Thomas Frank Recently Wrote An Article That Criticized Obama Severely


Diamond Member
Aug 12, 2009
I understand his point, however, I don't agree that he was a failure

I believe that Obama stuck to his principles in trying to reach out to the Republicans, although they had decided from day 0 to attack and obstruct him at every turn.

Here's the article: Thomas Frank: Obama’s squandered hope -

Frank isn't agreeing with nor giving the Republicans any easy either, he places the blame squarely on GWB's shoulder, where it should be. His beef is that Obama did NOT use the political he had after trouncing the Republicans in 2008 to give them the death-knell that they deserved, instead he tried to compromise...dragging the country more to the right in the process.

No one has been prosecuted, not one banker jailed, not one policy maker taken to task, non of the former Administration held responsible, in fact he's not only brought back some Clinton pseudo-Democrat RWers, but also kept many of Bush's cronies in their position as well.

This is the author's beef w/Obama, that he's not been liberal at all. The worst part about it is, that the Republicans have sworn that Obama is "the most Leftist, socialist, Marxist President this country has had ever." WoW!!!


We can only hope that when Obama wins this 2nd term he learns his lesson and decides to take these hard RWers to the woodshed like he SHOULD have done earlier this term.

Interesting article indeed.
I hope Obama, if Romney loses because of the inanity and insanity of the extremists in his party, destroys the GOP as it is. It needs to be remade for the 21st century, with the far right excluded to form their own minority party.
I hope Obama, if Romney loses because of the inanity and insanity of the extremists in his party, destroys the GOP as it is. It needs to be remade for the 21st century, with the far right excluded to form their own minority party.
Here's what I predict.

When Obama wins, there will be a MAJOR backlash from the rabid right and they will rant and rave about not being right enough.

However, sober heads will prevail and the silent majority of the GOP, those saner ones will OPENLY speak out against this rabid RWism that has overtaken today's Republican Party.

A battle will ensue and I believe the saner heads will win.

If not, then the GOP, as a done for and another new party will rise out of the crusty ashes.
From day zero hub.

Who said to whom, "we won you lost." And that was supposed to have been when a deal was imminent.
Hey but don't let the facts get in the way of your bullshit story

I love this rw stuff you spew. I come from 2 rw states Utah and Idaho both are great states and are fiscally responsible. The most conservative state in America ranks fourth in job creation. Provo is number 1 in desire to retire city. and One of the lowest in obesity, unlike that fatass state Mississippi

Now if rw are wacko's like you so proudly proclaim, how come it doesn't hold up in the most conservative state in America.

and just on a side note. Why doesn't your boy obama take some of that egytian money and use it to pay down the debt, and create jobs, and pay welfare queens for their cell phones.
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I hope Obama, if Romney loses because of the inanity and insanity of the extremists in his party, destroys the GOP as it is. It needs to be remade for the 21st century, with the far right excluded to form their own minority party.
Here's what I predict.

When Obama wins, there will be a MAJOR backlash from the rabid right and they will rant and rave about not being right enough.

However, sober heads will prevail and the silent majority of the GOP, those saner ones will OPENLY speak out against this rabid RWism that has overtaken today's Republican Party.

A battle will ensue and I believe the saner heads will win.

If not, then the GOP, as a done for and another new party will rise out of the crusty ashes.

Ya Heaven help us if America was run like Utah rather than like Detroit, and California.

you have a thinking error: redefining.
I understand his point, however, I don't agree that he was a failure

I believe that Obama stuck to his principles in trying to reach out to the Republicans, although they had decided from day 0 to attack and obstruct him at every turn.

One of these days I am going to figure out why the defenders of Obama think everyone on the planet is stupid. The simple fact is Obama is a typical politician, he doesn't have principles. If he actually had principles we would not have a repackaged Hillarycare, nor would we have ever increasing deficits.

By the way, the Republicans did not set out to obstruct Obama from the beginning.

