Thomas Sowell on "Mugged"


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1. "If you are sick and tired of seeing politicians and others playing the race card, or if you are just disgusted with the grossly dishonest way racial issues in general are portrayed, then you should get a copy of Ann Coulter's new book, "Mugged." Its subtitle is: "Racial Demagoguery from the Seventies to Obama."

2. Few things are as rare as an honest book about race. This is one of the very few, and one of the very best.

3. ...examples of racial events and issues that have been twisted and distorted beyond recognition are untangled and revealed for the frauds that they are in "Mugged."

4. The whole history of the role of the Democrats and the Republicans in black civil rights issues is taken apart and examined, showing with documented fact after documented fact how the truth turns out repeatedly to be the opposite of what has been portrayed in most of the media.

5. It has long been a matter of official record that a higher percentage of Republicans than Democrats, in both Houses of Congress, voted for the landmark civil rights legislation of the 1960s. Yet the great legend has come down to us that Democrats created the civil rights revolution, over the opposition of the Republicans.

6. To puff up their role as defenders of blacks, it has been necessary for Democrats and their media supporters to hype the dangers of "racists." This has led to some very creative ways of defining and portraying people as "racists." Ann Coulter has a whole chapter titled "You Racist!"...

7. No book about race would be complete without an examination of the role of character assassination in racial politics.

8. "Mugged" is more than an informative book. It is a whole education about the difference between rhetoric and reality when it comes to racial issues. It is a much needed, and even urgently needed education, with a national election just weeks away."
Race Cards - Thomas Sowell - Page 2
I've been posting for years now how totally Goebbels-like the Dems have been on race. They are the Party of the KKK, of slavery and they held up Civil Rights for years, yet because they controlled the media and our sabotaged educational system them have been blatantly lying for generations.
I've put this book on my Wish List. I'm looking forward to it erasing my own lack of historical truths. Never too late to learn.

I just got an old book by Sowell, "Ethnic America."

I'll post about it.

BTW....if you have the of the best books about the changes in America is Bork's "Slouching Toward Gomorrah."
I've been posting for years now how totally Goebbels-like the Dems have been on race. They are the Party of the KKK, of slavery and they held up Civil Rights for years, yet because they controlled the media and our sabotaged educational system them have been blatantly lying for generations.

Do you actually believe anything you post? The 'Democrats' you speak of were a minority faction in the Democratic Party's Big Tent, Strom Thurmond was their leader and later changed his registration and joined the Republican Party. But you know this, so why lie?

For those who don't know U.S. history read the history and platform of the States' Rights Democratic Party, known also as the Dixiecrats; read about Strom Thurmond and see how this issue of race transformed both the Democratic and Republican Parties after WW II.
I've been posting for years now how totally Goebbels-like the Dems have been on race. They are the Party of the KKK, of slavery and they held up Civil Rights for years, yet because they controlled the media and our sabotaged educational system them have been blatantly lying for generations.

Do you actually believe anything you post? The 'Democrats' you speak of were a minority faction in the Democratic Party's Big Tent, Strom Thurmond was their leader and later changed his registration and joined the Republican Party. But you know this, so why lie?

For those who don't know U.S. history read the history and platform of the States' Rights Democratic Party, known also as the Dixiecrats; read about Strom Thurmond and see how this issue of race transformed both the Democratic and Republican Parties after WW II.

The “Dixiecrats” Remained Democrats

The so-called “Dixiecrats” remained Democrats and did not migrate to the Republican Party. The Dixiecrats were a group of Southern Democrats who, in the 1948 national election, formed a third party, the State’s Rights Democratic Party with the slogan: “Segregation Forever!” Even so, they continued to be Democrats for all local and state elections, as well as for all future national elections.
Frequently Asked Questions | National Black Republican Association
I've been posting for years now how totally Goebbels-like the Dems have been on race. They are the Party of the KKK, of slavery and they held up Civil Rights for years, yet because they controlled the media and our sabotaged educational system them have been blatantly lying for generations.

Do you actually believe anything you post? The 'Democrats' you speak of were a minority faction in the Democratic Party's Big Tent, Strom Thurmond was their leader and later changed his registration and joined the Republican Party. But you know this, so why lie?

For those who don't know U.S. history read the history and platform of the States' Rights Democratic Party, known also as the Dixiecrats; read about Strom Thurmond and see how this issue of race transformed both the Democratic and Republican Parties after WW II.

The “Dixiecrats” Remained Democrats

The so-called “Dixiecrats” remained Democrats and did not migrate to the Republican Party. The Dixiecrats were a group of Southern Democrats who, in the 1948 national election, formed a third party, the State’s Rights Democratic Party with the slogan: “Segregation Forever!” Even so, they continued to be Democrats for all local and state elections, as well as for all future national elections.
Frequently Asked Questions | National Black Republican Association

Are you employed by the Ministry of Truth? Nice link, a document of the absurd. Why do you lie?
1. "If you are sick and tired of seeing politicians and others playing the race card, or if you are just disgusted with the grossly dishonest way racial issues in general are portrayed, then you should get a copy of Ann Coulter's new book, "Mugged." Its subtitle is: "Racial Demagoguery from the Seventies to Obama."

2. Few things are as rare as an honest book about race. This is one of the very few, and one of the very best.

3. ...examples of racial events and issues that have been twisted and distorted beyond recognition are untangled and revealed for the frauds that they are in "Mugged."

