This is why we must continue the fight against global Jihad

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
Kansas City
Watch this video. It is stunning to hear this woman say she can't wait to again have the opportunity to kill innocent people in the name of JIHAD. She has even encouraged children to follow in her footsteps. Her fail Target was a HOSPITAL. She isn't justified in any fashion for attacking a fucking hospital.

We must continue to fight this fight least we find this kind of insanity within our own borders where our military and govt can't protect us from it.

It's also why Ron Paul CAN'T be our president. He would ignore this until it was too late.
Study how Bush the Elder contained Saddam and you will have your clue on how to hold the gates against the barbarians.
CAIR is gonna get you gramps. Its not nice, and more importantly, not politically correct, to think bad things about the Great Jihad.

How the Muslim Brotherhood Infiltrated the GOP | FrontPage Magazine

Weasel Zippers » Blog Archive » Report: 675 Honor Killings In Pakistan During Nine-Month Period…

I especially dig the part where Grover Norquist, along with some roughly thirty Muslims, some in traditional garb, others in business suits, commandeered an office on 9/11 to discuss how to spin the attacks on the WTC and the Pentagon in the best, most favorable, light.
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We have. Keith Ellison (D-MN) and the campaign against Lowes for dropping its sponsorship of Discovery's "All American Muslim" are the leading indicators.
Where are the leaders like Admiral William F Halsey who addressed a San Francisco audience and gave his description of a good Japanese as "One who has been dead for six months".
San Francisco even ordered the USS Iowa, which could even have been Halsey's flagship at the time, out of its harbor with the admonition "We don't want your kind here!"
How do you win a war like this? How much will it cost and who is the enemy? The answer is
1) You can't


3) Everyone, even Americans...

Thank you Neocons, you have destroyed the US and blamed "terrorists" lol.
Watch this video. It is stunning to hear this woman say she can't wait to again have the opportunity to kill innocent people in the name of JIHAD. She has even encouraged children to follow in her footsteps. Her fail Target was a HOSPITAL. She isn't justified in any fashion for attacking a fucking hospital.

We must continue to fight this fight least we find this kind of insanity within our own borders where our military and govt can't protect us from it.

It's also why Ron Paul CAN'T be our president. He would ignore this until it was too late.

So get yourself a gun and go take care of that jihad for us...
How do you win a war like this? How much will it cost and who is the enemy? The answer is
1) You can't


3) Everyone, even Americans...

Thank you Neocons, you have destroyed the US and blamed "terrorists" lol.

You and ron paul deserve life in Afghanistan. Under taliban rule.
Watch this video. It is stunning to hear this woman say she can't wait to again have the opportunity to kill innocent people in the name of JIHAD. She has even encouraged children to follow in her footsteps. Her fail Target was a HOSPITAL. She isn't justified in any fashion for attacking a fucking hospital.

We must continue to fight this fight least we find this kind of insanity within our own borders where our military and govt can't protect us from it.

It's also why Ron Paul CAN'T be our president. He would ignore this until it was too late.

Thats just it...for them...nut cases that they are... its not wrong to kill infidels.

It was stupid as hell for Israel to trade these terrorists for ONE man. Too bad they did not give her wish to die that day and killed her on the spot.
How do you win a war like this? How much will it cost and who is the enemy? The answer is 1) You can't 2)Trillions 3) Everyone, even Americans... Thank you Neocons, you have destroyed the US and blamed "terrorists" lol.
You and ron paul deserve life in Afghanistan. Under taliban rule.

Your thinking is not rational at all. You are simply fear mongering. We are still in the woods because of the Iraqi fiasco, but better foreign policy decisions and endeavors by this administration has put us and all Americans in a better position.

Now, quick, go look under your bed for a jihadist.
(If the Islamic States, The UN, and Obama have their way, this post will be a thing of the past. While we're discussing it here, Obama & Co are busy working on eliminating the discussion.)

" – The U.N. General Assembly on Monday adopted a resolution condemning the stereotyping, negative profiling and stigmatization of people based on their religion, and urging countries to take effective steps “to address and combat such incidents.”

No member state called for a recorded vote on the text, which was as a result adopted “by consensus.”

The resolution, an initiative of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), is based on one passed by the U.N.’s Human Rights Council in Geneva last spring. The State Department last week hosted a meeting to discuss ways of “implementing” it."

Weasel Zippers » Blog Archive » U.N. General Assembly Adopts Islamic Bloc’s “Religious Intolerance” Resolution
Wow... more jihadists we need to worry about... [ame=]Teaparty for Idiots - "Nothing better than a dead liberal" - YouTube[/ame]

Circle the wagons.
Paul has stated very clearly that if we leave them alone they will leave us alone.

That's just ignorant


Ron Paul and Terrorism | The War Room

You linked to an opinion piece about Ron Paul from someone interpreting what Paul said. Find the quote from Paul where he said they will leave us alone if we leave them alone. You can't because he didn't say that. That quote you are referring to was from this writer who is paraprhasing what Dr. Paul said.

"It’s already worrisome that so many people think that his standard line — which amounts to something like “if we just leave them alone, they’ll leave us alone” — holds the key to peace between America and the jihadis. Here’s Rep. Paul at the December 15 debate in Iowa on the subject."

^From the link you posted.

Instead of merely regurgitating someone else's words why don't you spend the time to research what he is actually saying?
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has Paul ever said we must stop the fight against Jihad?

Paul has stated very clearly that if we leave them alone they will leave us alone.

That's just ignorant

Yeah, look what that's done for neutral countries like Switzerland. When was the last time they suffered a terrorist attack?

Chances are that jihadists are going to look to attack SOMEONE, whether or not the US interferes. But it puts a big target on our back when we're the ones bombing their homes and killing innocent civilians (intentionally or not).

Here's a question for you, Gramps. How would you feel if China did the following:

1) Establish bases across the U.S to protect Chinese economic interests, and other reasons
2) Successfully overthrow the president and prop up one that will run the U.S in their favor
3) In searching for terrorists or other groups deemed dangerous to Chinese interests, accidentally kill innocent Americans in bombings from time to time.

For someone with a violent agenda, a country following these actions would make an extremely appealing target.

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