This is what you get when you elect a Sociopath like trump...and could get even more Bizarre

Your Christmases are gonna suck for at least the next four years. Suck it up! We did for four years.

Hardly, lil' snowflake. You make the mistake that my passion for equal justice, protecting and defending the Constitution and country going on 30+ years and opposition to espionage, treason, etc... somehow equates to the mental instability associated with Left Wing TDS-suffering that resulted in weeping, running out into the streets, and screaming at the sky, such as you and your fellow snowflakes did after losing in 2016.

Sorry to disappoint you - that ain't me.

Unlike demented, sick, obsessed, enemy-of-the-state-loving/defending snowflakes, when Conservatives lose an election they don't spend the next 4 years treasonously obsessing over the loss and attempting to overthrow the govt and removed the President simply because they didn't win.

No, we get over it, move on, and try to do better next time.

I won't lose much sleep over China Joe's 'victory'....he won't be around that long anyway.
"We're the highest taxes nation in the world. We have nobody knows what the number is but I mean it used to be when we talked during the debate 2.5 trillion, right, when the most elegant person, right, I call him Mr. Elegant." - Stable Genius
“Shooting the guy in the back many times, I mean, couldn’t you have done something different? Couldn’t you have wrestled him? But they choke. Just like in a golf tournament. They miss a three-foot putt.” - Stable Genius
In the Bidens' case, released FBI documents prove it, and both the DHS and Treasury departments publicly reported they have irrefutable physical financial records proving the financial scandals, to include the Russian money laundering.

Yet Trump had 4 years to bring an indictment, and now time is running out.

I can't wait for Biden to pull a "Trump", and issue pardons to keep the feds from hounding his family.

When even Giuliani and Meadows pushes back on ideas that trump is considering to destroy our electoral system, you know we have crossed over into "Crazy Land." Is it too late to implement the 25th Amendment? I think it may be.

The voices are increasing for trump to act like a man, instead of a whiny little girl. Like Karl Rove said:

“If his goal is to lay the predicate to come back in 2024 and run again, he’s helping himself at least gain the nomination.” Rove said, “But I think in the long run, he’s not helping himself or the country. America likes comebacks, but they don’t like sore losers. And he is on the edge of looking like a sore loser and probably will look like it after January 6th.”

Okay, you trumpsters can begin trashing Karl Rove now. Go ahead....

On the edge?

They crossed the edge of being a sore loser weeks ago.
A sociopathic sore loser?

Yu mean the type that colludes with the Russian Intel Service and foreign ex-spies, who uses Russian-authored propaganda in an attempt to overthrow the US govt and remove a newly elected office because they lost an Barry?

You mean like one that violated both Constitution and law, illegally spied on Americans, reporters, the media, US Senators, USSC Justices, an opposing party candidate, and a sitting US President in a failed political coup attempt?

You mean the Democrats who spend the next 4 years engaged in failed attempted coup attempts in which they engaged in obstruction, perjury, manufacturing false evidence, espionage, sedition, and Pelosi, Schiff, Nadler, Schumer, and other Democrats did?

All of which was proven by irrefutable opposed to the ZERO crimes, ZERO evidence, and ZERO witnesses the Democrats admittedly had when they attempted to Impeach President Trump?

You snowflakes are truly pathetic, Justas deranged now as when you wept and ran out in the streets and screamed at the sky when Hillary lost.
How can anyone trust this man to govern again. He has shown he cannot be trusted with any degree of authority.
They absolutely adore him. He's the aggressive, pugilistic, nationalist, authoritarian autocrat they've been dreaming of. Literally.

All along, we thought these people were regular American conservatives. Who knew.

I did.

I knew in the bush boy years.

They behaved this way with him too.

They had no problem with his patriot act and all the damage he did to our nation including destroying the economy.

They excused torture. They excused outing a covert CIA spy. They excused the lies about WMD and all of it.

The bush boy also wanted to be a dictator and the republicans had no problem with it.

trump is just the next mutation of what they have been all along.

The next republican president will be worse.
On the edge? They crossed the edge of being a sore loser weeks ago.
they went over the edge 30 lawsuits ago.

I love when you guys prove you are ok with the 4 years of treasonous failed coup attempts based on zero crime/evidence/witnesses, but you lose your shit when the President exercises the Constitutional and Legal process of challenging a f*ed up, eledction fraud-scarred election ... that makes Joe Biden an ILLEGITIMATE PRESIDENT.

