This Is Why The C-130 Is An Awesome Flying Machine


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City

Anyone who served in ‘Nam knows what awesome aircraft these are. They first flew in 1954 and, like the B-52 Buff, are still in service doing an amazing job, Want to knw more about them, go to Lockheed C-130 Hercules - Wikipedia

The only aircraft I ever flew in that could go places the Herc couldn’t was the De Havillind Caribou.


"Flying low level, going into dirt or grass strips, landing at little places that nobody else could get to with this big airplane is so much fun," says former USAF C-130 pilot and Lockheed director of business development Larry Gallogly. "I think of all the assault landings I made early in my career which may not have been as smooth as I would have liked but the airplane could take a beating."

More w/lots of pictures & links @ Why the C-130 Is Such a Badass Plane
We have a former pilot of this aircraft that posts regularly at USMB. Maybe she will add to this thread.

Anyone who served in ‘Nam knows what awesome aircraft these are. They first flew in 1954 and, like the B-52 Buff, are still in service doing an amazing job, Want to knw more about them, go to Lockheed C-130 Hercules - Wikipedia

The only aircraft I ever flew in that could go places the Herc couldn’t was the De Havillind Caribou.


"Flying low level, going into dirt or grass strips, landing at little places that nobody else could get to with this big airplane is so much fun," says former USAF C-130 pilot and Lockheed director of business development Larry Gallogly. "I think of all the assault landings I made early in my career which may not have been as smooth as I would have liked but the airplane could take a beating."

More w/lots of pictures & links @ Why the C-130 Is Such a Badass Plane

I loved both the Herky Bird and the Caribou. I've landed and taken off in both at places that would scare the hell out of Jesus.

Anyone who served in ‘Nam knows what awesome aircraft these are. They first flew in 1954 and, like the B-52 Buff, are still in service doing an amazing job, Want to knw more about them, go to Lockheed C-130 Hercules - Wikipedia

The only aircraft I ever flew in that could go places the Herc couldn’t was the De Havillind Caribou.


"Flying low level, going into dirt or grass strips, landing at little places that nobody else could get to with this big airplane is so much fun," says former USAF C-130 pilot and Lockheed director of business development Larry Gallogly. "I think of all the assault landings I made early in my career which may not have been as smooth as I would have liked but the airplane could take a beating."

More w/lots of pictures & links @ Why the C-130 Is Such a Badass Plane

besides having the ability for short take off and landings even when heavy

they make a great platform to drop such things as the MOAB

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