This Is Why We Have An Electoral College

And you can't let the majority position outlaw slavery.
So what? That was a long time ago. Slavery is NOT an issue.Except to moochers who can't compete and want more welfare.
That's an interesting position. That something that was enacted to give unequal power in order for a minority of smaller slave states to be as powerful as the majority of the other states, after the abolition of slavery should remain, because those small states continue to enjoy their expanded franchise power.
GFY. There are no slaves. Haven't been for 150 YEARS. Since these small Population States produce 90% of all FOOD ,what do Cities produce besides violent crime.
That something that was enacted to give unequal power in order for a minority of smaller slave states to be as powerful as the majority of the other states, after the abolition of slavery should remain, because those small states continue to enjoy their expanded franchise power.
GFY. There are no slaves. Haven't been for 150 YEARS. Since these small Population States produce 90% of all FOOD ,what do Cities produce besides violent crime.
The cities produce 90% of the countries GDP
That something that was enacted to give unequal power in order for a minority of smaller slave states to be as powerful as the majority of the other states, after the abolition of slavery should remain, because those small states continue to enjoy their expanded franchise power.
GFY. There are no slaves. Haven't been for 150 YEARS. Since these small Population States produce 90% of all FOOD ,what do Cities produce besides violent crime.
The cities produce 90% of the countries GDP
How much food do they grow? Also ,the Communications Monopolies need to be busted. Apple ,Amazon ,and Facebook. Just as Teddy busted up Standard Oil.
Why does the presidency means so much?

Is it possible that the government powers are not balanced or constructed correctly?

What are the government powers?

How is it that Joe Biden is turning out a bunch of executive orders that upend the tranquility we had going?

LMFASO, Tranquility is absurd; so sorry bozo, Chaos for four years was the reality.
Slavery was a necessary constitutional compromise. The great compromise, the 3/5ths compromise and of course the 1808
Slavery was NOT a 'necessary constitutional compromise.' Slavery was here before the Constitution you glittering idiot.
Why does the presidency means so much?

Is it possible that the government powers are not balanced or constructed correctly?

What are the government powers?

How is it that Joe Biden is turning out a bunch of executive orders that upend the tranquility we had going?
Biden upended Trump's EOs that were put in place because Democrats refused to work with him. So.....Ol' Joe took a Machete to them regardless of the fact that most of them actually helped Americans. You see, with Joe and the Democrats, power and party is all that matters. You (we) are just here to be fleeced by taxes that make DC wealthy and have our guns taken away so we can't protest.
Imagine living in the gray zones, and the blue zones voted opposite of you.

Half the US population lives in these blue counties.

This is why we have an Electoral College. Civics 101. You're welcome.

View attachment 478031

And it came about because those grey zones supported slavery while the blue ones opposed slavery.

And you can't let the majority position outlaw slavery.
You do realize that some of those blue zones are smack dab in the middle of slave country, don't you?
Where in the original Constitution does it say anything about slavery?

Section 9: Powers Denied Congress
The Migration or Importation of such Persons as any of the States now existing shall think proper to admit, shall not be prohibited by the Congress prior to the Year one thousand eight hundred and eight

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