Yu mean the type that colludes with the Russian Intel Service and foreign ex-spies, ...

Treasury Department says Ukrainian linked to Rudy Giuliani is ...
ABC News › Politics › story

Sep 10, 2020 — The man the Treasury Department called "an active Russian agent for over a decade," met with President Donald Trump's personal attorney ...
All of which was proven by irrefutable opposed to the ZERO crimes, ZERO evidence, and ZERO witnesses the Democrats admittedly had when they attempted to Impeach President Trump?

If there were ZERO crimes, why did Trump just issue a shitload of pardons?
"And then I see the disinfectant, where it knocks it out in one minute. And is there a way we can do something like that, by injection inside or almost a cleaning, because you see it gets in the lungs and it does a tremendous number on the lungs, so it’d be interesting to check that, so that you’re going to have to use medical doctors with, but it sounds interesting to me. So, we’ll see, but the whole concept of the light, the way it kills it in one minute. That’s pretty powerful." - Stable Genius

I will not miss his insane babble....

The mere sound of his voice sends bad chills down my spine. Get the fucker OUT!!
All of which was proven by irrefutable opposed to the ZERO crimes, ZERO evidence, and ZERO witnesses the Democrats admittedly had when they attempted to Impeach President Trump?

If there were ZERO crimes, why did Trump just issue a shitload of pardons?

Well you know, murdering 17 civilians, insider trading and lying to the FBI are only "process crimes". :icon_rolleyes:
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All of which was proven by irrefutable opposed to the ZERO crimes, ZERO evidence, and ZERO witnesses the Democrats admittedly had when they attempted to Impeach President Trump?

If there were ZERO crimes, why did Trump just issue a shitload of pardons?

Well you know, murdering 17 civilians and lying to the FBI are only "process crimes". :icon_rolleyes:
What "17 civilians" were those?
...but you lose your shit when the President exercises the Constitutional and Legal process of challenging a f*ed up, eledction fraud-scarred election ... that makes Joe Biden an ILLEGITIMATE PRESIDENT.

Trump can file all the lawsuits he wants. He has the right to do so. I'm just pointing out that he's wasting the taxpayers money every time he does so. Because every time, except for the 6 foot observation distance case, he's lost just about every one.

Trump even had the justices that he put onto the Supreme Court bench tell him to pound sand.

When even Giuliani and Meadows pushes back on ideas that trump is considering to destroy our electoral system, you know we have crossed over into "Crazy Land." Is it too late to implement the 25th Amendment? I think it may be.

The voices are increasing for trump to act like a man, instead of a whiny little girl. Like Karl Rove said:

“If his goal is to lay the predicate to come back in 2024 and run again, he’s helping himself at least gain the nomination.” Rove said, “But I think in the long run, he’s not helping himself or the country. America likes comebacks, but they don’t like sore losers. And he is on the edge of looking like a sore loser and probably will look like it after January 6th.”

Okay, you trumpsters can begin trashing Karl Rove now. Go ahead....
One more month. We just need to get from here to there in one piece.

I just hope we've learned something from this fucking clown show.

Pedo joe will burn this country to the ground while making a mockery of it and bowing to China.
The only bowing being done is Trump bowing to Kim as North Korea ramps up its nuclear program, and bowing to Putin as they attack our infrastructure.

Trump has not said a single harsh word about Putin, even during recent events.

And this is a guy who goes on tweet storm rampages if he is offended in the slightest way.

Wrong. Russia isn't the threat that China is. The CCP owns biden. It's about to get real ugly.
How can anyone trust this man to govern again. He has shown he cannot be trusted with any degree of authority.
They absolutely adore him. He's the aggressive, pugilistic, nationalist, authoritarian autocrat they've been dreaming of. Literally.

All along, we thought these people were regular American conservatives. Who knew.

I did.

I knew in the bush boy years.

They behaved this way with him too.

They had no problem with his patriot act and all the damage he did to our nation including destroying the economy.

They excused torture. They excused outing a covert CIA spy. They excused the lies about WMD and all of it.

The bush boy also wanted to be a dictator and the republicans had no problem with it.

trump is just the next mutation of what they have been all along.

The next republican president will be worse.

The Courts and a few Republican officials with integrity kept an Autocrat from overthrowing the country. Next time we may not be as fortunate.

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