Here's the article: Thomas Frank: Obama’s squandered hope -

Frank isn't agreeing with nor giving the Republicans any easy either, he places the blame squarely on GWB's shoulder, where it should be. His beef is that Obama did NOT use the political he had after trouncing the Republicans in 2008 to give them the death-knell that they deserved, instead he tried to compromise...dragging the country more to the right in the process.

Did you actually read the essay before you decided to talk about it, or did you rely on a Cliff's Notes to get the talking points?

Franks did not blame Bush for what Obama did, he points out that Obama did everything exactly the same way Bush would have if he got elected. That is all on Obama, not Bush. Yet you sat right here and defended Obama for the very things that you are now trying to blame Bush for.

What does that make you?

No one has been prosecuted, not one banker jailed, not one policy maker taken to task, non of the former Administration held responsible, in fact he's not only brought back some Clinton pseudo-Democrat RWers, but also kept many of Bush's cronies in their position as well.

This is the author's beef w/Obama, that he's not been liberal at all. The worst part about it is, that the Republicans have sworn that Obama is "the most Leftist, socialist, Marxist President this country has had ever." WoW!!!


We can only hope that when Obama wins this 2nd term he learns his lesson and decides to take these hard RWers to the woodshed like he SHOULD have done earlier this term.

Interesting article indeed.

Obama is going to spend his second term, if he gets one, setting up his next job as Secretary General of the UN.
I hope Obama, if Romney loses because of the inanity and insanity of the extremists in his party, destroys the GOP as it is. It needs to be remade for the 21st century, with the far right excluded to form their own minority party.
Here's what I predict.

When Obama wins, there will be a MAJOR backlash from the rabid right and they will rant and rave about not being right enough.

However, sober heads will prevail and the silent majority of the GOP, those saner ones will OPENLY speak out against this rabid RWism that has overtaken today's Republican Party.

A battle will ensue and I believe the saner heads will win.

If not, then the GOP, as a done for and another new party will rise out of the crusty ashes.

It doesn't make sense for the Republican party to move more left.At least it doesn't make sense to me.If that's the case then we might as well vote Democrat...I for one would rather pour crushed glass in my coffee instead of sugar.The GOP needs to move far right in order to counter the way the Democrat party has moved so far left.
I understand his point, however, I don't agree that he was a failure

I believe that Obama stuck to his principles in trying to reach out to the Republicans, although they had decided from day 0 to attack and obstruct him at every turn.

Here's the article: Thomas Frank: Obama’s squandered hope -

Frank isn't agreeing with nor giving the Republicans any easy either, he places the blame squarely on GWB's shoulder, where it should be. His beef is that Obama did NOT use the political he had after trouncing the Republicans in 2008 to give them the death-knell that they deserved, instead he tried to compromise...dragging the country more to the right in the process.

No one has been prosecuted, not one banker jailed, not one policy maker taken to task, non of the former Administration held responsible, in fact he's not only brought back some Clinton pseudo-Democrat RWers, but also kept many of Bush's cronies in their position as well.

This is the author's beef w/Obama, that he's not been liberal at all. The worst part about it is, that the Republicans have sworn that Obama is "the most Leftist, socialist, Marxist President this country has had ever." WoW!!!


We can only hope that when Obama wins this 2nd term he learns his lesson and decides to take these hard RWers to the woodshed like he SHOULD have done earlier this term.

Interesting article indeed.

If one cannot see how the masters rigged the game by now, there is seriously no hope you'll ever get it.

Calling Obama a liberal is a bit of a joke the masters like to play on the dupes

Calling Mitt a conservative likewise the same joke except coming at you from a different angle.
I understand his point, however, I don't agree that he was a failure

I believe that Obama stuck to his principles in trying to reach out to the Republicans, although they had decided from day 0 to attack and obstruct him at every turn.

One of these days I am going to figure out why the defenders of Obama think everyone on the planet is stupid. The simple fact is Obama is a typical politician, he doesn't have principles. If he actually had principles we would not have a repackaged Hillarycare, nor would we have ever increasing deficits.

