Russians hacked the DNC and Podesta e-mails. End of story. You can play with the statements used and what they MIGHT infer until the cows come home, but the man who is to be President in two weeks has been pretty clear that he doesn't believe anything the intelligence community is telling him and he has no information to back that up--just doesn't like it that the Russian hacks may have influenced the election. Clapper once again, clearly said yesterday that there is no evidence it impacted the electorate. So you need to stop justifying his completely off the rails tantrum about this. Hopefully he's gotten enough negative feedback from EVERYONE with brains to realize that he needs to shut up and accept the truth.

"....the man who is to be President in two weeks has been pretty clear that he doesn't believe anything the intelligence community is telling him and he has no information to back that up--just doesn't like it that the Russian hacks may have influenced the election."

I just cannot get over how truly stupid Liberals are...

There motto must be "Fool me once, shame on you, fool me a thousand times....what the heck."

Simply google "James Clapper Lies To Congress" and get 417,000 responses.

Go it.....see how correct I am.
IT makes no difference how much intelligence went into investigating Russian hackers, or what their findings were ... RW members of a fucking message board are smarter than any of them ...
IT makes no difference how much intelligence went into investigating Russian hackers, or what their findings were ... RW members of a fucking message board are smarter than any of them ...

I won't respond with the vulgarity that is the province of losers like you, but, suffice it to say that I'm somewhere between you and brilliant.

I suggested this:

Simply google "James Clapper Lies To Congress" and get 417,000 responses.
Go it.....see how correct I am.

You didn't?

See what I mean?
There is no way to prove that Russia did what the 'consensus' claims was done: there is no evidence.....hence, no proof.

7. The evidence???
"... a walking shadow, a poor player
That struts and frets his hour upon the stage
And then is heard no more: it is a tale
Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury,
Signifying nothing."
The Bard

How about a lesson, a remedial, in cyber 'hacking':

"Analysts say, however, that the ability to determine who cyber attackers are, where they’re located and sometimes who ordered their operations is rarely definitive and comes in degrees of confidence.

Beyond the government’s headline assertion that Russia is to blame, “it’s important to parse the public statement pretty closely,” said Susan Hennessey, a national security fellow at the Brookings Institution. “They’re being really careful in their word choice.”
The Department of Homeland Security and Office of the Director of National Intelligence on Election Security said in a statement earlier this month that “only Russia’s senior-most officials could have authorized these activities.”
But that statement does not mean that the U.S. has “direct evidence of senior official-level involvement,” Hennessey said.

Without more definitive statements, it’s difficult for some technical experts to take the government’s word on faith, she and others have said.

There’s no evidence that this was done by the state itself, only evidence it was done by non-state actors that might be Russian-speaking,” said Jeffrey Carr, CEO of the cyber security consultancy firm Taia Global, referring to the evidence available to the public.

That evidence, which was released by private threat assessment companies rather than official channels, indicates hackers used Cyrillic keyboards and operated during Moscow working hours.
But indicators of identity like timestamps, language preferences and IP addresses “can be manipulated or faked rather easily,” said Juan Andres Guerrero-Saade, a senior security researcher at Kaspersky Lab." Does the U.S. government really know who hacked Democrats' emails?

In takes a reliable Democrat voter to swear to it.....and, one too stupid to recognize that the aim is to de-legitimize the new administration, and make it more difficult for Trump to be a success in foreign policy.

And that's the long and short of it.
"After Security Meeting, Trump Admits Possibility of Russian Hacking"

Once again, Donald Trump is totally correct,and using the language with precision.

plural noun: possibilities
  1. a thing that may happen or be the case.
Need I define "may"?

There’s no evidence that this was done by the state itself, only evidence it was done by non-state actors that might be Russian-speaking,” said Jeffrey Carr, CEO of the cyber security consultancy firm Taia Global, referring to the evidence available to the public.

That evidence, which was released by private threat assessment companies rather than official channels, indicates hackers used Cyrillic keyboards and operated during Moscow working hours.
But indicators of identity like timestamps, language preferences and IP addresses “can be manipulated or faked rather easily,”

Could have been any Russian...or Chinese....or Nigerian prince.
Any of 'em are a possibility.

In takes a reliable Democrat voter to swear to it.....and, one too stupid to recognize that the aim is to de-legitimize the new administration, and make it more difficult for Trump to be a success in foreign policy.

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