This old song has been stuck in my head for days

Does this happen to you !!
We all know I am one lost guy

Oh you poor thing. Terrible song. :)

But I get them stuck in my head, especially sound tracks from various movies that just won't go away. Sometimes it helps to put the movie on and just watch it. Same with old songs. I have a huge CD collection or you can almost always find a particular song on the internet, listen to it, sing along, and sometimes that helps. :)
I wish I could go back to the 80s/90s
I was far more happy
Music and movies were amazing.

I hope to god every day that I would pass away in my sleep 😴
Oh you poor thing. Terrible song. :)

But I get them stuck in my head, especially sound tracks from various movies that just won't go away. Sometimes it helps to put the movie on and just watch it. Same with old songs. I have a huge CD collection or you can almost always find a particular song on the internet, listen to it, sing along, and sometimes that helps. :)

Do you like this song!!
I am loving it
I wake up most mornings with a song in my head. Hard to get rid of it sometimes.

At best it is a song I like and know the words to. Not good when you only know one or two lines. Then it becomes a K-tel record ad stuck on repeat.

Does this happen to you !!
We all know I am one lost guy

Here: This'll get that song out of yer head....

Lita Ford today


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