This Park in Germany Has Designated 'Pink Zone' Areas for Drug Dealers


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City

The Germans have totally lost it. Not only have they allowed Muslims to take over areas of their cities, they’re now pandering to junkies.

A park in Berlin has designated areas for drug dealers to do business.

The manager of Görlitzer Park in the Kreuzburg area of Berlin spray painted pink poxes on the ground to indicate areas where dealers will be allowed to operate, according to the Guardian.

Police have repeatedly made failed attempts to push the drug sellers out of the park, and implemented a zero tolerance policy for drug dealers, but it hasn’t worked. So the park manager took matters into his own hands, with the hopes of keeping dealers that might intimidate visitors away from the park entrance.

More @ This German Park Has Designated Areas for Drug Dealers
open air drug markets zero tolerance dosent work ?

says who ?


drugs are easily driven of the streets and forced underground ...where they belong
Control the masses through their ability to destroy themselves openly...

The Germans have totally lost it. Not only have they allowed Muslims to take over areas of their cities, they’re now pandering to junkies.

A park in Berlin has designated areas for drug dealers to do business.

The manager of Görlitzer Park in the Kreuzburg area of Berlin spray painted pink poxes on the ground to indicate areas where dealers will be allowed to operate, according to the Guardian.

Police have repeatedly made failed attempts to push the drug sellers out of the park, and implemented a zero tolerance policy for drug dealers, but it hasn’t worked. So the park manager took matters into his own hands, with the hopes of keeping dealers that might intimidate visitors away from the park entrance.

More @ This German Park Has Designated Areas for Drug Dealers
What a way to go. *sigh* :cow:
I was headed to Berlin next Feb for a waterjet cutting seminar. Anyone have GPS coord-s for that park ?
Bet they get some good blonde hash from Afghaniland. USA made !

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