By the way, the Republicans did not set out to obstruct Obama from the beginning.

Here's the article: Thomas Frank: Obama’s squandered hope -

Frank isn't agreeing with nor giving the Republicans any easy either, he places the blame squarely on GWB's shoulder, where it should be. His beef is that Obama did NOT use the political he had after trouncing the Republicans in 2008 to give them the death-knell that they deserved, instead he tried to compromise...dragging the country more to the right in the process.

Did you actually read the essay before you decided to talk about it, or did you rely on a Cliff's Notes to get the talking points?

Franks did not blame Bush for what Obama did, he points out that Obama did everything exactly the same way Bush would have if he got elected. That is all on Obama, not Bush. Yet you sat right here and defended Obama for the very things that you are now trying to blame Bush for.

What does that make you?

No one has been prosecuted, not one banker jailed, not one policy maker taken to task, non of the former Administration held responsible, in fact he's not only brought back some Clinton pseudo-Democrat RWers, but also kept many of Bush's cronies in their position as well.

This is the author's beef w/Obama, that he's not been liberal at all. The worst part about it is, that the Republicans have sworn that Obama is "the most Leftist, socialist, Marxist President this country has had ever." WoW!!!


We can only hope that when Obama wins this 2nd term he learns his lesson and decides to take these hard RWers to the woodshed like he SHOULD have done earlier this term.

Interesting article indeed.

Obama is going to spend his second term, if he gets one, setting up his next job as Secretary General of the UN.

Obama did not repackaged Hillarycare. In reality he repackaged Romneycare. The Affordable Healthcare Act is much closer to the Republican proposals that were offered back in the early 1990's during the Hillarycare debate.

The GOP made a collective decision to obstruct health care reform and hand Obama his 'Waterloo'. They were given Frank Luntz talking points on how to obstruct reform while sounding like they were for it.

Again, you continue to either lie or you are just that blind and stupid.
I believe you are the stupid one here. In committee the GOP was ready to sign on to some of Obamacare. Word came from the WH to hurry up and blow past GOP objections. This is why they needed to use unprecedented loopholes and bribes to pass that crap.

Obama never wanted to work with the GOP because he didnt have to. He had a super majority in Congress. His biggest problem was other Democrats.
I believe you are the stupid one here. In committee the GOP was ready to sign on to some of Obamacare. Word came from the WH to hurry up and blow past GOP objections. This is why they needed to use unprecedented loopholes and bribes to pass that crap.

Obama never wanted to work with the GOP because he didnt have to. He had a super majority in Congress. His biggest problem was other Democrats.

You are full of shit.
I hope Obama, if Romney loses because of the inanity and insanity of the extremists in his party, destroys the GOP as it is. It needs to be remade for the 21st century, with the far right excluded to form their own minority party.
Here's what I predict.

When Obama wins, there will be a MAJOR backlash from the rabid right and they will rant and rave about not being right enough.

However, sober heads will prevail and the silent majority of the GOP, those saner ones will OPENLY speak out against this rabid RWism that has overtaken today's Republican Party.

A battle will ensue and I believe the saner heads will win.

If not, then the GOP, as a done for and another new party will rise out of the crusty ashes.

It doesn't make sense for the Republican party to move more left.At least it doesn't make sense to me.If that's the case then we might as well vote Democrat...I for one would rather pour crushed glass in my coffee instead of sugar.The GOP needs to move far right in order to counter the way the Democrat party has moved so far left.

That's the spirit.
I believe you are the stupid one here. In committee the GOP was ready to sign on to some of Obamacare. Word came from the WH to hurry up and blow past GOP objections. This is why they needed to use unprecedented loopholes and bribes to pass that crap.

Obama never wanted to work with the GOP because he didnt have to. He had a super majority in Congress. His biggest problem was other Democrats.

You are full of shit.

