This video brings new meaning to waiting for fuel!


Gold Supporting Member
Apr 21, 2010
It will definitely get better over time, but till then, this is what EV users are facing if they try and go on a long journey. Here you go olfraud, take your cybertruck out into the wilderness! - Electric Cars Are the future
It will definitely get better over time, but till then, this is what EV users are facing if they try and go on a long journey. Here you go olfraud, take your cybertruck out into the wilderness! - Electric Cars Are the future
Too funny, West! Any idea how long you have to sit there to get a full charge again? I wonder what a "fill up" costs? In my experience with normal batteries, it was always better to give a battery a slow charge but I'm sure these people would be happy just to get any charge at all.
It will definitely get better over time, but till then, this is what EV users are facing if they try and go on a long journey. Here you go olfraud, take your cybertruck out into the wilderness! - Electric Cars Are the future
Too funny, West! Any idea how long you have to sit there to get a full charge again? I wonder what a "fill up" costs? In my experience with normal batteries, it was always better to give a battery a slow charge but I'm sure these people would be happy just to get any charge at all.

I think they can get an 80% charge in about 40 minutes.
It will definitely get better over time, but till then, this is what EV users are facing if they try and go on a long journey. Here you go olfraud, take your cybertruck out into the wilderness! - Electric Cars Are the future
Too funny, West! Any idea how long you have to sit there to get a full charge again? I wonder what a "fill up" costs? In my experience with normal batteries, it was always better to give a battery a slow charge but I'm sure these people would be happy just to get any charge at all.

I think they can get an 80% charge in about 40 minutes.

I think I can get a full tank to go 300 miles in 4 minutes.
I spent the night at a hotel on the Interstate that had 3 EV charging stations in the parking lot.

I saw people setting in their EV cars reading a book or on a laptop while plugged in as their car got charged.

Seeing that convinced me an EV would be the pits if you had to drive it on a long trip. ... :cool:
Carry a gas generator in the trunk.
Self contained charging unit.

Christ, I am a genius.
I should patent that.
It will definitely get better over time, but till then, this is what EV users are facing if they try and go on a long journey. Here you go olfraud, take your cybertruck out into the wilderness! - Electric Cars Are the future
Too funny, West! Any idea how long you have to sit there to get a full charge again? I wonder what a "fill up" costs? In my experience with normal batteries, it was always better to give a battery a slow charge but I'm sure these people would be happy just to get any charge at all.

I think they can get an 80% charge in about 40 minutes.

I think I can get a full tank to go 300 miles in 4 minutes.

Depending on which vehicle I drive I can get up to 450 in 5.
By 2025 they will have batteries for EV's that charge in the same amount of time that it takes to presently fuel a ICE.

They hope. Currently the best in the world are forced to use two cars in a race.

You won't see anything in the real world till you first see it in the E series races.
LOL I expect that they will not charge the batteries in the pit stops, but completely change them. The Goodnough solid state batteries will fit the bill nicely. Then you will see the EV's leave the ICE's in the dust.
LOL I expect that they will not charge the batteries in the pit stops, but completely change them. The Goodnough solid state batteries will fit the bill nicely. Then you will see the EV's leave the ICE's in the dust.

And I hope that eventually happens. But unlike you I want EVs to take over when they are more efficient than the alternative.

That won't be happening for a long while.
Westwall, you need not lie to us. Really, what you want is to put off the replacement of the fossil fuel burning vehicles by the much more efficient and non polluting EV's as long as is possible to maintain the profits of the energy corporations. And it is going to happen much quicker than you think.

Westwall, you need not lie to us. Really, what you want is to put off the replacement of the fossil fuel burning vehicles by the much more efficient and non polluting EV's as long as is possible to maintain the profits of the energy corporations. And it is going to happen much quicker than you think.

You are the one lying dude. Right now If the US switched over to EVs the grid would collapse. There simply is nowhere near enough power generation to do it.

You would need to start building powerplants at a prodigious rate to cover the need.

Solar is a joke. The typical home system would need two weeks to recharge a tesla to the 80% level.

That's the simple physics biting you in the ass.
Why the continual lying about what is easily checked on.

5kW Solar System Price | Go Solar Quotes

How much power does a 5kW solar system produce per day?
Having decided you want to use a 5kW system, you need to know exactly how much power it will produce in an entire day.

A 5kw solar system will produce around 20kw for an entire day. Most of the power will be generated when the sun is at its highest in the sky that is 10am and 2pm. These figures however, will vary depending on your location and light levels each day.

So, using that output, about 4 days for an 80 kw/hr of power. That amounts to 50 miles a day. Most people do not drive that far, so most could power their house and their car with a 5 kw solar installation.
Why the continual lying about what is easily checked on.

5kW Solar System Price | Go Solar Quotes

How much power does a 5kW solar system produce per day?
Having decided you want to use a 5kW system, you need to know exactly how much power it will produce in an entire day.

A 5kw solar system will produce around 20kw for an entire day. Most of the power will be generated when the sun is at its highest in the sky that is 10am and 2pm. These figures however, will vary depending on your location and light levels each day.

So, using that output, about 4 days for an 80 kw/hr of power. That amounts to 50 miles a day. Most people do not drive that far, so most could power their house and their car with a 5 kw solar installation.

Take a look at how much time it will take to charge you idiot. The solar system ain't a rapid charger.

My gosh but you can be as dense as post.
Ok I am not a scientist but I have a lot of experience with batteries in real life, not lithium batteries. The faster the charge, the more juice has to be run through the charger in a short time. Dirty connections will become more important, rain may electrocute the user, even as the car is charged the cost of quick charge may rise astronomically, the video even suggests much faster degradation of batteries which has been my experience with high voltage charging. Just like the video, you can hypothetically do anything.

having said all of that, I never believed I would see a battery operated chain saw that lasted for 40 min, and I have not used one but that is what I am told. But all of these power tool batteries need thirty min or more to recover their charge. I am still very dubious of the long term effects of charging a car up in 5 min. Better not let the charger juice accidentally get into the vehicles operating circuits or your vehicle will be toast.
Why the continual lying about what is easily checked on.

5kW Solar System Price | Go Solar Quotes

How much power does a 5kW solar system produce per day?
Having decided you want to use a 5kW system, you need to know exactly how much power it will produce in an entire day.

A 5kw solar system will produce around 20kw for an entire day. Most of the power will be generated when the sun is at its highest in the sky that is 10am and 2pm. These figures however, will vary depending on your location and light levels each day.

So, using that output, about 4 days for an 80 kw/hr of power. That amounts to 50 miles a day. Most people do not drive that far, so most could power their house and their car with a 5 kw solar installation.

Take a look at how much time it will take to charge you idiot. The solar system ain't a rapid charger.

My gosh but you can be as dense as post.
Most cars are left in the garage at night. Seems like a good time to do the charging.

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