4. The whole history of the role of the Democrats and the Republicans in black civil rights issues is taken apart and examined, showing with documented fact after documented fact how the truth turns out repeatedly to be the opposite of what has been portrayed in most of the media.

5. It has long been a matter of official record that a higher percentage of Republicans than Democrats, in both Houses of Congress, voted for the landmark civil rights legislation of the 1960s. Yet the great legend has come down to us that Democrats created the civil rights revolution, over the opposition of the Republicans.

6. To puff up their role as defenders of blacks, it has been necessary for Democrats and their media supporters to hype the dangers of "racists." This has led to some very creative ways of defining and portraying people as "racists." Ann Coulter has a whole chapter titled "You Racist!"...

7. No book about race would be complete without an examination of the role of character assassination in racial politics.

8. "Mugged" is more than an informative book. It is a whole education about the difference between rhetoric and reality when it comes to racial issues. It is a much needed, and even urgently needed education, with a national election just weeks away."
Race Cards - Thomas Sowell - Page 2

Thomas Sowell is one of my favorite authors. I also love to see and hear him, on rare interviews. What a success story he has on his own. An admirable and humble human being. :clap2:

It's a damned shame Dr. Sowell wasn't the first black President.

As it is, barack obama will likely be the last for quite some time.
Unfair, yes I know, but residual racism in both parties is likely to associate his incompetence with his complexion.
Do you actually believe anything you post? The 'Democrats' you speak of were a minority faction in the Democratic Party's Big Tent, Strom Thurmond was their leader and later changed his registration and joined the Republican Party. But you know this, so why lie?

For those who don't know U.S. history read the history and platform of the States' Rights Democratic Party, known also as the Dixiecrats; read about Strom Thurmond and see how this issue of race transformed both the Democratic and Republican Parties after WW II.

The “Dixiecrats” Remained Democrats

The so-called “Dixiecrats” remained Democrats and did not migrate to the Republican Party. The Dixiecrats were a group of Southern Democrats who, in the 1948 national election, formed a third party, the State’s Rights Democratic Party with the slogan: “Segregation Forever!” Even so, they continued to be Democrats for all local and state elections, as well as for all future national elections.
Frequently Asked Questions | National Black Republican Association

Are you employed by the Ministry of Truth? Nice link, a document of the absurd. Why do you lie?

I'm beginning to get fed up with ignorant fools like you.

The fact is exactly as I posted it. I never lie.
You'd do well to learn from my posts.

The facts are that 'Liberals' have done blacks no service...and have impeded their advancement in society.

Liberals thump their chests and behave as Coulter suggests:

Liberals took blacks as their pets, and then tried to kill them off by patronizing them to death. Thrilled with their role as ‘white friend-of-the-blacks,’ many found that they could actually make a living at it! The part requires sneering at nonexistent racists, and memorizing one line: “Goddam it, this may cost me my career but I’m going to speak up for racial equality and let the chips fall where they may!”

That fits you to a "T."

And, Dixiecrats and Republicans? Hardly.

In 1948, Strom Thurmond ran as a “Dixiecrat,” not “Dixiecan.” They were segregations, and an offshoot of the Democrat Party. And they remained Democrats. While all Democrats weren’t segregationists, all segregationists were Democrats.

The South kept voting for Democrats for decades after that 1964 act. And, btw, Democrats continued to win a plurality of votes in southern congressional elections for the next 30 years…right up to 1994.
"GOP Poised to Reap Redistricting Rewards" by Michael Barone on - A Syndicate Of Talent

a. Between ’48 and ’88, Republicans never won a majority of the Dixiecrat states, outside of two 49-state landslides. Any loses in the South are directly attributable to their championing abortion, gays in the military, Christian-bashing, springing criminals, attacks on guns, dovish foreign policy, ‘save the whales/kill the humans environmentalism….certainly not race!

b. Rather than the Republicans winning the Dixiecrat vote, the Dixiecrats simply died out. By contrast, Democrats kept winning the alleged “segregationist” states into the ‘90’s. If states were voting for Goldwater out of racism, what of Carter’s 1976 sweep of all the Goldwater states?
Coulter, "Mugged," chapter 12.

Need more of a spanking, you second-rate sycophant ?

But the most important segregationists were Democrats in the U.S. Senate, where civil rights bills went to die.

a. "On June 13, 2005, in a resolution sponsored by senators Mary Landrieu of Louisiana and George Allen of Virginia, together with 78 others, the US Senate formally apologized for its failure to enact this and other anti-lynching bills "when action was most needed."[3] From 1882-1968, "...nearly 200 anti-lynching bills were introduced in Congress, and three passed the House. Seven presidents between 1890 and 1952 petitioned Congress to pass a federal law." None was approved by the Senate because of the powerful opposition of the Southern Democratic voting bloc"
Senate Apologizes for Not Passing Anti-Lynching Laws | Fox News

Time for you to head back into the Roach Motel…
The “Dixiecrats” Remained Democrats

The so-called “Dixiecrats” remained Democrats and did not migrate to the Republican Party. The Dixiecrats were a group of Southern Democrats who, in the 1948 national election, formed a third party, the State’s Rights Democratic Party with the slogan: “Segregation Forever!” Even so, they continued to be Democrats for all local and state elections, as well as for all future national elections.
Frequently Asked Questions | National Black Republican Association

Are you employed by the Ministry of Truth? Nice link, a document of the absurd. Why do you lie?
I'm beginning to get fed up with ignorant fools like you. The fact is exactly as I posted it. I never lie.
You'd do well to learn from my posts.
Don't ever let them see you sweat PC.

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