Oh yeah? You are even more full of shit.
Do you have something to refute what I wrote? What? No? You seem to be the ignorant doo-doo here.
I believe you are the stupid one here. In committee the GOP was ready to sign on to some of Obamacare. Word came from the WH to hurry up and blow past GOP objections. This is why they needed to use unprecedented loopholes and bribes to pass that crap.

Obama never wanted to work with the GOP because he didnt have to. He had a super majority in Congress. His biggest problem was other Democrats.

Exactly right! The payoffs to get the Senate votes to pass Obamacare were all made to Democrat Senators.
I believe you are the stupid one here. In committee the GOP was ready to sign on to some of Obamacare. Word came from the WH to hurry up and blow past GOP objections. This is why they needed to use unprecedented loopholes and bribes to pass that crap.

Obama never wanted to work with the GOP because he didnt have to. He had a super majority in Congress. His biggest problem was other Democrats.

"In committee the GOP was ready to sign on to some of Obamacare"... you mean like Senator Chuck Grassley, who SAID publicly he would work with Senate Finance Committee Chair Sen. Max Baucus. The same Chuck Grassley who President Obama told a New Hampshire audience is “sincerely trying to figure out…a health care bill that works.”

Then Grassley goes back to Iowa and LIES and fearmongers when he told a crowd of more than 300 that they were correct to fear that the government would "pull the plug on grandma."?

You are willfully ignoring that Republicans made a collective decision to undermine health care reform and hand Obama his Waterloo...WHY?
So they are saying Obama should of been a bigger thug ass than he already was

How lovely people this is what they want for President of our country

Shoving ObamaCare down our throats AGAINST OUR WILL just wasn't enough for these lovely Progressives..Now they want to start rounding up American citizens and prosecute them
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I hope Obama, if Romney loses because of the inanity and insanity of the extremists in his party, destroys the GOP as it is. It needs to be remade for the 21st century, with the far right excluded to form their own minority party.
Here's what I predict.

When Obama wins, there will be a MAJOR backlash from the rabid right and they will rant and rave about not being right enough.

However, sober heads will prevail and the silent majority of the GOP, those saner ones will OPENLY speak out against this rabid RWism that has overtaken today's Republican Party.

A battle will ensue and I believe the saner heads will win.

If not, then the GOP, as a done for and another new party will rise out of the crusty ashes.

It doesn't make sense for the Republican party to move more left.At least it doesn't make sense to me.If that's the case then we might as well vote Democrat...I for one would rather pour crushed glass in my coffee instead of sugar.The GOP needs to move far right in order to counter the way the Democrat party has moved so far left.

GWB moved the Republican party to the left and see where it got us? The Republican party needs to stand up to the bullies in the Obama administration. God Bless the Republicans if they stopped Obama on any issue, which by what I see they stopped him on nothing. The flop of a recovery is ALL Obama and Democrats we can not fall victim to their story line that somehow the miniority party is the cause of what they have brought onto America. I for one don't believe that the majority of Americans are that stupid to believe the democrat BS.
Thomas Frank Recently Wrote An Article That Criticized Obama Severely

Whoever gets elected will facecontinued Congressional gridlock and the economic fallout from the European Union that neither presidential candidate is in a position to rectify.

I beg to differ with "Freewill" - Romney was the only one of the Republican presidential candidates that had a "snowball's chance in hell" off winning in 2012 and, in an attrmpt to appease conservatives, he is being pulled too far to the "right" to attrack the moderate swing vote.

The one thing that Republican/Tea Party should have learned from the Reagan years is the importance of "Big Tent"politics - and that the farther they shift to the "right" the smaller the "Tent" becomes!
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I hope Obama, if Romney loses because of the inanity and insanity of the extremists in his party, destroys the GOP as it is. It needs to be remade for the 21st century, with the far right excluded to form their own minority party.


Yet I have to wonder. It will depend on which "side" of the party wins out. It may also end up that the non-extremists leave the party. We'll find out, but the country needs two strong, sane and reasonable parties, stat. Clock is ticking.


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